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Nehru posted:

I not only think so but can prove it BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. For 22 years the Currency rose and stabilize NOW suddenly it is in trouble. I can explain why BUT not sure you and the FILTH HEAD Gang will get it.

Well you seem to think you are the sharpest tool in the shed,re-read your post,pay attention to some of the words in your vocabulary,that alone says your proof will have to be touched with a ten feet pole.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
,some will be negative especially when their party of their choice is not in power or their perception that only Indo Guyanese have the brains to manage the affairs of the country,for those who thought so look around in the Caribbean you may learn a thing or two.


Why does this have to become a thing with Indo Guyanese? Does the PNC have any Indo Guyanese in their cabinet? Did Burnham and Hoyte have Indos during their regime? What does this tell you? We have a ruling party that will ruin Guyana AGAIN? Anyway, continue your hard work trying to spin away from the truth.  Please ask your heroes in the current govt to leave a little bit so the next administration can "sport up" a little bit too and also give themselves 25% raises instead of 50%.

kp posted:

For a country that does not have much to export, a devalued currency is very bad for it's imports.

And here lies the failure of the PPP. After 23 years of a free enterprise economy, not encumbered by the Burnham/Jagan communism of the 70s and 80s, and you can say that Guyana doesn't have much to export.

Well a nation with 750k mainly impoverished souls doesn't have a large enough domestic consumption to provide for a vibrant economy. So increasing exports is the only option.

Guyana had very high unemployment, estimated at over 20% so the PPP didn't do a good job over the past 23 years, and despite enjoying a period when high gold prices could have acted as a stimulus to other parts of the economy.

And this high unemployment occurred even as PPP supporters flooded islands like Barbados.

Demerara_Guy posted:

1. Guyana's currency was devalued under the PNC-Burnham government.

2. There are indications that Guyana's currency may be devalued under the PNC-Granger government.

the Guyana dollar is traded based on market conditions. It is NOT a fixed rate currency.

The GYD as if TODAY is trading at GYD$204 to US$1.  The usual price is in the GYD$206 range.

So there has been a slight STRENGTHENING of the dollar.

Of course the Indo KKK loses no opportunity to scream "black man cyant run a maaby shap" as if the PPP roti shop (where more drugs were sold than roti) was a great place.

What was the PPP legacy? Delta ceasing service to GEO as they tired of drug fines, and CAL, Fly Jamaica and others complaining of the same.  This is why the authorities in T&T seek every opportunity to search Guyanese in transit there.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

For a country that does not have much to export, a devalued currency is very bad for it's imports.

And here lies the failure of the PPP. After 23 years of a free enterprise economy, not encumbered by the Burnham/Jagan communism of the 70s and 80s, and you can say that Guyana doesn't have much to export.

Well a nation with 750k mainly impoverished souls doesn't have a large enough domestic consumption to provide for a vibrant economy. So increasing exports is the only option.

Guyana had very high unemployment, estimated at over 20% so the PPP didn't do a good job over the past 23 years, and despite enjoying a period when high gold prices could have acted as a stimulus to other parts of the economy.

And this high unemployment occurred even as PPP supporters flooded islands like Barbados.

POSTER BOY OF IGNORANCE. The PNC rigged an election to get in power, now they don't know what to do, this is no surprise. Guyana has a bunch of uneducated X army and police boys running the country, soon they will apply "Brutal force and Ignorance"

caribny posted:

You are actually the dummy.  There may well be reasons why a currency weakening might be good. 

In fact the strong US dollar is a drag on the economy as our exports are more expensive, and our imports cheaper. This hurts US companies as it is more difficult for them to compete in export markets, as well as in the domestic markets against foreign companies. Also when US companies convert their offshore earnings into US currency it takes a hit.

So a strong currency isn't always beneficial as the Asian countries indicate as they use all methods to weaken their currencies.

Maybe a weaker currency would stimulate local production as imports will become more expensive.  In addition non traditional exports might benefit as they become cheaper.

In Guyana's case this does not hold true nor will it ever. Currency devaluation only gives a temporary boost to countries that depend on exports or  tourism. In Guyana's case, the country buys more foreign products than it exports local produce.

Also people with cash are suddenly poorer in buying power. This also goes for salaried workers.  

