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Political commentator and economist Ramon Gaskin said the health of Guyana's economy is deteriorating as he called upon the coalition government to focus on the local communities to unearth ways of stimulating the economy.

This is the same advise preferred by the former finance minister, Dr. Jagdeo of the opposition People Progress Party.

Asked if the current finance minister was receiving bad advice as how to deal with the matter, Gaskin said the situation is beyond advice as Guyana's deep economic downturn has had severe effects on the production level of major industries, including rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and mining.


The economy was a major concern for most when Granger took office. Four months later, the economy get worst rather than better. With incompetents with positions and no skills, a child would tell you the economy will get even worst. This disunity government will send Guyana into a deep recession if they don't seek professional economic advise.

PNC all over again. This time with two coolie stooges, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan.

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