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Government may reopen bids for marketing company

The Guyana government lifted its first oil cargo for 2021 last week, bringing the total number of shipments made by the country to five, which represents its share of crude from the Liza Phase 1 Development since production started in December 2019.

“So far US$ 21.2 million in royalty payments have been made into the fund and there are four payments [for exports],” Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo told the media on Tuesday. “So, we now have US$206.6 million in the fund… US$185 million so far from the profit oil and US$21.2 [million] from the royalties and then you have some interest…”

The February 2021 cargo was lifted by Hess, as was the 4th cargo in December last year since a marketing company has not yet been contracted for longer-term engagements. Shell Western Supply and Trading Limited was initially contracted by the previous administration to lift the country’s first 3 oil shipments. The new government had moved forward with reopening the tender for a marketing company back in August last year, shortly after being sworn into office.

“So, we went out to tender last year and 29 companies submitted bids. And the evaluation criteria, we believe, that was set by the Department [of Energy], resulted in the evaluators having to disqualify…28 of the 29 basically, so they only had one valid bidder,” Jagdeo pointed out. He explained that the prequalification criteria were ‘nonsensical’ since it allowed for the disqualification of companies with proven track records in marketing crude, including Shell, which had already lifted multiple cargos of the Liza Crude.

“This was not transparent as far as we are concerned; you can’t disqualify 28 of 29 bidders, especially these people are trading billions of barrels per day and they have bigger capacity,” he said.

The Vice President later disclosed that the government is considering whether to invite the same companies to resubmit bids and “change the so-called prequalification criteria” since it is set up in a way that allows for disqualification of proposals for lack of technical capacity, even though, as in the case of Shell, for example, the company had demonstrated it had the capacity.

“So, either simplified prequalification criteria where you can say all of these companies are capable of marketing the oil and then it’s just a matter of the best price, or in that context also we can look at people who may want to buy the oil directly,” the Vice President explained. “For us, it is the best price for oil; that is what we’re looking at because you have hundreds of companies literally that can take this oil and sell it.”

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Guyana has received US$21M in oil royalties so far – Vice President

Feb 11, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-far-vice-president/

Kaieteur News – More than US$200 million earned from oil revenues currently sits in Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF), with the most recent payment made back in January. This was the disclosure of Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, during his most recent press briefing which was held on Tuesday.

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

He relayed to media operatives that in total, US$206.6 million (G$43.1 billion) is currently in Guyana’s NRF. That figure also included the latest royalty payment of US$8.3 million received last month.

Jagdeo stated, “So far, US$21.2 million in royalty payments have been made into the fund. And there are four payments – US$4.9 million, US$3.6 million, US$4.3 million and US$8.3 million in royalty payments, at different times – April 2020, August 2020, October 2020 and January 2021.”

“And then from profit oil, we have March 11 (2020) – US$54.9 million; June (2020) – US$35 million; August (2020) – US$46 million; and January 11 (2021) – US$49 million… so we now have US$206.6 million in the fund – US$185 million so far from profit oil and US$21.2 million from royalty,” Jagdeo continued.

Currently, all of the revenue accumulated from the sale of Guyana’s oil is held in the NRF, which is banked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The fund remain untouched, however, as government attempts to review the legislation governing the NRF.

Government has long frowned upon the NRF implemented by the previous Coalition administration.

It was revealed that its provisions give the subject Minister too much control over the Fund.

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall, noted too that the legality of the fund is questionable, given that it was passed after the government fell by a December 21, 2018 No Confidence vote.


$206 milion, huh? Wake me when it is at least $20.6 BILLION! If it ever gets there, while the PPP finds reasons for siphoning off some! I'm sure they will find many! The coalition government wanted to be in charge of those funds for the same reasons the PPP have but Stupid Willie's maths ruined their chances! Instead of challenging Charranrass' voting with his party of idiots who APPOINTED him (the MF was never elected), he allowed the voting to be considered legit! Charranrass struck out on his own without bothering to tell the fools about his intentions! What more effective expression of contempt could they want? Now, in addition to his gift of bribe money, plus the adulation of PPP morons, he will be sent to Modi to advise him on political chicanery! As if Modi, the consummate political sophist, needs that! Perhaps Charranrass could be of use to those opposed to Modi's plans for a Hindustan to please the Brahmins who support him! But no, Charanrass really knows little about Hinduism! He's like Ramakunt! Another iggerunt dalit! Hurry up, Modi! The dissolution of BRITISH India beckons you! There will be lots of interstate fighting again! The Rajputs could assert their fondness for stupid wars again! From ruling 48% of India when India gained independence, they could rule ALL! He who dares, could win!

@Former Member posted:

$206 milion, huh? Wake me when it is at least $20.6 BILLION! If it ever gets there, while the PPP finds reasons for siphoning off some! I'm sure they will find many! The coalition government wanted to be in charge of those funds for the same reasons the PPP have but Stupid Willie's maths ruined their chances! Instead of challenging Charranrass' voting with his party of idiots who APPOINTED him (the MF was never elected), he allowed the voting to be considered legit! Charranrass struck out on his own without bothering to tell the fools about his intentions! What more effective expression of contempt could they want? Now, in addition to his gift of bribe money, plus the adulation of PPP morons, he will be sent to Modi to advise him on political chicanery! As if Modi, the consummate political sophist, needs that! Perhaps Charranrass could be of use to those opposed to Modi's plans for a Hindustan to please the Brahmins who support him! But no, Charanrass really knows little about Hinduism! He's like Ramakunt! Another iggerunt dalit! Hurry up, Modi! The dissolution of BRITISH India beckons you! There will be lots of interstate fighting again! The Rajputs could assert their fondness for stupid wars again! From ruling 48% of India when India gained independence, they could rule ALL! He who dares, could win!

You are a  thoughtless moron who thinks that you can get away with mindless rantings every day. If anyone is stupid it's you. 

You are a gutter rat.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are a  thoughtless moron who thinks that you can get away with mindless rantings every day. If anyone is stupid it's you.

You are a gutter rat.

For calling me a gutter rat, I will refrain from totally emasculating you! Anyway, it seems you've already done it yourself! Pity!


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