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Guyana can ill-afford a return to the past

Guyana can ill-afford a return to the past


GUYANA is at a crossroad, with one road having the potential to add to the gains being enjoyed by Guyanese in the post-elections 1992 period, and the other hell-bent on leading this nation backwards into the days of the PNC administration, with Carl Greenidge once more in charge of this country’s economy.

The PNC tsunami flattened this country and crushed the soul of this nation like a relentless juggernaut until it was rescued by the collective efforts of some brave souls, working in collaboration with the PPP/C under the leadership of the indomitable Dr. Cheddi Jagan, when our nation was restored to democracy and a progressive trajectory once more.

But Dr. Jagan’s PPP has always been betrayed by those it has espoused and empowered, to the detriment of the nation.  Guyana is once more being held to ransom by the destructive and self-serving opposition collective and their satellite enclaves. There are now the betrayers of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, such as Ramjattan and Nagamootoo and their cabal of ex-PPP supporters, who are pursuing their own agendas and vendettas and striving with everything they have to once more deliver this country and people into the hands of the PNC.

In fact, they are bent on delivering this country into the hands of Corbin, Grainger and Greenidge, even though they know full well the consequences of their actions.

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo have forgotten the fate of Peter D’Aguiar; but the latter was driven by conviction, while the former are propelled by ambition that has made them myopic and blind to the realities of what they are leading this country into.

History has judged Peter D’Aguiar and will no doubt similarly judge this infamous duo, but by then it may be too late for this country, because there will never again be a Dr. Cheddi Jagan to lead such a heroic fight to rid this nation of the oppression and suffering that the Guyanese people have endured in the past over the long, relentless, painful years of PNC mismanagement, dictatorship and destructive practices.

Donald Ramotar, brave patriot that he is, has already been in one long, arduous fight, along with all his comrades under the leadership of Dr. Jagan, to restore this country to democratic status.  It is unlikely that he will be willing to engage in such another epic battle after the Guyanese people have themselves uncaringly once again delivered their patrimony into the hands of the people who once raped and pillaged their homeland, and subverted all their most basic and essential rights.

But if the Guyanese people want to vest the future of their children into the hands of the PNC elitists, whom they apparently love more than their own offspring, enough to trust them with the welfare of this nation, despite their depredations of the past, then they have only themselves to blame when their lives come crashing apart and they once more become destitute and perceived as beggars and cheats on the international landscape.

Greenidge as President? Corbin as President? Greenidge as Finance Minister? Really? Do Guyanese really want to return to those days of this country’s dark past?

If so, then we have been so psychologically battered that we have fallen in love with our abusers and have become masochists and true victims – not of the oppressors but of the prison within our own minds.

It has become evident by now that supporting the AFC is supporting the PNC.  Raphael Trotman is right back where he belongs, in the heart of the PNC; but while Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are now sleeping with the enemy, they have to be content with the crumbs thrown to them by their PNC massas – a la D’Aguiar.

Nagamootoo was promised “a high place” and Ramjattan was promised the leadership position in a rotation, which never fructified.  He was instead made presidential candidate of that fledgling party, which everyone knew was a kick in the posterior for him, because there is no way that the AFC would ever win enough seats for its candidate to become President, so Trotman has been the leader until now, and he calls all the shots.

Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo had once called Ramjattan a “water boy”, because he saw him as a political stooge for the opposition collective, with the PNC being the main partners.

However, these disgruntled politicians could once more enable the PNC to take Guyana down a retrograde path. Is this the future Guyanese want for their children?

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The electorates should sack the PPP at the first opportunity

