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Dem boys sehâ€ĶDonald using thugs now on reporters

August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De timber situation get out of hand. People start fuh talk and all of a sudden de government decide that dem gun terrorise all dem reporter who expose de story. When de story buss out and dem realize dem in fuh nuff nuff trouble, all of dem run fuh cover and stay quiet. Den after a few days dem get Bai Shaan fuh talk crap in a full page ad. Dem boys talk bout shipping out lumber and how much Bai Shan Lin sending out and how Guyana getting nutten. Nobody didn’t talk bout investment. All dem talk bout Guyana getting a fair share from de logs it shipping out. But it seem that Bai Shaan telling Guyana once dem spend money, shut de f*** up and tek whatever “we do”. De government get involve after dem boys start exposing more and more wha dem scamps doing in de forest.  De last straw bruck de camel back when Donald come out and defend Bai Shaan. He didn’t even have de decency fuh seh that de government gun investigate de issue. De government tek almost a whole week to respond. Rohee was one who seh that Bai Shaan didn’t give de Waterfalls paper wha it ask dem Chinee for. That tek de cake. Dem boys did expect Donald fuh ask Rohee wha nonsense he talking. Instead he didn’t seh nutten He setting a new trend, because where he came from everybody knows it’s all about Freedom. He come out of Freedom House wheh he use to preach bout Freedom of Expression and things like that. Instead, dem now find out that Donald come from Free Dumb House wheh people stop and don’t talk at all. At the last press conference dem boys hear he was walking wid a long statement from forestry. So dem boys decided not ask he anything bout that suh he didn’t get to read de statement. He had to remain Dumb. Yesterday he got de forest man to call a press conference and to explain this whole fiasco. Everybody know that a press conference is fuh reporters. Instead dem invite people to abuse, insult, assault and intimidate reporters to mek dem stop talk about wha going on. And de leader was Phillip Bynoe, a big frighten man, a man who run and hide in de bush fuh five years because Jagdeo did want to jail he. He even hide from he wife and pickney when dem visit him in his hideaway camp. Dem boys ain’t talking how he tun a snitch and mek several people get kill just fuh let Jagdeo pardon him. Dem boys want to know how much Rob de Earth pay Bynoe. This man Bynoe now deh in de government pocket from de time Jagdeo pardon him. This same Bynoe did go to Ohh Pee fuh overthrow Jagdeo; this was de man who run and mek he friend, Mark Benschop, spend five years in jail while he hide like a *****. This is de same man who was in de Pee And See and who use to cuss Jagdeo. But de threat of jail mek he switch suh fast that some people wonder if he can ever be loyal to anything. He tell de reporters, after abusing dem and spitting in one of dem face, that he coming fuh picket de Waterfalls paper. Dem boys want he come. De Waterfalls paper is not de forestry people. Fuh sure de paper ain’t gun pay he nutten. Instead, he might end up in de same jail wha miss he de last time. Talk half and feel sorry fuh wha Donald become, liar like de man who resemble de devil.


Who granted those multi-million$$$ duty free concessions to Bai Shan Lin?

August 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

GFC says ask GRA; GRA refers questions to GO-Invest; GO-Invest has no applications  

Questions are continuing over hundreds of vehicles and scores of heavy duty equipment shipped in by an under-fire

GFC Commissioner James Singh

GFC Commissioner James Singh

Chinese logging firm, but little answers have been forthcoming about who gave the okay. The vehicles, which included luxury rides like the high-end Lexus and an Infiniti Q series Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), reportedly came into the country over the last few years. This is before the business plans of the Chinese company, Bai Shan Lin, had even been approved for two forest concessions. The applications are still pending. Commissioner James Singh of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) during a press conference on Monday referred all questions regarding duty free concessions for vehicles and pertaining to that company to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). Based on questions sent Tuesday, GRA’s Commissioner General Khurshid General yesterday said that regulations bar his agency from divulging details of transactions to the public. He insisted that GRA would only transact business based on paper work properly submitted that authorizes the granting of the duty free concessions. In the case of duty free concessions in this case, GRA would have acted only if the necessary paper-work recommending the concessions were forwarded by agencies like the Guyana Office For Investment (GO-Invest). Bai Shan Lin in one of its many paid advertisements recently in Kaieteur News and Stabroek News to defend its operations in Guyana, said that in 2008, it applied to the “Government of Guyana through the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) and other agencies to lease lands to set up a factory to process logs and engage in value added production, such as the making of furniture, craft and hard wood flooring.” Questions Since issuing this statement, several opposition members have said that GO-Invest should

This luxury Lexus SUV, PRR 2888, worth almost $40M inclusive of costs and taxes, was one of the vehicles that were allowed into the country under duty free concession to Bai Shan Lin.

