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Honorable Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador Antonio Patriota, Minister of External Relations of Brazil signing the Memorandum of Understanding creating the Working Group on Infrastructure.

Guyana and Brazil have intensified efforts to explore the feasibility of building the Linden-Lethem road, a port and hydro electric dam, the Foreign Ministry here announced on Thursday. 


Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her Brazilian counterpart, Antonio Patriota have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a Working Group in infrastructure.

"The Working Group is expected to submit its Report by the first quarter of 2013," Guyana's Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the signing ceremony in Brasilia at the Ministry of External Relations.

The US$4 million Takatu River bridge that links southern Guyana with Brazil's northern state of Roraima has not yieleded huge trade inflows since it was commissioned in 2009. The two countries have also inked vehicular insurance and passenger and cargo agreements. 

The Guyana Foreign Minister recognizes the drawback of an all-weather road, saying that "to fully realize the trade potential it is imperative that the road be upgraded.  "The road will benefit both countries as the northern part of Brazil in particular will have a shorter access route to the Atlantic Ocean. I am confident that the gestation period will be much shorter than that of the Takutu Bridge.’’ 

Rodrigues-Birkett was quoted as saying that “the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is the result of the quiet work we have been doing in the last couple of years and is no doubt another step forward as Guyana and Brazil continue to work towards infrastructural integration, which will see both countries benefitting from increased trade and people to people contact.  This is also part of the wider South American integration process.” 

 Speaking of the Linden-Lethem Road Minister Rodrigues-Birkett said ‘’for many years our two countries have been discussing physical integration and the completion of the Takutu River Bridge is a direct result of these discussions. 

She also informed that studies are also being conducted on the construction of a second hydro-electric plant which could see Guyana supplying energy to Brazil in the future should the project prove feasible.




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Speaking of the Linden-Lethem Road Minister Rodrigues-Birkett said ‘’for many years our two countries have been discussing physical integration and the completion of the Takutu River Bridge is a direct result of these discussions.

She also informed that studies are also being conducted on the construction of a second hydro-electric plant which could see Guyana supplying energy to Brazil in the future should the project prove feasible.

In time, more progress will be pursued.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Speaking of the Linden-Lethem Road Minister Rodrigues-Birkett said ‘’for many years our two countries have been discussing physical integration and the completion of the Takutu River Bridge is a direct result of these discussions.

She also informed that studies are also being conducted on the construction of a second hydro-electric plant which could see Guyana supplying energy to Brazil in the future should the project prove feasible.

In time, more progress will be pursued.

Why did Brazil not pursue these types of projects with Guyana during the PNC terrarist rule? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Why did Brazil not pursue these types of projects with Guyana during the PNC terrarist rule? 

Find out what the PNC government did about hydroelectric power development during their term of government, especially from the the 1970's.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


This topic is too good for the oppositions to thread on. All day long they crying about corruption and thiefing like a broken record. If you thief a jill is corruption for them. Anyone took a good look at Ramjattan lately? Well, his face look like a thieving ***** cat without wiskers.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


This topic is too good for the oppositions to thread on. All day long they crying about corruption and thiefing like a broken record. If you thief a jill is corruption for them. Anyone took a good look at Ramjattan lately? Well, his face look like a thieving ***** cat without wiskers.

If they reply, their mantra will be the same "corruption and thieving".

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


This topic is too good for the oppositions to thread on. All day long they crying about corruption and thiefing like a broken record. If you thief a jill is corruption for them. Anyone took a good look at Ramjattan lately? Well, his face look like a thieving ***** cat without wiskers.

Is a day late and a dollar short for "feaseablity study". You going senile? you forget  the PPP already hire Kip Motilall to build hydrodam when he  never bulid a wan latrine in he life but laugh all the way to the bank with US15 mil.....

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


This topic is too good for the oppositions to thread on. All day long they crying about corruption and thiefing like a broken record. If you thief a jill is corruption for them. Anyone took a good look at Ramjattan lately? Well, his face look like a thieving ***** cat without wiskers.

If they reply, their mantra will be the same "corruption and thieving".

Just look how dem Cunumunu and Lamatas grabing larwa now......

10 years ago Jagdeo went to Lula begging......and eeee came back with nuff Pie-in-de-sky Dreams.

Nothing materialised .......because President Lula know eee got sticky hands.

Today dem still holding Larwa.......


If dem Cunumunu and Lamata want I can post the Santa Clause List of Projects Jagdeo was boasting about getting from Brazil.....Lulu give him nuff larwa and lo-lo.

Originally Posted by PRK:

A wah da stupidee Skeldan a poss here? Aluh done wid de Amaila now? Laard dem this know how foh fool people.

Tek yu head out ah yu kakahole an yu go no. Me feel sarry fu fadda, he ah waste he money pan yu fu go UG. Yu need fu face the real world by yuself.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:

A wah da stupidee Skeldan a poss here? Aluh done wid de Amaila now? Laard dem this know how foh fool people.

Tek yu head out ah yu kakahole an yu go no. Me feel sarry fu fadda, he ah waste he money pan yu fu go UG. Yu need fu face the real world by yuself.

Meh a pay foh me own degree. Me nah tek loan and nah pay am. Wah happen to de Amaila. Is shear prapaganda dem posting yasuh. And da Skeldan a de main prapagandist.


Actually this hydro project was announced about 4 years ago. It's a very good idea and I always thought it should be given precedence over Amaila. This project I think will generate about 1800 MW (or more). Imagine if Guyana's royalty is 100MW each year and Brazil's BNDES (the world's biggest development bank...bigger asset base than World Bank) funds it. It's a win-win. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:

A wah da stupidee Skeldan a poss here? Aluh done wid de Amaila now? Laard dem this know how foh fool people.

Tek yu head out ah yu kakahole an yu go no. Me feel sarry fu fadda, he ah waste he money pan yu fu go UG. Yu need fu face the real world by yuself.

Meh a pay foh me own degree. Me nah tek loan and nah pay am. Wah happen to de Amaila. Is shear prapaganda dem posting yasuh. And da Skeldan a de main prapagandist.


Dem seh everybady come out from wan ting near de woman battie; look like you come out from de kakhole.

This article was copied from Demerara Waves. Who side dem deh fah? Yu pappa?

Originally Posted by TK:

Actually this hydro project was announced about 4 years ago. It's a very good idea and I always thought it should be given precedence over Amaila. This project I think will generate about 1800 MW (or more). Imagine if Guyana's royalty is 100MW each year and Brazil's BNDES (the world's biggest development bank...bigger asset base than World Bank) funds it. It's a win-win. 

Note also that Amaila is expected to give 165MW and the stable demand in GUY right now is 120-140 MW. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Amaila project is the chosen one while, of course, there are over eighty (80) locations that were studied over time.


Thank you for your most profound single sentence. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Amaila project is the chosen one while, of course, there are over eighty (80) locations that were studied over time.

And why was that? Because it offers the maximum potential source of embezzlement due to its extraordinary high financial cost.


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