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Guyana Aims to Become a Top Manganese Producer


Thursday May 24, 2012, 3:15am PDT

By - Exclusive to Manganese Investing News

Source - Resource Investigating News



According to the World Steel Association, global steel demand will slow to 3.6 percent in 2012 from a growth rate of 5.6 percent in 2011.


However, the agency expects steel demand to rise 4.5 percent, to 1.49 billion tons, in 2013. A big part of that growth will come from India, which is industrializing rapidly. The association sees that country’s steel consumption rising 6.9 percent this year before accelerating to 9.4 percent in 2013.


Rising steel demand should snap manganese prices out of their current doldrums. That’s because about 90 percent of global manganese output is used in steel production. What’s more, there is no known replacement for manganese in that role.


Higher manganese prices would be welcome news in the South American nation of Guyana, which is on the verge of restarting its manganese mining industry after a hiatus of almost 50 years.


The country last produced the mineral in the 1960s, when a subsidiary of Union Carbide operated a mine at Matthews Ridge in the northwest, near the border with Venezuela. That mine produced 1.66 million tonnes of manganese from 1962 to 1968. However, the sluggish global economy at the time depressed manganese prices, forcing Union Carbide to close the mine.


Timing looks right for the revival of Guyana’s manganese industry

Even though manganese prices have been relatively flat recently, mining the metal in Guyana has nevertheless again become viable, according to the country’s President, Donald Ramotar.


In 2010, the Guyanese government granted Canadian junior miner Reunion Gold Corp. (TSXV:RGD) four prospecting licences to explore for and develop manganese in the area surrounding the old mine at Matthews Ridge. In all, these licences cover 45,729 acres.


The company is now conducting a drilling program to define the size of the manganese deposit. The 1960s mine site included a 12 kilometer series of hills within the ridge that contains the manganese. The primary manganese zone is believed to be 150 to 175 centimeters thick and about 30 kilometers long.


Reunion plans to build a pilot plant at Matthews Ridge by April 2013. It will then send the commercial ore from the site to market and collect feedback from buyers. If all goes according to plan, the company will begin building the mine in August 2013, with full production starting up by the fourth quarter of 2014. In all, the company plans to invest $250 million in developing the mine.


In April, Reunion raised $40.25 million by selling 23 million common shares. It will use these funds to continue its exploration drilling and complete a prefeasibility study.


According to Joachim Bayah, the Chief Operating Officer of Reunion Manganese, the project could take Guyana from zero to among the top five manganese producers in the world. In a January 26 Business Guyana article, he was quoted as saying, “[o]ur initial target is to put on the books 20 million tonnes of concentrate exceeding 40 percent in concentrate terms for manganese by the middle of this year…We think by developing a mine of this size we can put Guyana on the map. If we are able to put out 2 million tonnes of concentrate we will join the league of the top five world producers.”


Guyana aims to burnish its reputation as a mining-friendly country


When Union Carbide pulled up stakes in 1968, it took a lot of well-paying jobs with it. By cooperating with Reunion and other mining firms, the Guyanese government hopes to bring these types of positions back.


“There are a lot of benefits,” said Ramotar, “[t]here is the opportunity to collect a lot of taxes there [at Matthews Ridge], and it will create jobs for people in the region.”


According to Bayah, the company’s exploration program created 300 jobs last year and will create 300 more this year. In all, he said the company will need 1,000 people to build the project and 500 to staff the ongoing operations.


The government is aiming its mining investments at projects that will build roads and other infrastructure. Reunion, for example, is benefiting from a $50 million government investment to improve a 50 kilometer road running from Matthews Ridge to Port Kaituma.


Reunion’s plan also calls for the rebuilding of the railway line between the two communities, because the manganese will be sent to Port Kaituma for shipping overseas. The company has also refurbished an airstrip and several of the facilities and offices at the old Union Carbide mine.


Securities Disclosure: I, Chad Fraser, hold no positions in any of the companies mentioned in this article.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't think them AFC neemakarams does read good news about Guyana. Every day they're pondering on Ramotar, Jagdeo, corruption and a host of other frivolous things to degrade the country. These are the same people that are no stranger to corruption, lies and thievery. They say Guyana has two kinds of people, daytime people and night time people. These friggers are dark night people who come out like vampires to suck the blood out of every good thing in sight.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't think them AFC neemakarams does read good news about Guyana. Every day they're pondering on Ramotar, Jagdeo, corruption and a host of other frivolous things to degrade the country. These are the same people that are no stranger to corruption, lies and thievery. They say Guyana has two kinds of people, daytime people and night time people. These friggers are dark night people who come out like vampires to suck the blood out of every good thing in sight.



The problem you face is you have not read enough. I for instance don't get excited by these news because there is a phenomenon and large literature known as the RESOURCE CURSE. Go and look it up.