This luxury Lexus SUV, PRR 2888, worth almost $40M inclusive of costs and taxes, was one of the vehicles that were allowed into the country under duty free concession to Bai Shan Lin.

publically state its role with the said company and why it has failed as the government’s main investment agency to monitor how Guyana is benefitting from the deals struck with the company and the government. When contacted earlier this week, Keith Burrowes, CEO of GO-invest, declined to release any information. Burrowes told this publication, “I prefer not to comment on your questions on Bai Shan Lin and considering that only recently I was appointed the CEO of this company, I can assure that I will look into it.” However, after being apprised of these comments, some opposition members said that the CEO’s response only leaves one to wonder as to why he could not answer simple questions about the company’s role regarding Bai Shan Lin. Burrowes’ statements does little to quell mounting concerns that Bai Shan Lin never went to GO-Invest for any investment deal that involves interest in logging or any related activity as it claimed in its advertisement. Bai Shan Lin and India-owned Vaitarna Holdings Private Inc, and several other foreign companies are

The Road Licence and Fitness documents of the Lexus that shows Bai Shan Lin owns it.

The Fitness documents of the Lexus that shows Bai Shan Lin owns it.

under the microscope following revelations that they have been granted significant concessions which allowed them to conduct large scale logging. However, there is little evidence that the administration through its regulatory agencies like GFC followed up to ensure requirements that called on the investors to set up value-added processing facilities. In the case of the duty free concessions and Bai Shan Lin, the company had been granted concessions in Region Six and Nine and is awaiting permission to start large scale logging. It is the norm that shipments of duty free vehicles can only be made after the business plan by an investor is green-lighted. Industry experts say that the situation is a highly unusual one. GFC Refute Meanwhile, GFC in a Government statement yesterday refuted a story by Kaieteur News which centered on contradicted claims by the body that no logging activities are taking place in Kwebana, a forestry concession in Region One that Bai Shan Lin is operating in a joint venture arrangement. According to Commissioner James Singh, Kaieteur News’ report was “yet another misrepresentation”. The newspaper published photographs of trucks bearing Bai Shan Lin’s logo moving lumber out of the Region One community. “According to Commissioner Singh, the Commission has checked the seal on the logs and has since verified that the seal was issued in 2013 and the logs harvested in 2013. The Commissioner also stated that the logs being moved out of the area are logs that were harvested and tagged since 2013.” Singh, according to the Government statement yesterday, said that the Kwebana Production Inc. submitted its annual plan of operation for 2014 to the Commission, but the document has some deficiencies, hence, there has been no actual logging or harvesting on the Kwebana concession area of 87,361 hectares, which is under the control of Bai Shan Lin. However, persons close to the industry refuted the Commissioner’s claims yesterday saying that the logs in the photos would have been much different in appearance had they been cut in 2013. “These logs appear fresh. Not eight months old. What this would suggest is that Bai Shan Lin has a bag of last year’s tags. Of course the truth would only be known if a separate entity was in charge of log tags — as happens in many other countries.”

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The government should have insisted  on joint ventures between Asian  companies and local loggers


Dear Editor,

The gross absurdity that our government has imposed on us and the country in the name foreign logging investment has been superbly exposed by KN and your newspaper. This is exemplary. Many have shown their outrage, and rightly so. Who would have thought the people tasked with guiding us to the promised land would be so selfish?

Then there were folks, for instance Mr Bynoe and, of course, the President himself, who have tried to defend the indefensible. Being a previous owner of a State Forest Permission while Mr Bynoe was still dabbling with electricity and Texas, Ohio, I must say that his proclamations in his letter, “less than half the permitted volume of logs from Region 10 are being shipped out at present,” are shortsighted – for him personally, and in the context of Guyana’s development.

Which astute businessman would be willing to sell his super expensive product for a pittance? And to the local loggers who think that selling logs to Bai Shan Lin is the best they can do, I am disappointed. The same can be said about the local companies who sold out, and gave this new logging company access to so much of our forest.

