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Guyana, China sign US$8M contract for more computers under OLPF

Guyana and China on Wednesday inked a US$8M contract for the supply of 30,000 computers under the government’s One Laptop per Family(OLPF) initiative.

The agreement was inked between project Manager of China’s National Machinery Corporation David Huang and permanent secretary in the Office of the President Omar Sharif.

Huang said the signing marked the fulfillment of a promise China made to Guyana.

” We will try our best to deliver these computers as soon as possible to the Guyanese government, we will deliver the computers with high quality” Huang said in a brief statement adding that the contract will further strengthen the bilateral ties between China and Guyana.

meanwhile, public relations officer for the OLPF Dario Mc Lennon said so far in excess of 10,000 laptops have already been delivered to poor families who were earning below GY$50,000.

He noted that the programme has now moved into phase 2 which caters for persons earning above GY$50,000 for which distribution will commence in a matter of weeks .

“all in all this project is moving head and as indicated by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat last week in a statement that it also represents the commitment, fulfillment of the promise made to the people of Guyana, that regardless of the constraints faced us as a nation now within the budgetary framework, that the government is prepared to push ahead with this commitment made to the people of Guyana” Mc Lennon said.

The OLPF initiative was the brain child of former President Bharrat Jagdeo and aims to deliver 90,000 laptops to families across the country over the next two years.

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Originally Posted by alena06:

Good for the poor folks in Guyana.

 Good leech source for the PPP thieves or they would do it right. This is a ploy for Repu and Ramotar sons to get a consumer base for their wifi company  domination of the internet.


These PPP folks are not stupid. Like NICIL which takes in our assets and turn out private property for PPPites; this is no less a derivative machine taking government cash for capturing the "poor"  and  turning out customers on the nations dollar  for another PPP family enterprise. This is money for them on the front and the back end.


Laka wan eleckshun a come roun.  Only denn PPP ah mek show bout laptap an' soa.  Mi tell alyuh coolies up deh, nooo bady nah gi shyte bout free laptap.  Dem ting ah fuh poo peeple, but abie diss nah poo.  Dem poo peeple freiken, dem tink PPP waan national service an goa duglarize dem.


Netbooks, because that's what being ordered, now cost less than U$75 from the factory in China. So who is creaming off the rest? It's a big scam from the PPP once again. One for you, five for me. That's how the PPP counts.


When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

yuh talkin pure *****ery

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

I have to AGREE. None of these, and I quote my good friend "NEEMAKARAMS" ever did anything for the POOR but try to ROB them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

yuh talkin pure *****ery

I can speak ****ery, but I know what I am saying. It's only ******* would trash OLPF for the poor. Perhaps you should tell us what is better without the OLPF program.


How are those netbooks going to make the lives of the poor better?Netbooks are going out of fashion and selling for less than U$100 RETAIL in some cases. The PPP regime is stealing huge sums of money under the guise of buying laptops. But in  reality they are buying cheap redundant netbooks that you can not even give away in North America or Europe. However, the PPP is claiming these old technology items are worth $50,000. Th true price is more like $10,000. So $40,000 is being embezzled on each and every netbook.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

yuh talkin pure *****ery

I can speak ****ery, but I know what I am saying. It's only ******* would trash OLPF for the poor. Perhaps you should tell us what is better without the OLPF program.

 It is a crooked deal by crooked people for crooked ends. It started with them trying to pass it off to folks in a barber shop and when the truth was revealed the recalled the deal. Then it was headed by an over paid yank who they fired quickly for a crony ( can't make a yank rich when a PPP family member needs a gig).


This whole thing is set up to be a leech option and a bribe to unsuspecting people. Under this plan many will soon become doorstops. One does not learn to use computers on the fly. A bloody sewing machine to each of these family would cost less and provide them with more benefit!  They are also crappy machines to begin with.


If they wanted benefits they ought to have made it a mandatory program for every high school child. The schools should all be wired and a consortium of the best students in their own lab set up to service and provide support for these machines.


This is simply to bootstrap their wifi business. Note lucrative loans from the Chinese were secured for the pedophile pandit's  son to set up that system. The man did not have a pot to  piss in and the government supported him receiving foreign loans! Well, none of us can get it this good. BTW the Pandit himself is the benefactor of a no work contract!

Originally Posted by Nehru:


You are relevant only in your head. You and yours are running things with the object of graft.


Guyanese have to be very lazy if 90,000 of them are under 240 a month when the great and benevolent party and its glorious leaders actually hand deliver high paying jobs to them. Is that why the lines before the US embassy is so full of especially coolie people wanting to run? How come you are not going back since you are so relevant? RH is no Malibu. It is an overcrowd, resource suffocating  enclave marginally over a ghetto in status.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When the AFC sees everything good that is done through a govt program for the poor people as scams, they're griping that is should be them that is doing the stealing. This is a sour bunch of neemakarams.

Bai ABIDHA, mi deh donk hay and knoo wah raaly happanin'.  Leh mi tell yuh, diss wan raal PPP cack wuk.  Mi bin gah lil moo hope, bu leh mi tell yuh, poo peeple haaadly ah benefit.  Nuff modda an' faada cyaan nah evan read di farms fuh full am out.  Di Govt bin gi out di farms only cupple place, shaare stupidness.  Dem peeple bin gafa line up 4 hour in sun and raain fuh geh farms.  Dem rich peeple pay "coolies' fuh hold place in line, den dem tek dem space wenn a time fuh gi di farms.  Den di Govt seh sometin bout "Community Service".  Dem Coolies tink National Service an tek road run get away.  Den wenn ah time fuh collek, laaard, nuff nuff cyaar and SUV all ovva di frikkin place.  Dem ah di poor peeple wah geh laptap.  Dem a drive aircon cyaar an' ah eat ah restarant.


Mek tings wuss, BJ seh if laptap laass or sell, dem poo peeple modda and faada gafa pay.  Now, dis k.untry full wid tiefman and cackman.  BJ knoo datt cazz h biggess wan.  Peeple soa freiken even dem pikney nah waan laptap cazz if e' geh tief, ah raaal sh1t pon dem mooda and faada.


Now looko, dem gi laptap, no trainin, no service, lil help.  Dem gi laptap laka dem gi way toy cyar fuh play an' figga out.  Alyuh ah deh up deh taalk poo shyte and nah knoo wah raaaly happan.  Dem raaal poo peeple, even if dem geh laptap, dem nah gat no electricity an' dem pikney goa school bare foot.



Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How are those netbooks going to make the lives of the poor better?Netbooks are going out of fashion and selling for less than U$100 RETAIL in some cases. The PPP regime is stealing huge sums of money under the guise of buying laptops. But in  reality they are buying cheap redundant netbooks that you can not even give away in North America or Europe. However, the PPP is claiming these old technology items are worth $50,000. Th true price is more like $10,000. So $40,000 is being embezzled on each and every netbook.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Richmond has over 100 millionaires. Don't knock Richmond Hill. That's where the AFC goes with their begging bowl. Ungrateful of you to bad mouth the village that helps so many in Guyana.

Not knocking it. If you come from Hubu back dam it is paradise. 100 millionaires in 200k peeps is about what it should have plus some more.  I did not bad mouth it. I said what it is, dirty, over crowded and marginally over over a ghetto. It is not forest park. In any event, if Nehru think Guyana is Malibu, then he should go.


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