It has become somewhat habitual for the government of Guyana to excite the public with news of a potential new investment that can bring in huge amounts of revenues. Sometimes, I think we are counting our Chickens before the Hen actually Lay, or in some cases before we even build a fowl pen. Journalists in Guyana ought to exercise better judgment when writing about a potentially new investment. Don't crank-up the nation's optimism about something that is not for sure. Wait until something begins to happen then use your pen to get us wild and excited. I hate to go around and have to listen to my fellow Guyanese talking about oil and gas when the nation has not found any as of yet.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Negative minds will always complain for more. Negative minds can do better while others are doing the work. You and Tar_k can continue to see the glass half empty.



Nothing that people like TK say can ever affect the functioning of the government. Why are you upset? Is it because your party has failed to instill confidence in the people? 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Negative minds will always complain for more. Negative minds can do better while others are doing the work. You and Tar_k can continue to see the glass half empty.

is it so difficult to find out what he said and increment your understanding on why resource rich nation are at the bottom of the pile economically the world over? Only this morning my wife brought my attention to a new book with some research in this area pertaining to the curse of oil. I have to look up the correct name to list it. One I read on the matter awhile back is Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil by Peter Maass. Get it for your tablet and read it so you can  give your brain some necessary brain abstinence.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I for instance don't get excited by these news ...

.. they are extremely above your comprehension.

knock, the response bot...hopefully you have some heuristic mechanism to auto modify your programming. There is no such thing as "extremely above" in English syntactic structures. Just plain "above" will do. Hope I was helpful.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I for instance don't get excited by these news ...

.. they are extremely above your comprehension.

knock, the responsebot...hopefully you have some heuristic mechanism to auto modify your programming.


There is no such thing as "extremely above" in English syntactic structures. Just plain "above" will do. Hope I was helpful.

.. you are learning ..


However, read very slow.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't think them AFC neemakarams does read good news about Guyana. Every day they're pondering on Ramotar, Jagdeo, corruption and a host of other frivolous things to degrade the country. These are the same people that are no stranger to corruption, lies and thievery. They say Guyana has two kinds of people, daytime people and night time people. These friggers are dark night people who come out like vampires to suck the blood out of every good thing in sight.



The problem you face is you have not read enough. I for instance don't get excited by these news because there is a phenomenon and large literature known as the RESOURCE CURSE. Go and look it up.

A man who reads a lot, his experience is based on theory. Try to think like an Astronaut who reaches to the heavens to see things first hand.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I for instance don't get excited by these news ...

.. they are extremely above your comprehension.

knock, the responsebot...hopefully you have some heuristic mechanism to auto modify your programming.


There is no such thing as "extremely above" in English syntactic structures. Just plain "above" will do. Hope I was helpful.

.. you are learning ..


However, read very slow.

peculiar English usage alert!...the adverb"slowly" is the preferable construct. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't think them AFC neemakarams does read good news about Guyana. Every day they're pondering on Ramotar, Jagdeo, corruption and a host of other frivolous things to degrade the country. These are the same people that are no stranger to corruption, lies and thievery. They say Guyana has two kinds of people, daytime people and night time people. These friggers are dark night people who come out like vampires to suck the blood out of every good thing in sight.



The problem you face is you have not read enough. I for instance don't get excited by these news because there is a phenomenon and large literature known as the RESOURCE CURSE. Go and look it up.

A man who reads a lot, his experience is based on theory. Try to think like an Astronaut who reaches to the heavens to see things first hand.

Every aspect of life's expression is built on a theoretical foundation.  Theory does not mean a guess. It means a settled understanding as to how a think works. Even the astronauts needed "newton theories/laws to get to space. Astronauts do not speak of heaven with respect to location. There is no up there out there. It is just space.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I for instance don't get excited by these news ...

.. they are extremely above your comprehension.

knock, the responsebot...hopefully you have some heuristic mechanism to auto modify your programming.


There is no such thing as "extremely above" in English syntactic structures. Just plain "above" will do. Hope I was helpful.

.. you are learning ..


However, read very slow.

peculiar English construction alert! You have a defect in your word modification unit. There is never a need for "very" in instances as above. The adverb slowly does nicely here.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I for instance don't get excited by these news ...

.. they are extremely above your comprehension.

knock, the responsebot...hopefully you have some heuristic mechanism to auto modify your programming.


There is no such thing as "extremely above" in English syntactic structures. Just plain "above" will do. Hope I was helpful.

.. you are learning ..


However, read very slow.

peculiar English usage alert!...the adverb"slowly" is the preferable construct. 

.. now, read again.


ABIDHA: "A man who reads a lot, his experience is based on theory. Try tothink like an Astronaut who reaches to the heavens to see thingsfirst hand."



I never thought the day would come when senior Indian Guyanese government officials would denigrate reading. It is a sad testimony to the mentality PPP has imposed on us. My teacher always implored us to read. Today PPP is telling us reading is a problem. What a sad people we are.   


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