I am well aware of the financial problems which faced the local logging industry. While persons may cast blame and say local logging companies did not update to modern technology I would be the first to admit that the banking system in Guyana is the main let-down. Take a loan from the bank and you have to begin payments at the end of the first month. Try purchasing equipment that way. Before the equipment is installed you owe the bank and stand to lose the equipment. Investment banking is required and it is absent in Guyana. So for local loggers to get by over a long period of time, they exported and sold mostly logs.

So, enter Bai Shan Lin and other foreign logging companies. It amazes me why local logging companies did not see this as the answer to the major financing the industry needs. I want to believe the Toolsie Persauds, the Mazarallys, and Mr Bynoe himself have the ears of government. Why they did not ensure that if these Asian companies wanted to invest they had to have a joint ventures with local companies?

Instead of local companies rushing to sell logs to Bai Shan Lin they should be raising hell and high water against the government for perpetrating this atrocity on them. That is why Mr Bynoe’s letter is so shameful, and diminishes the business savvy I had attributed to him.

The present situation has me dumbfounded. I have never seen a bunch of businessmen so unwilling to defend their territory, their space, their market share. You think Guyana’s wallaba poles could compete against pine of douglas fir poles in the USA without a fight? No call for high taxes on the log exports to curtail the practice. No indication of how this will affect the voting pattern of the logging community, the chamber of commerce, etc, at the next elections. The combination of these associations has the potential of changing the direction of this country, yet they are quiet. Barama can attest to the fight they received trying to sell their Guyana-made plywood on the world market. Mr Bynoe was known as a stern fighter for his rights. What has contributed to this seemingly spineless posture? What the government is allowed to do to the local logging industry is unimaginable – and no backlash, unbelievable.

In the midst of all of this there is a big irony. What would be one’s reaction if I pronounce that local logging companies should have taken a page out of Unamco’s book? What will Mr Bynoe say to that? A local businessman joint venturing with a foreign company. What is wrong with Mr Bynoe using his expertise and know how to corral the number of Region 10 logging associations he mentioned in his letter, and seek investors to gain financing? Wouldn’t that have been a more palatable and rewarding way to go?

Mr Hamley Case shipped in a mill at the same time he was pushing a road to his concession. Mr James Singh surely will know that. So how much more time does this new company need, considering all its assets, before processing and value added plants are constructed? How much more wamara needs to be ripped up overseas before the Chinese are able to design strong enough blades and cutters to do ripping and processing in Guyana? Yet, Hamley’s business, which was the perfect model for the local industry, was slated for destruction under Mr Singh’s watch. Another question: this one for all Guyanese and the media. Where was the uproar then, and

now as Hamley’s equipment continues to rot in our forest?

I cannot help reflecting on how bad, a lot of people claimed, the Barama deal was for Guyana. Seems like the last administration, under Mr Hoyte, did possess a lot of business savvy and a huge portion of patriotism – meaning, he was looking out for Guyanese workers. Oh, we can do better, give us a chance. Well, come see me and come live with me are indeed two different things; they are miles apart.

By the way, Parliament needs to pass a law, retroactively, forcing Bai Shan Lin and others to stop shipping and start the factories now, and dare the President to not sign it. Further, if there is a change of government in the future, would the new government accept these past, questionable deals? It would be helpful if the population and the ‘investors’ know the competing parties stance on this.

Yours faithfully,

F Skinner




Bai Shan Lin logging scandalâ€ĶAngry Kwakwani prepares list of demands for Govt.

August 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Community will no longer allow advantage to be taken upon themâ€Ķwill become very agitated if demands are not met- Solomon

The operations of Bai Shan Lin and the blatant “disrespect” the company has been perpetuating towards the people of Region

