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The audacity of the PPP is breathtaking. To imagine, just a few weeks ago, it was the PPP kicking up dust storms demanding free, fair and transparent elections. To contemplate, not too long ago it was the the PPP beseeching the international community not to let the will of the Guyanese people be undermined. To know, it was the PPP urging the ABC&E countries to bring sanctions, the equivalent of fire and brimstone, down upon Guyana if the elections were not credible. And now to see it is the PPP threatening jail time for anyone providing documentation establishing fraudulent voting. The extent to which the PPP is willing to go to protect fraudulent voting is just breathtaking.

The PPP penchant for illegal voting is nothing new. During the Claims and Objection period before the 2006 elections, a member of the PNCR Region 3 Campaign Committee raised concerns about the size of the electoral roll for Nouvelle Flanders/Waller’s Delight. The member contended that the size of the electoral roll did not correlate with the number of dwelling places in the area. The committee decided to mount a house to house exercise to investigate. The residents were very cooperative during the exercise, and provided information on deaths, migration etc. The committee used this information and submitted scores of objections to GECOM.

The PPP reaction to the objections was both surprising and alarming. They threw a hissy fit, claimed all the persons were legitimate voters, and demanded that all the objections be rejected. Mr. Ralph Ramkarran pronounced that the only way to remove someone was with a death certificate or immigration records. Even notorized statements by relatives of dead persons could not move the PPP into agreeing to GECOM holding a hearing on a single objection. It was clear, the PPP desperately wanted the names of the dead to remain on the list. This became even more evident when efforts to obtain death certificates from the GRO were frustrated.

The fact that a list bloated with the names of the dead, migrated and fictitious is central to the PPP electoral fraud was always known in political circles. Now the recount has established this fact for all to see. So far, documentary evidence has been produced establishing that scores of dead and migrated persons were recorded as voting on March 2nd. It is clear evidence of a PPP illegal voting campaign.

The magnitude and extent of this campaign is evident when one examine the numbers. The 2012 census population size of 750,000, and age group extrapolation along with death and migration rates suggest a voting age population of 430,000. The electoral roll for the March 2nd elections was 660,998. To put it simply, only 65.2% of the names on the list are electors who were alive and present in Guyana. GECOM records show that the turn out for the March 2nd Elections was 72.4%. This points to massive voter irregularity.

The 72.92% turnout in the 2011 elections is a relatively good measure of what actual turnout is in Guyana. This is because the elections were held just three years after house to house registration, and the size of the list approximated to the size of the voting age population. However, even though the turnout in 2020 is recorded as 72%, this is misleading. It is misleading because the 2020 list is bloated.

We know the real size of the voters roll is 430,000. A 100% turnout would mean 430,000 votes. A 90% turnout would mean 387,000 votes. An 80% turnout would mean 344,000 votes. A 70% turn out would mean 301,000 votes. However, all records, including recount data, suggest 450,000+ total votes at the March 2nd elections.

What does this mean? Well it depends on how you choose to look at it. If you choose to believe there was 100% turnout, plus some, then 450,000+ votes is OK. If you accept that 90% turnout is reasonable, then there are 43,000 extra votes in the ballot boxes. If the turnout was just 80% then there are 86,000 extra votes in the ballot boxes. Some will argue that overseas based Guyanese returned home to vote. The question is, how many? definitely not 86,000; certainly not 43,000. Remember, turnout in 2011 was approximately72%

Regional voter turnout suggests the illegal voter campaign was concentrated in Regions 2, 3, 5 and 6 and on the East Coast and East Bank Demerara in Region 4. All with the exception of Region 6 recorded turnout over 70%. The fraud in these regions is evident by the steep increase in supposed votes for the PPP.

The big question is, how was this possible? How was the PPP able to put 43 be,000 fraudulent votes into the ballot boxes? Well, contrary to what the PPP controlled Private Sector Commission would have us believe, voter impersonation was not only possible, it was rampant. The hundreds of irregularities involving missing poll books, certificates of employment, counterfoils and oaths of identification point to the desperate efforts to cover up the fraudulent voting.

Some will ask, how did this go unnoticed? Simple, it does not require a mad rush; just three fraudulent votes per hour over 12 hours in 1200 ballot boxes. The exercise is normally so sophisticated that you have to be looking for it to observe it. There were several incidents in Region 3 on Election Day, when APNU-AFC supporters accosted PPP operatives attempting to engage in fraudulent voting.

Are you asking, β€œbut where were the observers?” They were not looking. They were busy being wined and dined by the PPP. They were being driven and flown around the country by PPP operatives. They were guilty of dereliction of duty.

