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The evidence shows that the increased taxes went to reviving the economy left dead by the incompetent and despotic PNC. The current incompetent and despotic PNC raised taxes too but unlike the PPP who put it to good use, the current PNC squandered the current increased taxes. Any attempt to make the PPP seem worse than the PNC would always be a guaranteed failure.


I vividly remembered the discussions I had with visiting relatives from Guyana in 1993.  They willingly paid all new taxes without a fuss!  They said now the have what they wanted, Jagan, and the know their taxes will be spent improving the country!

Unlike the PNC, who said the inherited a disaster, then voted themselves massive salary increases and allocated large sums for parties while taking away monies from workers, the PPP was being austere and judicious and was ensuring the basic needs were being met!

Compare the first term of the PPP with that of the PNC, assuming they both inherited a mess!

I believe if you go down the path of comparing on most measures, you will lose!

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django going back 26 years ago. This was really a time when we hardly had a cordless phone. Can't compare with today. Today rass you can sit in your car a thousand miles away and turn your light on in your house. Let's move on from PPP 1993 to PNC 2019.

Actually, its still relevant!

Sometimes we does still behave like caveman!!

skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django going back 26 years ago. This was really a time when we hardly had a cordless phone. Can't compare with today. Today rass you can sit in your car a thousand miles away and turn your light on in your house. Let's move on from PPP 1993 to PNC 2019.

That's true ,reflecting back on the years ,no one worried about such increases ,the people was happy a new government was in place. Most of the posters on the thread was already enjoying life in NA. Mid year 1996 ,my family and myself was on the flight to reside permanently in the US.

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django going back 26 years ago. This was really a time when we hardly had a cordless phone. Can't compare with today. Today rass you can sit in your car a thousand miles away and turn your light on in your house. Let's move on from PPP 1993 to PNC 2019.

Actually, its still relevant!

Sometimes we does still behave like caveman!!

Don't include me in your WE.

Zed posted:

Please tell me where the money to reconstruct the economy and country and clean up the mess made by the PNC will come from if loans are difficult to get and the interest to service the national debt is over 100% of national revenues. 

Straight out of the politicians note book, debt restructuring ,including debt write off and loans was on the way.

The the short term debt payments agreements for Industries Nationalized, which couldn't be met due to production, market prices and devaluation of the $GY ,which caused the debt to increase to US $2.1 billion.Also millions of dollars of revenue was lost due strikes over the years. Well Jagan supported the idea to Nationalized the Industries,by the time he came to power in 1992 ,he had to manage three major Industries, GUYSUCO ,GPL and GUYBAU which was up for privatization.

Third world countries can only be developed,when the people putting their shoulders to wheel. Uncalled for destabilizing is not healthy for development. Anyway Guyana have political power grabbers ,whose intents are to enrich their friends ,families and themselves under the guise of caring for the people. Until the people kick the leaches out it will be same old..same old.

Last edited by Django

First, what characterizes my response as ‘straight out from the politicians note book”? I have never run for any political office and only give my views on political events that matter to me or interest me. Unlike you who it seems that you post here because your life depends on it, I rarely start a thread and rarely carry on long conversations. 

Second, you did not answer the question that I posed to you. instead, you gave some polematics of why the situation might have occurred and a particular political and ideological position on approaches to macro economic development. There is nothing implicit or hidden in your narrative so I think that you fool no one on your motive.

Zed posted:

First, what characterizes my response as ‘straight out from the politicians note book”?

I have never run for any political office and only give my views on political events that matter to me or interest me.

Unlike you who it seems that you post here because your life depends on it, I rarely start a thread and rarely carry on long conversations. 

Second, you did not answer the question that I posed to you.instead, you gave some polematics of why the situation might have occurred and a particular political and ideological position on approaches to macro economic development. There is nothing implicit or hidden in your narrative so I think that you fool no one on your motive.

Not sharp to figure out .

What nonsense , try to figure what are discussion forums. Does that apply to other posters who bombard the forum with numerous threads. How about that fella who like your post ? do their life depends on it ?

LOL ..regarding your paragraph , read the document posted on the other thread.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Third world countries can only be developed,when the people putting their shoulders to wheel. Uncalled for destabilizing is not healthy for development. Anyway Guyana have political power grabbers ,whose intents are to enrich their friends ,families and themselves under the guise of caring for the people. Until the people kick the leaches out it will be same old..same old.

Well, maybe a lesson you should take to your PNC friends when they were sending their Buxton terrorists to kill innocent men, women and children just because of what they look like, assuming who they support!

Yes, the people are getting ready to kick some old leaches out come March 2nd, GECOM willing!!

I read dem PNC postings on FB, barefaced people!


What is nonsense is your inability to respond coherently and sensibly to questions or to make comments that are not inane. We are on this thread, the question was posed on this thread, answer it on this thread.

I am not responsible for other posters and what they do.  I posed what I think is a legitimate question because of what you posted.  If you have difficulty with the questions or my comments, post a sensible response of what the issues you have with the post instead of your quips which add nothing to the discussion and certainly does not add to the discussion, which is the intent of a discussion forum.

Have a nice Christmas.  I am out of this thread because it is not possible to have a sensible discussion with you.

Zed posted:

I posed what I think is a legitimate question because of what you posted.  If you have difficulty with the questions or my comments, post a sensible response of what the issues you have with the post instead of your quips which add nothing to the discussion and certainly does not add to the discussion, which is the intent of a discussion forum.

Have a nice Christmas. 

I am out of this thread because it is not possible to have a sensible discussion with you.

Same to you !!!!

Regarding your question about debt payments ,my post are on this thread , if you missed here is the link

Govt’s economic philosophy debilitating – Jagdeo

Here is the link to the World Bank Document [ Authorized for Public Disclosure]

Guyana From Economic Recovery to Sustained Growth

April 10 1992

Last edited by Django

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