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

10 took center stage at a meeting the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) held with residents of Kwakwani on Tuesday evening. The sustained showers of rain that poured in Kwakwani, a community in the Upper Berbice River area on that evening, didn’t stop scores of residents from attending the meeting. Regional Chairman, Sharma Solomon, estimated that the crowd was in excess of 150 persons. The meeting, held at the Kwakwani Workers Club, saw the creation of a five-point list of demands that will be submitted to Government. At that gathering, it was agreed that for the community to continue accommodating the Chinese company, the written agreement between the Government of Guyana and Bai Shan Lin, if any exists, must be made available to the RDC. Secondly, it was agreed that the Region must have representation in any further agreement between Government and Bai Shan Lin. Additionally, Kwakwani residents decided that more benefits must be outlined for the people residing in the area and any other community where Bai Shan Lin or similar companies plan to operate. This is to protect communities from a replay of what is happening now. Residents also want the road from Linden to Kwakwani to be fixed by Bai Shan Lin. The road is heavily traversed by especially Bai Shan Lin’s vehicles, residents said. It is also being demanded that local loggers must receive better rates from Bai Shan Lin for their logs. An elected leader of Kwakwani, Jocelyn Morian, told Kaieteur News that the meeting was very informative and renewed strength, hope and togetherness among the Kwakwani people. Addressing the five point list of demands, Morian said that it is imperative that the representatives of Region 10 know what is happening and that the agreement must be handed over to the RDC. He said that is the only way the RDC can be fully aware of what the problem really is and whether the Region is just being shortchanged by the logging company which has a major presence in the area. “We believe that it is only fair that the Region has a full understanding of what really going on.” He said that Bai Shan Lin should be made to fix the road from Linden to Kwakwani “because they are the ones destroying it. He said that in previous years the journey from Kwakwani to Linden took no more than one hour, 30 minutes, “but now they destroy the road and it takes over four hours to travel the same distance.” Morian said that the road no longer has holes- they now have craters.

As section of the Linden- Kwakwani road

As section of the Linden- Kwakwani road

The official also claimed that local loggers are being robbed blind by Bai Shan Lin. Giving an example, Morian said local operators sell Bai Shan Lin logs for US$80 per cubic meter, which the company sells back for at least US$250. Morian emphasized that it is only correct that the Region makes an input in any agreement with Bai Shan Lin as the RDC is sure to look out for the interest of the people. With regards to the benefits that must be outlined, Morian said that while Kwakwani is concerned about itself, the community is also very concerned about other communities and would like to know that others don’t have to suffer the same fate. Morian pointed out that other companies are operating in Kwakwani but are paying their dues. He noted that the Reynolds Bauxite company built the Kwakwani hospital; “but look at how long Bai Shan Lin operating here and look how much the company has taken, think about the amount of revenues it has made but did nothing for Kwakwani.” He pointed out as well, that the Kwakwani to Ituni road was a project undertaken by bauxite workers. “But Bai Shan Lin destroyed our roads. The roads are now in the worst state ever,” Morian noted. Morian said that” there is nothing tangible to indicate, from all these resources being extracted, that the community is benefitting in anywayâ€Ķ. I born and grow in Kwakwani but I never see our roads in this condition. We are not saying we don’t want Bai Shan Lin but they must play their part.” The Kwakwani resident and leader  lamented that at the rate at which Bai Shan Lin is extracting timber, coupled with the fact that bauxite mining is on the decline in Kwakwani,  pretty soon there won’t be much economic activity in the community. He said that it is apparent that foreign nationals can do whatever they want. In this regard Morian pointed out that, at the meeting, a nurse attached to the Kwakwani hospital complained that she was assaulted at her work place by an Asian national. The woman reportedly expressed that she didn’t take the matter further, out of fear. According to Morian, the nurse is afraid to report the incident because of the perceived “contacts” the Chinese have and she believes her attacker would not be held accountable for the assault. Morian said, “We heard that persons are in support of what Bai Shan Lin is doing in Kwakwaniâ€Ķ we call on every one to visit Kwakwani and show us the development or any good that that company did for Kwakwani. I know we have lots of destruction to show whoever wants to come.” In Solomon’s address to the gathering, he stated that Kwakwani residents have to ensure their rights are secured. He told them that the major way to do so is to ensure that they make adequate representation for themselves. He stated that Kwakwani, being the richest community in Region 10, having Bauxite, Timber, gold and diamonds, must get adequate returns for the resources that are being extracted from the community. Solomon said, “As God Almighty above, as I speak to you now I have a headache, there is not a single instance where I travelled to Kwakwani in recent times that I didn’t get a headache. We have a councillor that can no longer come to Kwakwani because of a C -Section she had many years ago. This is because of the conditions of the road.” He told residents that no longer can they allow advantage to be taken upon them; but must stand up for themselves. To this residents agreed. In speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Solomon said that the people decided that if the demands are not met, “I don’t want to give out all their secrets, but they will become very agitated.”


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