Despite months of APNU-AFC demands for a clean list, observer missions never made possible fraudulent voting their focus. So much so, after the close of polls they declared the process flawless, despite complaints from APNU-AFC. The OAS, which used statistical trends as the basis for declaring the elections in Bolivia flawed, never bother to look at the statistical anomalies in supposed voter turnout. The United States Ambassador, who is from the same country were a congressional election was recently nullified, and McRae Dowless indicted, because of fraud, ignored the indicators of fraud in the Guyana Elections. Instead, they were all focused on certifying the fraudulent process.

The US, OAS, EU and Canadian could, because of whatever self interest, decide to ignore the obvious fraudulent voting, but GECOM and its Chairman, Justice Claudette Singh, cannot afford to. This is not only about the credibility of the elections, it is about the credibility of GECOM itself and the integrity of our democratic process. If we did not have a recount everyone could have shrugged and say maybe we had a freak turnout. However, with evidence of widespread fraudulent voting, and statistical indicators of between 43,000 and 86,000 fraudulent votes, GECOM is duty bound to investigate. Failing to do so would make a mockery of our electoral process.

It will be interesting to see if the ABC&E countries, the OAS, the Carter Center, and the Commonwealth will demand a full and complete investigation by GECOM.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

@Django: I thought GECOM is responsible for the election and not investigating fraud. Isn't the legal system folks who are responsible for investigating fraud of any kind?

Hey hey funny ting is de fraud dem talkin bout is five coolie name dem seh come back foh vote from Merika. Yuh know de evil/wicked constitution na seh nothing bout farrin Guyana people returning and vote. De evil and wicked constitution seh yuh cyant do overseas vote. Yuh have to turn up. Yuh tink nobady from Brooklyn na turn up foh vote pon eleckshun day? Bai de ting is so funny. Yuh gat to find de lass straw foh throw out de eleckshun juss like de frivolous court order Miss "Singh" pass pon JJ. JJ throw de ting over she shoulda 

@Former Member posted:

Hey hey funny ting is de fraud dem talkin bout is five coolie name dem seh come back foh vote from Merika. Yuh know de evil/wicked constitution na seh nothing bout farrin Guyana people returning and vote. De evil and wicked constitution seh yuh cyant do overseas vote. Yuh have to turn up. Yuh tink nobady from Brooklyn na turn up foh vote pon eleckshun day? Bai de ting is so funny. Yuh gat to find de lass straw foh throw out de eleckshun juss like de frivolous court order Miss "Singh" pass pon JJ. JJ throw de ting over she shoulda 

How come only PNC peeple dem only know about dem coolies only vote out of the jurisdiction? Blackman nah vote out ah de jurisdiction too? How come PPP nah mek objection that farign peeple vote when dem nah bin in Guyana dah day?

@Former Member posted:

How come only PNC peeple dem only know about dem coolies only vote out of the jurisdiction? Blackman nah vote out ah de jurisdiction too? How come PPP nah mek objection that farign peeple vote when dem nah bin in Guyana dah day?

Well de short ansa is PPP tell coolies foh dankey years dat "coolie doan jine army"..."army wuk doan pay"...hey hey hey. Now dem cyan do what dem want. If puppy Irfaan turn Presi he getting overthrow in fuss year in any case...hey hey hey. 

@Former Member posted:

Well de short ansa is PPP tell coolies foh dankey years dat "coolie doan jine army"..."army wuk doan pay"...hey hey hey. Now dem cyan do what dem want. If puppy Irfaan turn Presi he getting overthrow in fuss year in any case...hey hey hey. 

Disband the army. Dem nah woth a pint of parrot piss. Wah you tink? They have two ballahoos and 25 Granger painted color buses going to attack Venezuela. I bet them Venezuelan soldiers must be pissing in their pants trembling at the knees.

@Django posted:

It's said missing poll books ,caused thousands of votes not to be credible.

Watch out to discredit the elections.

Django GECOM address this pol book issue. If it was the opposite way, you will gather the information to dispel this rumour. Your behaviour is not helping a situation but is fuelling the fire. What are you hoping to achieve as the owner of a public forum?

GECOM in possession of Poll books for all Regions being counted – Ward confirms

@Former Member posted:

@Django: I thought GECOM is responsible for the election and not investigating fraud. Isn't the legal system folks who are responsible for investigating fraud of any kind?

Gecom is discrediting themselves .. from the chairwoman to all its employees. Watch out for a lawsuit. 
And APNU is insulting their 15,000 polling agent by saying they took bribe or fell asleep after eating cook up for lunch. 

@Django posted:

It's said missing poll books ,caused thousands of votes not to be credible.

Watch out to discredit the elections.

@Former Member posted:

Django GECOM address this pol book issue. If it was the opposite way, you will gather the information to dispel this rumour.

Your behaviour is not helping a situation but is fuelling the fire. What are you hoping to achieve as the owner of a public forum?  