November 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, By refusing to hold fresh Local Government Elections (after 20 years) we now effectively have a rogue government, and a dictatorship. The recalcitrant PPP regime has aborted the democratic process in its quest to hold on to power at all cost, and by any means necessary. “Power” has become their cash cow, and no one can move their “cheese” – or at least so they think. This power in the first place belongs to the people and is only on loan to the Government for a brief period of time (be it 3, 4 or 5 years) until new elections are held. Each citizen owns a fraction of this power, which does not mean much on its own. However, it is enough to vote in a government (or a person) once it is pooled together as is the case at an election. This power therefore is the “personal property” of each free adult citizen, which should be returned to him/her at the end of the term stipulated by law. To hold on to this power, and to refuse to return it to the people who loaned it to you is like refusing to repay someone who loaned money to you. In other words, you are now a crook. President Donald Ramotar by refusing to call Local Government Elections is therefore refusing to return that power you loaned to him so that you can pool it again to elect your new representatives. He wants to rob you of the power, which has been vested in you by virtue of the constitution of Guyana. The constitution in its generosity has in turn given the President, and his Minister all the power they need to make Local Government Elections a reality. However, they lack the political will to use the very power vested in them by the people, and for the people. Mr. Desmond Hoyte once said to me (during a one-on-one discussion on this issue) that it was these very powers that made it possible for him to transform Guyana in such a short period of time. The constitution is on the side of the President, the only thing needed is the POLITICAL WILL to do the right thing. I guess what the framers of the constitution did not envisage is that not everyone is a Desmond Hoyte. These powers are enormous and once a rogue President gets his hands on them, then God help Guyana, as is currently the case. This is the very PPP that would have you believe that they are the champions of democracy. Now we have lived to see that it was actually President Hugh Desmond Hoyte who truly embraced the democratic principles by making free and fair elections possible in 1992. As it relates to democracy and good governance, President Hoyte is still the brightest bulb on the chandelier. The recalcitrant PPP regime is reversing our political fortunes and they must be sacked at the earliest opportunity. Sacking them will also help to arrest the rapid decay in the moral fabric of the society. The PPP went into government in 1992 with the glorious promise of correcting the sins of the past. However, now that they are in power, they are using these very sins to justify their own tyranny instead. Our nation has been duped. This generation is ready and capable of charting a course for itself and has no interest in the politics of nostalgia. We will not be governed from the grave. In fact, you do not need the constitution to make you do the right thing. If something is wrong just fix it. Instead, the PPP does the wrong thing then combs the law books to see if they can find suitable laws to somehow justify their actions. If they find none, they will then bend, twist, stretch, and massage the existing one in every which way to try and make it justify their wicked schemes and machinations. When this fails, they run to the courts in a last ditch attempt to frustrate the process. The rule of law and good governance are not part of their agenda, and natural psyche. We recently heard a very senior Minister in the PPP regime warning that very powerful (evil) forces are at work. He warned that people (who are exposing the regime) will be taken down by the bullets. The Kaieteur News for example will be made a slaughter house (for the 2nd time). Such is the extreme that the PPP is willing to go to hold on to power. I want to assure the electorate that there are lots of good people on your side, and you have nothing to fear as good always conquers evil. I fear no man. What would frighten this coolie, would kill a million “chatree coolie” (whatever that means). A luta continua. Artie Ricknauth


I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

As one poster put it "AFC is a baby party". AFC will never rule Guyana. Wishful thinking.


 The PPP went into government in 1992 with the glorious promise of correcting the sins of the past. However, now that they are in power, they are using these very sins to justify their own tyranny instead. Our nation has been duped. This generation is ready and capable of charting a course for itself and has no interest in the politics of nostalgia. We will not be governed from the grave.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

As one poster put it "AFC is a baby party". AFC will never rule Guyana. Wishful thinking.




The AFC will be wiped off the political map at any upcoming election.


They are broke and people do not trust the AFC with their money. They have failed to raise funds and had to cancel their conference because of a lack of support.


The AFC is already dead.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

As one poster put it "AFC is a baby party". AFC will never rule Guyana. Wishful thinking.

This is the kind of false propaganda that the PNC and PPP are putting out in order to scare off voters, but it won't work. The world is full of one time minority parties that now run their country far more efficient than the big boys. Look at the UK, Surinam, and many other countries where small parties make up the government as well. And let's look at Bolivia with president Eva Morales. A one time small party that has now transformed the country beyond recognition.

The PPP and PNC fouling up their pants out of fear of the AFC.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

As one poster put it "AFC is a baby party". AFC will never rule Guyana. Wishful thinking.

This is the kind of false propaganda that the PNC and PPP are putting out in order to scare off voters, but it won't work. The world is full of one time minority parties that now run their country far more efficient than the big boys. Look at the UK, Surinam, and many other countries where small parties make up the government as well. And let's look at Bolivia with president Eva Morales. A one time small party that has now transformed the country beyond recognition.

The PPP and PNC fouling up their pants out of fear of the AFC.

I couldn't have said that better, Mr T.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I agree in full: Guyana cannot return to the past. Both the PPP and PNC have had a chance in the past. Both have failed miserably. It is now time for change. Vote AFC, the only party that offers change.

As one poster put it "AFC is a baby party". AFC will never rule Guyana. Wishful thinking.

This is the kind of false propaganda that the PNC and PPP are putting out in order to scare off voters, but it won't work. The world is full of one time minority parties that now run their country far more efficient than the big boys. Look at the UK, Surinam, and many other countries where small parties make up the government as well. And let's look at Bolivia with president Eva Morales. A one time small party that has now transformed the country beyond recognition.

The PPP and PNC fouling up their pants out of fear of the AFC.

The AFC is a thorn pricking the PPP that is why daily

their propaganda machine spewing garbage,they are

afraid of loosing power that day is coming soon.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You could say that the Indian and African elephants are scared of the Guyanese mouse.

