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Bibi Haniffa posted:
FC posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
FC posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gina Miller would make a nice running mate with Jagdeo in 2020.  I see Prime Minister written all over her face.

For all intents and purposes, Gina Miller is British. She has Guyanese roots but I doubt she has an interest in Guyanese politics.  While you are at it, why not recruit Rahul Gandhi, he is qualified as he is a "collie" as well.

Gina Miller was born in Guyana.  Her father was Attorney General of Guyana.

So what? Is she qualified for the job?

Yes she is very qualified.  Any Guyanese woman to takes the Prime Minister of England to the Supreme Court and wins the case has displayed attributes that qualify her to be the Prime Minister of Guyana.

I thought she was Anglo-Peruvian!!  She seem to stay clear of her Guyanese heritage as much as she can and invoke it when convenient.

The fact that she took a case to court, on a technical basis, and won an argument means she is fit for high office in Guyana?  Is that the shallowness of Guyana's key leadership positions?  On what basis are those two dots connected?  BTW, Brexit is still happening full pace.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
FC posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
FC posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gina Miller would make a nice running mate with Jagdeo in 2020.  I see Prime Minister written all over her face.

For all intents and purposes, Gina Miller is British. She has Guyanese roots but I doubt she has an interest in Guyanese politics.  While you are at it, why not recruit Rahul Gandhi, he is qualified as he is a "collie" as well.

Gina Miller was born in Guyana.  Her father was Attorney General of Guyana.

So what? Is she qualified for the job?

Yes she is very qualified.  Any Guyanese woman to takes the Prime Minister of England to the Supreme Court and wins the case has displayed attributes that qualify her to be the Prime Minister of Guyana.

Anyone with lots of money and seeking 15 minutes of fame can sue the British Prime Minister no matter how reckless and stupid it is.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes she is very qualified.  Any Guyanese woman to takes the Prime Minister of England to the Supreme Court and wins the case has displayed attributes that qualify her to be the Prime Minister of Guyana.

Gina certainly has her merits. Now why will she destroy her fine image by teaming up with a racist third world despot who only wants to run in 2020 she that he can fill his pockets with oil money.

BTW he was supposed to be "Lord of the Jungle" saving the world from environmental degradation. What happened to that?   This shows that Jagdeo is a very different man from Clinton, Carter and Obama.  They served their terms as president and then moved onto causes that are beneficial for humanity.

Not so Jagdeo. Steal and engage in racist mischief. All he can do.  And please don't show your stupid pictures where he picks one black at of the crowd to show that he has black support. We are all hip to the trick and in any case the elections of 2006 and 2011 show that blacks weren't impressed with him.

She is not going to join the PNC.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted: Put Nigel Hughes as the PPP candidate with Frank Anthony as the running mate and that will be a sure fire way to victory as the youth vote will be in the bag.  

Nigel Hughes is a man of integrity and a maverick, ie free-thinking. Plus he is blacker than Sam Hinds and taller than Bharrat Jagdeo. The PPP leadership will be uncomfortable with him. Nigel as PPP front runner is not going to happen.

Nigel Hughes enjoys tremendous support among young African/mixed Guyanese.   He will bring those people to the PPP.  

But the PPP being the Indo KKK party will be led by Jagdeo who despises blacks so much and thinks so highly of himself that he seriously believes that posing with blacks is all they need to offset the distrust that they have for him.

ba$eman posted:
 She seem to stay clear of her Guyanese heritage as much as she can and invoke it when convenient.


Really. In fact mentioning that she was born in Guyana in fact weakened her standing in the eyes of many UK people. Brexiters screamed that she was another foreigner butting into UK business.

So what advantage did she gain by mentioning that she is Guyanese? Consider that this is a female who left Guyana as a child and so really has no reason to consider herself to be anything other than British. She has done quite well in the UK. What did Guyana do for her and why should she be obligated to Guyana? 

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted: Put Nigel Hughes as the PPP candidate with Frank Anthony as the running mate and that will be a sure fire way to victory as the youth vote will be in the bag.  

Nigel Hughes is a man of integrity and a maverick, ie free-thinking. Plus he is blacker than Sam Hinds and taller than Bharrat Jagdeo. The PPP leadership will be uncomfortable with him. Nigel as PPP front runner is not going to happen.

Nigel Hughes enjoys tremendous support among young African/mixed Guyanese.   He will bring those people to the PPP.  

But the PPP being the Indo KKK party will be led by Jagdeo who despises blacks so much and thinks so highly of himself that he seriously believes that posing with blacks is all they need to offset the distrust that they have for him.

Caribj, BJ has a special place in his heart for dugla girls!!

On what basis do you say the man does not like Blacks?

ba$eman posted:

On what basis do you say the man does not like Blacks?

