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Guyana, Brazil upbeat about trade relations – as Brazil celebrates 189th Independence anniversary

Georgetown, GINA, September 7, 2011
Source - GINA

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana Luiz Gilberto de Andrade toast at the 189th independence anniversary of Brazil. Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett also joins in the toast

Physical infrastructure linkages and bilateral agreements between Guyana and its immediate neighbour Brazil have created opportunities which governments of both countries are optimistic will continue way into the future.

These were the sentiments expressed by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana Luiz Gilberto de Andrade on the occasion of the 189th independence anniversary of Brazil.

A toast to the continued Guyana/Brazil relations by the two officials in the company of Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett at the Brazilian Ambassador’s residence was the highlight of the evening. Members of the diplomatic corps and the private sector were also present.

Guyana has a 43-year relationship with its Portuguese speaking neighbour, which Prime Minister Hinds described as a close ally.
“When Guyana established diplomatic relations with Brazil 43 years ago we did so in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation recognizing the importance of forging strong relations with neighbouring countries in our quest for peace and development,” Prime Minister Hinds said.

On September 14, the first ever physical link between Guyana and Brazil, the Takutu bridge was commissioned in the presence of then Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva who had assured that the paving of the road from Lethem to Linden will be the next big challenge.

Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana Luiz Gilberto de Andrade speaking to members of the diplomatic corps and the private sector at the 189th independence anniversary of Brazil

Ambassador Andrade remarked this evening that since its commissioning, bilateral relations between the two countries have propelled into closer physical ties and new businesses in Lethem, an achievement which Brazil intends to see continue.

“The Government of Brazil remains committed to supporting discussions on the preservation of Brazilian companies in the development of infrastructure projects in Guyana benefitting the two countries,” Ambassador de Andrade said.

Prime Minister Hinds acknowledged that there have been significant developments in the trade capacity between the two countries and said that the full implementation of the international road transport agreement for easier transport of goods and passengers is closer to reality.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds speaking at Brazil’s 189th independence anniversary

“Our trade capacity has been enhanced by an expansion of the product list of the partial scope agreement and we continue to encourage the business communities of our countries to harness the opportunities that are being created by these initiatives so that ultimately people’s lives can be improved,” Prime Minister Hinds said.

Mr. Hinds also spoke of the work of the Guyana/Brazil Frontier Committee established to enhance relations of the frontier regions and making reference to the Frontier Schools Project that will focus on training in English and Portuguese languages for secondary school students in the border regions of Lethem and Bon Fim.

Brazil’s support to Guyana’s chairmanship of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), army and defence cooperation and the Brazil, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit were other highpoints of remarks about the two countries’ relations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
That was always a possibility.

Such a cooperation would be similar to the European Union.

Nah, the Brazilian constitution, currency will be adopted more like a reverse Balkanization.
Originally posted by baseman:
Brazil will one day take over Guyana as an administrative territory, similar like the US relations with Puerto Rico.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Perhaps 30 to 50 years, we could see Guyana, Suriname and Cayanne being incorporated into Brazil.

By conquest or occupation?

Where does this leave Venezuela?
Just to Educate Baseman.

Amerindians contributing increasingly to national development --- Minister Sukhai tells Isseneru residents at commissioning of $25M guest house

Written by
Thursday, 08 September 2011 01:49
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai addressing residents of Isseneru, a riverine community in the Upper Mazaruni River, Region 7

AMERINDIAN communities in Guyana are becoming more self-sufficient through their involvement in the decision-making process as it relates to economic advancement, as many villages are now actively pursuing income generating projects and activities that are transforming their communities.

Isseneru, a riverine community in the Upper Mazaruni River, Region 7, is one such community which speaks volumes for Amerindian development in Guyana.

Signs of development in Isseneru were very much evident during a recent visit by Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and a team from the ministry, along with Chairperson of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson, to commission the community’s newest investment, a $25M guest house.

