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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Tola click on the thread political scope, the President address to the Nation is there.

Thank you Conscience.   I will, because  we all might have own opinions about President Ramotar, but he is the President of Guyana.

I believe all Guyanese should listen to his speech, because it might inform all voting Guyanese to make their right decision on May 11.


Originally Posted by cain:

Nah wrong wrong wrong tola.

Cain Bro, we all have our own strong opinions about Guyana politics and I have shared a few nastys  on  this board, but it does not change my mind who to support, the party I feel is best for Guyana.

'At the end of this election, you might know more about what I am writing here and might fully understand'.

For the sake of Guyana, the people need to listen to all sides and in their opinion vote their conscience [not for Conscience].

Both PNC and PPP have destructive track records of Guyana that hurt  a lot of people. Personally, I believe the people of Guyana might take this into consideration and turn the apple cart up side down.

I am not saying that we should listen to Ramotar because we want to vote for him. A lot of people might be tuned off by his speech and vote for someone else.

But no matter how we  feel  about him, he is the President of Guyana and I have my own opinions about him and the PPP, many are not very pleasant.  


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