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Guyana fetching odda people goadie

Apr 14, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-odda-people-goadie/

Donald sign an oil contract fuh Guyana. De people ain’t even do one test and dem seh Guyana got to pay pre-contract cost. Is like de man who paying fuh something he give he friend fuh free. Dat is de kind of oil sense Guyana got.

But dat is not de only stupidness dat happening in dis country.
Is not every day somebody does ask or depend on odda people to talk fuh dem. But these days people who suppose to got sense got somebody telling dem not to talk. Dem boys know Jagdeo got an honorary doctorate so he is a doctor. Dem never know he got a lawyer thing too.

He go to New York and tell people how he order Irfaat not to answer any questions ‘bout he qualifications. Is Irfaat write de exams; is he got de certificate. How come Jagdeo can tell him not to talk about it?

Dem have contractors who also can’t talk ‘bout wha dem got to suffer.

People tekking on contracts and de engineers does got to get dem cut.

Who don’t pay can’t get no contract.

Dem boys seh one contractor decide dat he ain’t paying and he ain’t keeping he mouth shut. He talk how dem corrupt and how dem does inflate de cost of de project. De engineers dem does split de extra cost.

Dat been happening fuh years. Dem engineers use to give one estimate and tell dem friends to bid near to de estimate. Dat is how some carpenters become millionaires when dem could barely swing a cutlass a few months earlier.

Dem get free government money through dem contract. De same trend continue today and Jagdeo know. Dat is why he seh Soulja Bai running a corrupt ship.

Imagine Jagdeo set up SOCU to track down corrupt transactions. SOCU question all dem PPP people. When de government change, Jagdeo want to know how come dem never question any of Soulja Bai people.

Now de police got to question SOCU. De organization corrupt. People thiefing from inside de organization. SOCU seize people money and by de time dem got to find de evidence, it done get thief.

Is shame and dat is why Jagdeo go till in New York and talk ‘bout de corruption in SOCU.

Talk half and watch how people getting goadie to carry.

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