The two - storey concrete and wooden building contains seven rooms, one master suite, kitchen, and dining and living room areas. The building is also equipped with solar power, indoor plumbing and back-up power supply.

Minister Sukhai, prior to the commissioning, told Isseneru residents that many Amerindian communities are becoming more self-sufficient as a result of initiatives that were established over the past 19 years under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration.

The changing landscape, she noted, is testimony to Guyana’s development through access to more educational and health facilities, the availability of potable water, road infrastructure, and social services.

Economic development, she also said, is fast becoming the burgeoning sector at the village level, especially in Isseneru, which has already taken that bold step to boost employment.

“The current generation of Amerindians has taken a different approach to life, an approach that says, ‘we are maturing as a people, we are becoming responsible for our development, and that we are ready and willing to take development into our hands,” Minister Sukhai said.

The opening of the guest house, she noted, is very significant to the village’s history, and will be “even more significant as the village takes bolder steps towards harnessing its development,” Minister Sukhai said.

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai cutting the ribbon to officially open the Isseneru guest house

Speaking about Amerindian Heritage Month, Minister Sukhai informed the residents of the grand launch in Georgetown which surpassed the attendance and expectations of the previous years, with all ethnic groups present.

She took the opportunity to urge residents to continue transferring their language to their children, in order for them to be receptive to their culture.

Education, she urged, should become a part of their cultural and personal development, since “without an education, it would be more difficult to realize our dreams and vision for a better life for the present and future generations of Amerindians,” Minister Sukhai said.

Huge sums are allotted annually to ensure that children receive an education; and all regions, including hinterland regions, are benefiting from government interventions by way of uniform materials, hot meals or snacks, text and exercise books, and a more conducive environment for learning.

“As this Heritage Month is being celebrated, let us commit to ensuring that our children and young people receive an education,” Minister Sukhai urged.

More than 90 percent of the teachers in schools in hinterland regions are from the same communities served by the schools, and over 50 percent of the hinterland students completing primary education can now have access to secondary and tertiary education.

Minister Sukhai also told the residents of initiatives on stream that will significantly impact their lives, such as the US$1M TV learning channel that will soon transmit all across the country, and the One Laptop Per Family Programme.

“Government will be equipping each village with a bank of computers, and we expect not payment for this intervention, but that the population, children, young people and adults, will make efforts to be computer literate,” Minister Sukhai urged.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
Just to Educate Baseman.

Amerindians contributing increasingly to national development --- Minister Sukhai tells Isseneru residents at commissioning of $25M guest house

Please provide a summary and how this ties into the topic at hand. Explain the tactical and strategic implications....provide baseman a quality education....what you seh.
Originally posted by baseman:
Brazil will one day take over Guyana as an administrative territory, similar like the US relations with Puerto Rico.

Will the AFC allowed that to happen under their administration?
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
That was always a possibility.

Such a cooperation would be similar to the European Union.

No it will be more like when we were colonized by the Dutch.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Perhaps 30 to 50 years, we could see Guyana, Suriname and Cayanne being incorporated into Brazil.

Are you suggesting that Brazil will annex a part of France? You do know that GUYANE is as much a part of France as Paris.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by baseman:
Brazil will one day take over Guyana as an administrative territory, similar like the US relations with Puerto Rico.

Will the AFC allowed that to happen under their administration?

Perhaps, perhaps not.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps 30 to 50 years, we could see Guyana, Suriname and Cayanne being incorporated into Brazil.

Are you suggesting that Brazil will annex a part of France? You do know that GUYANE is as much a part of France as Paris.

Understand my post before going again on a tangent. Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps 30 to 50 years, we could see Guyana, Suriname and Cayanne being incorporated into Brazil.

Are you suggesting that Brazil will annex a part of France? You do know that GUYANE is as much a part of France as Paris.

Understand my post before going again on a tangent. Big Grin

Whats there to understand. Your geography is lacking so you thought GUYANE wasnt an integral part of France.

