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Guyana has so far benefitted from more than $15.6 Billion (US$75M) directly from the oil and gas sector, according to Director of the Energy Department Dr. Mark Bynoe.

In his address to residents of the Albouystown community on the oil and gas sector, at the Heavenly Light World Outreach Centre, on March 23, Dr Bynoe said this money does not include downstream impacts of the industry such as works in mechanics, electrical work, welding and technical warehousing, among others.

As such, he urged the residents to position themselves to benefit from the indirect benefits of the sector, while at the same time, assisting in transforming the economy.

Director of the Energy Department, Dr. Mark Bynoe

“…The sector employs a fairly small number of persons because most of it is highly mechanised. What we should be training ourselves for, is the expansion of the investment that is coming and that has already started as well as the new Guyana that is to come” Dr. Bynoe stated.

He explained that skills building and certification are necessary, noting that the Department of Energy is “more than willing to work with any institution to create that opportunity for more of our Guyanese people not just to be aware but to build the requisite capacity going forward.”


Residents of Albouystown at the discussion on oil and gas sector [DPI photos]

Currently, 54 percent of the persons directly employed in the oil and gas sector are Guyanese. By the year 2020, the target of the Department of Energy is to have that number increased to 75 percent or greater.


The Department of Energy has been hosting sensitisation sessions across the country to educate, inform and prepare citizens for the production of oil in 2020. (Extracted and modified from Department of Public Information)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC electioneering has begun and, clearly, Dr Mark Bynoe is campaigning for the PNC. It was wrong for Nirmal Rekha and other public servants to campaign for the PPP so it cannot be right for Bynoe to make promises in Albouystown. 

This culture of using government human and other resources for party campaigns ought to cease. Both major parties are guilty.

skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is weh de money gone?

Good question bhai.. that’s lots of moula. 

Me tinks Harmon got the money all wrapped up with the $5 mil(USD).

I hope so.

skeldon_man posted:

Is weh de money gone?

In people's pockets.  This is the wages and other earnings by Guyanese engaged in the industry.

Why dont you ask them what they did with the money?

Gilbakka posted:

This culture of using government human and other resources for party campaigns ought to cease. Both major parties are guilty.

Yes but given that the PPP did so you are ill equipped to criticize APNU for doing the same.  The PPP is the same party that engaged in this, and given a chance, will do the same again.

When you insist that the PPP is transformed, instead of singing praises to a thug, then you can credibly opine on this.  Jagdeo is every bit the brute that Burnham was and the Irfaan selection should signal that to you. Everyone knows how unsuitable this man is, but some stifle their conscience and accept this.

skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is weh de money gone?

Good question bhai.. that’s lots of moula. 

Me tinks Harmon got the money all wrapped up with the $5 mil(USD).

And that is why Jagdeo is so enraged. Why the hell should Harmon get money and he not get any?  So he will turn over the country in an NCV which wasn't necessary in order to grab it.

What Jagdeo should have done was to challenge the coalition for constitutional reform that they promised, but have since "forgotten" about. He could have threatened an NCV if they refused.

But no. This NCV when elections are but a year away.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is weh de money gone?

In people's pockets.  This is the wages and other earnings by Guyanese engaged in the industry.

Why dont you ask them what they did with the money?

Granger, Harmon, Grenidge, Trotman etc.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is weh de money gone?

In people's pockets.  This is the wages and other earnings by Guyanese engaged in the industry.

Why dont you ask them what they did with the money?

Granger, Harmon, Grenidge, Trotman etc.

And you wish that it was Jagdeo, Jagdeo, Jagdeo and Jagdeo. With Irfaan getting a few cents for being an idiot.


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