I hope yuji and Rev don't read this. Dem two will pull out dem stocks of rat poison. Dem two try to sell rat poison to Ramjattan and Nagamootoo but Ramjattan tell them: "Haul yuh rass."

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana can ill-afford a return to the past

GUYANA is at a crossroad, with one road having the potential to add to the gains being enjoyed by Guyanese in the post-elections 1992 period, and the other hell-bent on leading this nation backwards into the days of the PNC administration, with Carl Greenidge once more in charge of this country’s economy.

The PNC tsunami flattened this country and crushed the soul of this nation like a relentless juggernaut until it was rescued by the collective efforts of some brave souls, working in collaboration with the PPP/C under the leadership of the indomitable Dr. Cheddi Jagan, when our nation was restored to democracy and a progressive trajectory once more.

But Dr. Jagan’s PPP has always been betrayed by those it has espoused and empowered, to the detriment of the nation.  Guyana is once more being held to ransom by the destructive and self-serving opposition collective and their satellite enclaves. There are now the betrayers of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, such as Ramjattan and Nagamootoo and their cabal of ex-PPP supporters, who are pursuing their own agendas and vendettas and striving with everything they have to once more deliver this country and people into the hands of the PNC.

In fact, they are bent on delivering this country into the hands ofCorbin, Grainger and Greenidge, even though they know full well the consequences of their actions.

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo have forgotten the fate of Peter D’Aguiar; but the latter was driven by conviction, while the former are propelled by ambition that has made them myopic and blind to the realities of what they are leading this country into.

History has judged Peter D’Aguiar and will no doubt similarly judge this infamous duo, but by then it may be too late for this country, because there will never again be a Dr. Cheddi Jagan to lead such a heroic fight to rid this nation of the oppression and suffering that the Guyanese people have endured in the past over the long, relentless, painful years of PNC mismanagement, dictatorship and destructive practices.

Donald Ramotar, brave patriot that he is, has already been in one long, arduous fight, along with all his comrades under the leadership of Dr. Jagan, to restore this country to democratic status.  It is unlikely that he will be willing to engage in such another epic battle after the Guyanese people have themselves uncaringly once again delivered their patrimony into the hands of the people who once raped and pillaged their homeland, and subverted all their most basic and essential rights.

But if the Guyanese people want to vest the future of their children into the hands of the PNC elitists, whom they apparently love more than their own offspring, enough to trust them with the welfare of this nation, despite their depredations of the past, then they have only themselves to blame when their lives come crashing apart and they once more become destitute and perceived as beggars and cheats on the international landscape.

Greenidge as President? Corbin as President? Greenidge as Finance Minister? Really? Do Guyanese really want to return to those days of this country’s dark past?

If so, then we have been so psychologically battered that we have fallen in love with our abusers and have become masochists and true victims – not of the oppressors but of the prison within our own minds.

It has become evident by now that supporting the AFC is supporting the PNC.  Raphael Trotman is right back where he belongs, in the heart of the PNC; but while Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are now sleeping with the enemy, they have to be content with the crumbs thrown to them by their PNC massas – a la D’Aguiar.

Nagamootoo was promised “a high place” and Ramjattan was promised the leadership position in a rotation, which never fructified.  He was instead made presidential candidate of that fledgling party, which everyone knew was a kick in the posterior for him, because there is no way that the AFC would ever win enough seats for its candidate to become President, so Trotman has been the leader until now, and he calls all the shots.

Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo had once called Ramjattan a “water boy”, because he saw him as a political stooge for the opposition collective, with the PNC being the main partners.

However, these disgruntled politicians could once more enable the PNC to take Guyana down a retrograde path. Is this the future Guyanese want for their children?

The PPP is dog whistling to hell and back as usual. One is not trying to take Guyana backward. One is trying to take Guyana to places the PPP should have taken us, to democracy.


We are tired of autocracy where fat squat fellows and ladies feed their face fats, allocate to themselves exclusive are for their palatial homes, fill their pockets with loot and refuse to change.


This is not about a long dead era. This is about a present disease in need of a disinfecting. Ramotar is no patriot. On his watch the Chinese left us with the 250 million dollars white elephant in Skeldon On his watch, OMAI took 3.7 million oz of gold and yet not make a profit. They left two monstrous holes and acreage of dead landscape not to mention the bottom of the Essequibo will harbor the largest heavy metal spill on the planet acres for decades to come. It is under the PPP watch we see the plunder of our forests and soon our fishing reserve by the Chinese. Then there is the extra judicial murders to top it off. No we are not going back to the past or to a future like the corrupt present. We are taking a turn for the better.


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