What's your problem ? I am seeing claims are made ,damn i can't state that ? i can't say what may happen to the elections.

What that have to do with owing a public forum ? you are using the forum to post everything from the political party you support ,no one stopping you or any one to post ,yet you trying to admonish Django.

Quite interesting.

Last edited by Django

It must take some gross dishonesty or absolute fool to still hang onto the poll book issue.

The ballots are in the boxes to be verified against the SOP. That’s what matters. 

The β€œmissing” poll books are likely right at GECOM hidden by wench Fraudette and her PNC Henches.  

The GECOM instructions on the poll books were inconsistent causing the confusion. Some polling places were told to put into the ballot box and sealed.  Some were told to give to the RO.

Imbeciles abound!

@Django posted:

When the ballot boxes are recounted ,some of the poll books aren't found ,the books are an important part of the recount process ,there are records of voting day events .If GECOM is hiding it ,its wrong.

Individuals responsible for the orderly storage of the information are responsible and must be held accountable for such mismanagement.

However, the ultimate responsibility rests with the higher-up of GECOM.


They are nothing short of a nest of church going vipers. They manipulate and lie Without shame. And it’s so herd-like, they all together and their massed embrace it.  It says a lot of the people.  They are a breed unto themselves!

Than again, you have some shameless coolie runts running behind them like a bunch of magga daggs.  Coolie dags are Indians worse enemy.  But the Blackman, with his clan mentality, will kick their asses to the curb.  They deserve it!

@Former Member posted:

They are nothing short of a nest of church going vipers. They manipulate and lie Without shame. And it’s so herd-like, they all together and their massed embrace it.  It says a lot of the people.  They are a breed unto themselves!

Than again, you have some shameless coolie runts running behind them like a bunch of magga daggs.  Coolie dags are Indians worse enemy.  But the Blackman, with his clan mentality, will kick their asses to the curb.  They deserve it!

I think you need to ease up on the Clorax. Like isolation getting to you? Feeling very sad for you. 

Last edited by Mitwah


How come Claudette, Lowenfield, and Mingo did not notice 43,000 fraudulent votes when they counted the ballots and came up with their election results on a spreadsheet?

They are saying that everyone in the polling station collaborated with each other and allowed these people who were not allowed to vote, to do just that. PPPC paid everybody to steal 2 votes here and 3 there and not a single person said a word until recently... they even declared the electshun FREE & FAIR ... some left GNI to buy ingredients for the cook up to celebrate the victory and after 88 days they resurface without the cook up and ingredients.. 

@Former Member posted:

They are saying that everyone in the polling station collaborated with each other and allowed these people who were not allowed to vote, to do just that. PPPC paid everybody to steal 2 votes here and 3 there and not a single person said a word until recently... they even declared the electshun FREE & FAIR ... some left GNI to buy ingredients for the cook up to celebrate the victory and after 88 days they resurface without the cook up and ingredients.. 

Remember these were Amna Ally jumbies that voted. Nobody cyan see wan jumbie unless you got certain something I heard.

@Former Member posted:

They are saying that everyone in the polling station collaborated with each other and allowed these people who were not allowed to vote, to do just that. PPPC paid everybody to steal 2 votes here and 3 there and not a single person said a word until recently... they even declared the electshun FREE & FAIR ... some left GNI to buy ingredients for the cook up to celebrate the victory and after 88 days they resurface without the cook up and ingredients.. 

Your side-kick KP will be very disappointed. 

@Former Member posted:

They are nothing short of a nest of church going vipers. They manipulate and lie Without shame. And it’s so herd-like, they all together and their massed embrace it.  It says a lot of the people.  They are a breed unto themselves!

Than again, you have some shameless coolie runts running behind them like a bunch of magga daggs.  Coolie dags are Indians worse enemy.  But the Blackman, with his clan mentality, will kick their asses to the curb.  They deserve it!

You have come back more racist and backward than ever.  You and your type are nothing but loud mouthed louts and cowards.  Look and what you write and assess for yourself how silly it is.  


These people will stop at nothing to steal this elections.  Who Ali Baba and gang?

I see a country in political turmoil for years to come.  So your eyes finally opened.

This can only be prevented if the US, Canada, Britain, and the EU stand firmly against this dictatorial regime and force them out like they did in 1992

Jagdeo said Guyana is a sovereign nation. Why are you calling for interference?

@Former Member posted:

Please Listen carefully...

During his fraudulent tabulation, Mingo claimed that figures from the SOPs in his possession were entered on a spreadsheet from which he called out figures. GECOM should make this spreadsheet available to all stakeholders.

Banna, these are bold face thieves.  This is where street choke-and-rob get their intellectual direction.  A bunch of criminals trying to create a criminal state.  Their dumb-ass supporters have nothing to get.  The fools will end up in Brooklyn when all's said and done.


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