Drugb posted:

In Guyana's case this does not hold true nor will it ever. Currency devaluation only gives a temporary boost to countries that depend on exports or  tourism. In Guyana's case, the country buys more foreign products than it exports local produce.

Also people with cash are suddenly poorer in buying power. This also goes for salaried workers.  


The GYD has NOT weakened since APNU/AFC came into power. It was 206:1 last year and in fact today it was 204:1. Maybe because of those Cubans flying into buy panties.  And why do Cubans fly from one end of the Caribbean to another to purchase such a basic product.

Having said that the GYD remains as weak as it was during the Jagdeo era.

Guyana depends on exports, and remittances, which is a disguised export.

Why do you think that call centers are being set up in Guyana?   It has the lowest labor costs in the Caribbean, aside from Haiti, and a very weak currency on top of that.   In fact some of the call center business was transferred from islands with higher labor costs and stronger currencies.

The GYD dropped from 140:1 in 1994 to its present 206:1.  In that same period the BDS$ remained at 2:1, and the EC$ remained at 2.70.  This is how Guyana began to get the more low end call center business.

In addition remittances spread further in Guyana due to the low currency, so this increases the ability of the recipients to consume. Some Guyanese retirees are returning to Guyana for the same reason, adding their pensions to the local purchasing power.

If the GYD was strengthened the benefits for Guyana will be scant.

Stick to your coding.  You don't even know how to spell economics much less understand the basics.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What do you expect from a man who was in charge of a cook up rice eating army? 

And eating under the trash hutYumama Yana, the greatest achievement of the PNC.

Wha you got something against the Amerindians,they were the first people in the homeland and it represents their living quarters.

Banna this is why I doan bother argue with these fellas, they not in my league. This one saying the Yumana Yana is a PNC ting just because the government rebuilt what was burnt down under the PPP's reign when they were planning on using the space for parking instead of rebuilding the place that was built by the native (real) Indians.

caribny posted:

the Guyana dollar is traded based on market conditions. It is NOT a fixed rate currency.


You bloody clown.  Fine market, we knew the market and back in the early 80's when the bank pegged the rate at 5, the street cambio was giving 10-12  so we know that was the true rate!  As the destruction of the economy continued, it continue to slide until it hit the 200 in 1992.

The policies of the PPP stabilized it at that rate until recently as the PNC deconstruction takes root!

So shut yuh rass.  No one is talking about the pegged rate!!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

For a country that does not have much to export, a devalued currency is very bad for it's imports.

And here lies the failure of the PPP. After 23 years of a free enterprise economy, not encumbered by the Burnham/Jagan communism of the 70s and 80s, and you can say that Guyana doesn't have much to export.


No, answer the question, stop running like a cockroach hit by sunlight.  How does devaluation help make Guyana more competitive on the export market?

During the 23 years, the PPP faced many headwinds, including PNC terrorism and the big floods!  Through all this, the currency held steady!

ba$eman posted:

The policies of the PPP stabilized it at that rate until recently as the PNC deconstruction takes root!

So shut yuh rass.  No one is talking about the pegged rate!!

When Hoyte left office the rate was around 100:1.  When the PPP left it was 206:1.  It remains there.

Yet you want to scream that it has collapsed since last year.

Why?  Because you are enraged that you can no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done!".

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

For a country that does not have much to export, a devalued currency is very bad for it's imports.

And here lies the failure of the PPP. After 23 years of a free enterprise economy, not encumbered by the Burnham/Jagan communism of the 70s and 80s, and you can say that Guyana doesn't have much to export.


No, answer the question, stop running like a cockroach hit by sunlight.  How does devaluation help make Guyana more competitive on the export market?

During the 23 years, the PPP faced many headwinds, including PNC terrorism and the big floods!  Through all this, the currency held steady!

Baseman I have explained why the WEAK currency, that weakened further under the PPP but has NOT weakened since 2015.

If you don't understand say so. But don't continue to be a black hating racist cockroach and a lying dog by screaming that I haven't addressed this.

And the PPP faced its own head winds of its own making. NOTHING prevented it from moving to shape the economy.

caribny posted:.  


The GYD has NOT weakened since APNU/AFC came into power. It was 206:1 last year and in fact today it was 204:1. Maybe because of those Cubans flying into buy panties.  And why do Cubans fly from one end of the Caribbean to another to purchase such a basic product.

Having said that the GYD remains as weak as it was during the Jagdeo era.

