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Guyana decries widening income gap between rich, poor nations in UN Assembly speech

Source - United Nations



Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar, President of the Republic of Guyana. UN Photo/Rick Bajornas


26 September 2013 – As the United Nations prepares to set a long-term development agenda for the decades following the end of the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) cycle, it must address the “skewed” income gap favouring rich countries, Guyana warned today.


“If there is one lesson to be drawn from efforts to achieve the MDGs, it is that addressing inequality is crucial to the achievement of sustainable development objectives,” Guyanese President Donald R. Ramotar told the General Assembly on the third day of its annual General Debate.


“Income distribution continues to be skewed in favour of the rich nations and rich persons within countries. This gap has grown dangerously wider.


Needless to say, inequality leads to great discontentment and social unrest. At the heart of many of the conflicts we see today is the widening gap between the haves and have nots.”


The theme of this year’s 68th General Assembly is “The Post 2015 Development Agenda: Setting the Stage!” aims at drawing up an even more ambitious blueprint to totally eliminate poverty and its attendant ills in the decades following the end in 2015 of the MDGs cycle.


The eight Goals, adopted at a 2000 UN summit, aim to slash extreme hunger and poverty, boost access to health care and education, achieve gender equality and environmental stability, reduce maternal and child mortality and the incidence of HIV/AIDS, all by the end of 2015.


Mr. Ramotar noted that despite substantial progress towards achieving the MDGs, there were many shortcomings. “Health and education challenges threaten the sustainability of hard earned socio-economic gains,” he said.


“Today, still more than one billion people live in extreme poverty and one in eight persons on the planet suffer from chronic undernourishment, among them more than 200 million children. In addition, we still have 57 million children who are out of school. This needs to be urgently corrected.”


He highlighted the role the UN must play in ensuring that poorer, smaller developing countries are not always put at a disadvantage at the level of international economic discourse and action.


“In setting the agenda for the post-2015 Development Agenda, we believe that we should continue the pursuit of eradicating poverty. The United Nations must not allow this objective to be lost among the many other demands that exist.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I saw his speech today and it was well delivered. He looks very presidential and he represents Guyana well in two short years as Head-of-State. He made a lot of progress at home and great effort to get foreign investors to visit and invest in Guyana. The Eco-tourism is flourishing and he's determine to push for alternative energy. President Ramotar served his country with honor and dignity, and I wish him and the first lady many more successes in the next three years. Thank you Sir! 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I saw his speech today and it was well delivered. He looks very presidential and he represents Guyana well in two short years as Head-of-State. He made a lot of progress at home and great effort to get foreign investors to visit and invest in Guyana. The Eco-tourism is flourishing and he's determine to push for alternative energy. President Ramotar served his country with honor and dignity, and I wish him and the first lady many more successes in the next three years. Thank you Sir! 

Did he say the following words ....and so on and so on and so on...?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Ramotar served his country with honor and dignity, and I wish him and the first lady many more successes in the next three years.


Thank you Sir! 

Plus, to be elected for a second term with more than 51% of the votes.


We get some real neemakaram on this board. As long as one can embarrass your country and president in front of the world is all that matters to them. As I can recalled is only one president we have at a time, so I don't know who else I should praise? Maybe I should say something good about APNU or AFC? 


Dem boys seh…Brazzy jumbie arithmetic mek Donald miss a year




When something deh pun you mind you can’t sleep in peace. Donald got nuff thing pun he mind. He even write down something fuh tell he Cabinet, but in de mix up, after having a few Black Label, he read de Cabinet speech at de UN.
De man stand up and he talk how he got three short year fuh meet 2015.  When Ban Ki-moon hear that jumbie arithmetic he tek out he calculator. Dem boys see de man raise he head and watch Donald. He want know if he and Donald living in de same year.
Little do he know, Donald was taking bout de three year more that he, Donald, believe he got in office. But he ain’t sure. De Rat tek one already, and Brazzy look like he gun tek two. Two short year done already. That is why Donald ain’t do nutten yet since he tun president. Every time he shape up fuh do something de year done. De only thing he doing is promoting people when dey near fuh lef dey wuk.
Is Jagdeo, Brazzy and Ash Knee got he talking bout he three short year. De three of dem write de speech; Brazzy slip in de part ‘bout three years before 2015.
Is that kind of arithmetic he use fuh he hydro seed project and de Marriott, and de airport, and de Berbice Bridge. Is now dem boys understand how dem thief de money. Brazzy dem figures always right and de people of Guyana figures wrang. Is confuse dem confuse Donald.  Dem trying to do that to de nation, one by one.
Brazzy like write, and is he write and tell de shooter how one policeman who got an Amerindian wife, in Sophia, deh wid he wife.
De shooter go looking fuh one. Little did he know that Brazzy wid he jumbie Arithmetic mislead him.
Dem boys seh that dem got nuff policeman wid Amerindian wife living in de same area. De first door de shooter knock, is that woman husband he shoot.
Like CN seh, what a ‘shad, shad shishuasion’. Brazzy cause Donald fuh talk wrong and fuh de woman lef without a husband.
Talk half and leh Brazzy tek de woman so de man can shoot he tail.

Originally Posted by baseman:

But, in all honesty, he needs to focus on the widening gap between rich and poor right in Guyana.

He thinks that "Charity begins at home" means he should help his family and the friends of the PPP/C and their cronies first before he helps other people.  


Donald Duck should lead by example and close the gap in Guyana before he spout nonsense on the world stage.

His ministers all became rich overnight off the back of taxpayers money

Originally Posted by raymond:

Donald Duck should lead by example and close the gap in Guyana before he spout nonsense on the world stage.

His ministers all became rich overnight off the back of taxpayers money


They all do that. Remember Mr Jagdeo telling the world about global warming only to make a house (with the help of convicted Ed Ahmad) that requires lots of fossil energy to cool. 


Third world leaders love to complain to rich nations about their problems. That's fine. However, third world nations have to get serious about developing themselves by getting their people to work harder and smarter.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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