So I repeat. Do you think that Brazil will attempt to incorporate a part of France?
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by baseman:
Brazil will one day take over Guyana as an administrative territory, similar like the US relations with Puerto Rico.

Will the AFC allowed that to happen under their administration?

Our plan is to establish a viable state where 90% migration of professionals will be a distant memory. If Guyana retains it's talents, develop it's economy beyond the basic it is today, cultivate better relations with the West, attract investments, etc, the nation will be viable and will not become the designs of others. Guyana, as it is, is hardly viable, couple that with testy and strained relations with the West, you have a recipe for the continued demise which started in the 50's, at which time Guyana's per-capita GDP exceeded that of Singapore and Malaysia.

Now you go figure. The axis of evil (PPP-PNC) is what have us where we are today.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps 30 to 50 years, we could see Guyana, Suriname and Cayanne being incorporated into Brazil.

Are you suggesting that Brazil will annex a part of France? You do know that GUYANE is as much a part of France as Paris.

Understand my post before going again on a tangent. Big Grin

Whats there to understand. Your geography is lacking so you thought GUYANE wasnt an integral part of France.

So I repeat. Do you think that Brazil will attempt to incorporate a part of France?

The issue is not Cayanne's current status.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

CARIBJ:So I repeat. Do you think that Brazil will attempt to incorporate a part of France?

The issue is not Cayanne's current status.[/QUOTE]

I repaat do you think that Brazil will EVER try to annex a part of France and get away with it?

DG thousands of Brazilians flock to Guyane looking rfor work. And I mkean jobs, not steAling gold as they do in Guyana and Suriname.

Why will they want to annex a territory when residence in GUYANE allows them the full benefits of living in France?
Brazil is becoming a superpower (I know that hurts Caribj), and it will take control of the failed countries of Guyana and Suriname one day. It will take control of French Guyana one they when France will have become a third world country.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Brazil is becoming a superpower (I know that hurts Caribj), and it will take control of the failed countries of Guyana and Suriname one day. It will take control of French Guyana one they when France will have become a third world country.

Too bad Lucas, you, your grandkids and your great grand kids will all die before Brazil will become a true super power.

How can it be a super power when the average Brazilian has had less than 6 years of schooling?

Brazil will supply commodities and basic indutrial materials to rich nations. That is all it will ever be. Even India has better prospects as it ensures that at least its middle classes are highly educated even if the masses arent. China and South Korea are way ahead.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Brazil is becoming a superpower (I know that hurts Caribj), and it will take control of the failed countries of Guyana and Suriname one day. It will take control of French Guyana one they when France will have become a third world country.

Too bad Lucas, you, your grandkids and your great grand kids will all die before Brazil will become a true super power.

How can it be a super power when the average Brazilian has had less than 6 years of schooling?

Brazil will supply commodities and basic indutrial materials to rich nations. That is all it will ever be. Even India has better prospects as it ensures that at least its middle classes are highly educated even if the masses arent. China and South Korea are way ahead.

No matter how much you curse Brazil it will succeed in becoming a superpower and not only Brazil. The entire South America is the new promised land.
Originally posted by Lucas:

No matter how much you curse Brazil it will succeed in becoming a superpower and not only Brazil. The entire South America is the new promised land.

You know what is ironic Lucas. Brazil's properity depends heavily on North America and Europe. Even though China is important Brazil exports commodities to that nation which then uses these as inputs for industrial products which are then sent to G7 nations.

Lucas if the USA and Europe fail then so too do your "super powers". Even China with its large population cannot depend on its own domestic market to fuel economic growth.

Now you can engage in your anti Western rant, even though as a Guyanese you have been thoroughly westernized, and almost totally separated from what ever your ancestral culture was. But these are the facts.
Originally posted by baseman:

Our plan is to establish a viable state where 90% migration of professionals will be a distant memory.

When will your plan be implemented, Baseman? Big Grin

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