Guyana depends on exports, and remittances, which is a disguised export.

Why do you think that call centers are being set up in Guyana?   It has the lowest labor costs in the Caribbean, aside from Haiti, and a very weak currency on top of that.   In fact some of the call center business was transferred from islands with higher labor costs and stronger currencies.

The GYD dropped from 140:1 in 1994 to its present 206:1.  In that same period the BDS$ remained at 2:1, and the EC$ remained at 2.70.  This is how Guyana began to get the more low end call center business.

In addition remittances spread further in Guyana due to the low currency, so this increases the ability of the recipients to consume. Some Guyanese retirees are returning to Guyana for the same reason, adding their pensions to the local purchasing power.

If the GYD was strengthened the benefits for Guyana will be scant.

Stick to your coding.  You don't even know how to spell economics much less understand the basics.

As baseman mentioned, the real rate is at the cambio. if the bank is only giving 500us then the businesses are forced to pay the cambio rate. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As baseman mentioned, the real rate is at the cambio. if the bank is only giving 500us then the businesses are forced to pay the cambio rate. 

If cambios wish to rip off and folks want to be ripped off that is OK.

You are such a fool, if not a jackass!  And you said you have some banking background.  Maybe the type who advised Mugabe!!  Cambios were the market, banks were an artificial peg!  You bloody fool!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As baseman mentioned, the real rate is at the cambio. if the bank is only giving 500us then the businesses are forced to pay the cambio rate. 

If cambios wish to rip off and folks want to be ripped off that is OK.

What ripoff?  This is how capitalism works, supply and demand.  

so whats the black market rate? 500?

ba$eman posted:

You are such a fool, if not a jackass!  And you said you have some banking background.  Maybe the type who advised Mugabe!!  Cambios were the market, banks were an artificial peg!  You bloody fool!

So given that Granger is Mugabe, has the GYD fallen to 10,000:1 yet?

What is the black market rate? When a currency collapses there is always a parallel rate.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As baseman mentioned, the real rate is at the cambio. if the bank is only giving 500us then the businesses are forced to pay the cambio rate. 

If cambios wish to rip off and folks want to be ripped off that is OK.

What ripoff?  This is how capitalism works, supply and demand.  

so whats the black market rate? 500?

213 someone mentioned, soon to reach 250 if jackass Granger and company continue their tax and spend agenda.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

213 someone mentioned, .

Hmmm. So 206 to 213.  Now the Canada $ used to equal the US $, but now is worth only 76c.

The UK pound early last year was worth a US1.60 but now its only 1.25.

So is this the best that you can do?

Apparently Burnham schooled you well before he died, 3.5% is not significant to an already battered currency.   

Drugb posted:

Apparently Burnham schooled you well before he died, 3.5% is not significant to an already battered currency.   

If the economy is battered now then it was battered under the PPP. You have yet to furnish data that shows a decline.  The sugar sector has issues, as does rice, but these problems were very present under the PPP and are hardly worse now. The Chinese exploiters fooled the PPP and no doubt bribed some to breach an agreement that they would shift their exports from raw wood to more value added products.

So basically all that is happening now had its roots under the PPP.  And you can not prove otherwise so you resort to your usual racist personal attacks.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

What ripoff?  This is how capitalism works, supply and demand.  

so whats the black market rate? 500?

Which world you living in, you don't know squat but you talk sh1t all day!  Guyana no longer have a Govt peg, so the rate you see is the free market rate.  There is no black market until now, not as long as your hapless PNC don't try to re-implement currency restrictions!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Apparently Burnham schooled you well before he died, 3.5% is not significant to an already battered currency.   

If the economy is battered now then it was battered under the PPP. You have yet to furnish data that shows a decline.  The sugar sector has issues, as does rice, but these problems were very present under the PPP and are hardly worse now. The Chinese exploiters fooled the PPP and no doubt bribed some to breach an agreement that they would shift their exports from raw wood to more value added products.

So basically all that is happening now had its roots under the PPP.  And you can not prove otherwise so you resort to your usual racist personal attacks.

The PPP uprooted the PNC debacle and brought Guyana back from the dead in 1992.  If things are so bad, with over USD 500 mil in reserve and USD 1 bil in the backing system, why can't your PNC sprout some roots and show the PPP how to do things?

Guess what, they cannot!


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