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Former Member

You must always remember your past to appreciate what you have today. Guyana food line under the PNC regime. It's a blessing in disguised that Burnham died when he did. Guyana would have been under a dynasty of dictatorship ruling until this day. Guyana would have been the African nation he always dream of. Drowned in debt and despair.

Present day under the PPP: Bob Marley said in this future, you must always remember your past. When thieves are claiming they can't stand PPP stealing, it aches me to know they're in line to do the same. That's the simple fact.


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If you spend too much in the past you will miss the future. The present crooks could not be discerned from the past. Its only relevance is that one knows their past was impoverished political fringe actors who are now fat cat plutocrats with intent to brazenly steal and distract us with stories of the past. They forgot we lived there and know it well and none of the actors then, despite their odious flaws, can be  compared to these present crooks.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

You must always remember your past to appreciate what you have today. Guyana food line under the PNC regime. It's a blessing in disguised that Burnham died when he did. Guyana would have been under a dynasty of dictatorship ruling until this day. Guyana would have been the African nation he always dream of. Drowned in debt and despair.

Present day under the PPP: Bob Marley said in this future, you must always remember your past. When thieves are claiming they can't stand PPP stealing, it aches me to know they're in line to do the same. That's the simple fact.


PNC is the same old PNC:



No Independent Newspaper

Journalists beaten up

Elections Rigged

No Electricity

No gas

Food items banned

Kick down the door Bandits

People had to smuggle food and gas

No roads 

No Bridges

No National Stadium

Berbicians had to wait for 24 hours to cross the Berbice River


And AFC'S hero, Carl Greenidge bankrupt Guyana and made it a basket case.


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