Ask blacks why  they didn't vote for him. They endured his direct and indirect rule for 15 years and rejoiced by screaming "this is the end of a slow holocaust" and " finally I can feel free to be a Guyanese" when the PPP lost.  Yes this from a people who were denigrated, ridiculed and excluded by the Jagdeo regime and his stooge, Ramotar. 

We still haven't forgotten that infamous Chronicle editorial were Afro Guyanese were described as criminals, whose only goal was violence and who hadn't made any positive contribution to Guyana.  The PPP NEVER apologized.  And of course when Cheddi claimed that blacks were at the bottom of society and then pretended that he meant American blacks when people objected.


Note when this man's wife who is black stated that she liked Antigua because "its OK to be black here". When Guyanese in Antigua (most of whom are blacks) complained that they were treated as foreigners in Guyana the same as they are in Antigua Jagdeo fired the person who reported this.

Douglas are half Indian, or are you too racist to know this.  This suggests that he can only accept blacks if they are mixed with Indian.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She is not going to join the PNC.

Its only you and your fellow PPP racist who thinks that she will be involved in Guyana.

You missed the point.
Now why will she destroy her fine image by teaming up with a racist third world despot(Granger)

Jagdeo is the third world despot that I referred to. Its you PPP racists who think that just because she is an Indian that she would disgrace herself by linking with Jagdeo.

Now go and scream and hurl racist insults at her now that you know she rejects your PPP slave plantation.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

On what basis do you say the man does not like Blacks?

Douglas are half Indian, or are you too racist to know this.  This suggests that he can only accept blacks if they are mixed with Indian.

Banna, tek it easy.  You say Duglas see themselves as Black and Indians don't accept Duglas.  I poured cold water on your assertion, now you running for cover under your well worn guise!

Not sure, I also consider Duglas as half Amerindian, half Putagee, etc!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

On what basis do you say the man does not like Blacks?

Douglas are half Indian, or are you too racist to know this.  This suggests that he can only accept blacks if they are mixed with Indian.

Banna, tek it easy.  You say Duglas see themselves as Black and Indians don't accept Duglas.  I poured cold water on your assertion, now you running for cover under your well worn guise!

Not sure, I also consider Duglas as half Amerindian, half Putagee, etc!

Carib sees duglas as a coolie woman with 5 curly hair pickney. He should also see duglas as a coolie man with 2 black women and 10 dugla pickney.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

You missed the point.
Now why will she destroy her fine image by teaming up with a racist third world despot(Granger)

Jagdeo is the third world despot that I referred to. Its you PPP racists who think that just because she is an Indian that she would disgrace herself by linking with Jagdeo.

Now go and scream and hurl racist insults at her now that you know she rejects your PPP slave plantation.

BJ was freely elected.  Burnham was a despot!

ba$eman posted:

Banna, tek it easy.  You say Duglas see themselves as Black and Indians don't accept Duglas.  I poured cold water on your assertion, now you running for cover under your well worn guise!

Not sure, I also consider Duglas as half Amerindian, half Putagee, etc!

The fact remains that douglas are half Indian so cannot be used as proof that Jagdeo likes blacks.  There are other names for people who are of mixed Amerindian and Portuguese ancestry.  Dougla refers to Indo/Afro mixtures.

skeldon_man posted:

Carib sees duglas as a coolie woman with 5 curly hair pickney. He should also see duglas as a coolie man with 2 black women and 10 dugla pickney.

Let me suggest that a daughter or grand daughter of yours produce dougla kids and you will run screaming, hysterical and wailing that I should be banned for being racist.

And why racist? Because to you that will be an indicator of decadent behavior that no decent Indian female would be connected to.  So it will be an anti Indian statement.


Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

BJ was freely elected.  Burnham was a despot!

Granger is freely elected too yet you all call him a despot.

PNC style.  He was installed by the US(Gary fat boy Hunt) and PNC stooge Steve Surujballi. We are still awaiting the recount. Oh, the PNC control the judicial system, it's not going to happen. Bully.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, tek it easy.  You say Duglas see themselves as Black and Indians don't accept Duglas.  I poured cold water on your assertion, now you running for cover under your well worn guise!

Not sure, I also consider Duglas as half Amerindian, half Putagee, etc!

The fact remains that douglas are half Indian so cannot be used as proof that Jagdeo likes blacks.  There are other names for people who are of mixed Amerindian and Portuguese ancestry.  Dougla refers to Indo/Afro mixtures.

Banna, you know nuff.  I don't get into this details!  It takes a person who thinks "divisions" to even think of this.

So now you saying BJ likes the Indian part of Duglas but despise the Afro parts.  How does that wuk out in bed?  Which part(s) he stay away from?

See how you schupit?

Last edited by Former Member
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