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October 26,2016 Source

THE European Commission on Tuesday handed over to Guyana the sum of twenty-four million, four hundred and twenty-four thousand euros (€24,424,000) — the equivalent of five billion, four hundred million, one hundred and fifty-three thousand, five hundred and twenty-seven Guyana dollars (Gy$5,400,153,527) — for the Action Programme adopted by this country under the Accompanying Measures Programme (AMP) for sugar.The disbursement comes at a time when the sugar industry is in deep financial crisis and is seeking a Government bailout of eighteen billion dollars (Gy$18B) next year to keep it afloat.

In addition to a twelve-billion-dollar (Gy$12B) subsidy received from the Government in 2015, the Guyana Sugar Corporation received another nine billion dollars (Gy$9B) in 2016, and has said it is seeking an additional $3.5 billion as subsidy for this year.

The European Union had, back in 2015, suspended the disbursements when then President, Donald Ramotar, prorogued Parliament to avoid a no-confidence motion against his minority government.

The Guyana Chronicle was told that Stefani Manservisi, Director General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission, handed over the funds to Guyana. Manservisi made the presentation during the ongoing meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and European Union (CELAC-EU) being held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

The EU had, some years ago, set aside 1.2 billion euros to assist the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to reform their sugar sector in order to improve competitiveness or to diversify out of sugar; and Guyana has, over the years, benefited from this disbursement. In releasing the recent funds, the European Commission indicated that the Government of Guyana has made remarkable progress and commendable efforts in terms of budget transparency and accountability.

According to the Ministry, Manservisi emphasised that the European Union is committed to continue assisting Guyana in its transformation.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan, who is heading Guyana’s delegation at the conference, received the funds on behalf of this country. Jordan is accompanied by David Hales, Guyana’s Ambassador to Belgium and the EU, and Ms. Vonetta Victor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Georgetown.

Meanwhile, during the meeting, foreign ministers of CELAC-EU will discuss the future of their partnership, and address strengthening dialogue and deepening mutual relations, common challenges and means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Foreign Ministers will also take stock of the overall progress made so far. Such discussions should lead to concrete actions that have a direct and positive impact on the lives of citizens in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The EU objective for the meeting is to agree on substantial recommendations for rendering the EU-CELAC cooperation more political, operational and visible, to the benefit of citizens.

The two sides are also expected to discuss the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation), and sign an agreement that establishes it as an international organisation. The aim of the EU-LAC is to transform and adapt the strategic partnership between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted in 1999, into a strengthened and visible reality wherein the respective societies in both these regions can actively participate. Its specific mission is to connect the intergovernmental processes with businesses, academia, education, the social sector, as well as in a broader and general manner with the civil society of both regions.

The Foundation is also expected to promote the development of a joint and forward-looking global vision with shared strategies in both regions.

The EU and Latin America and the Caribbean have enjoyed privileged relations since the first bi-regional Summit held in BRAZIL IN 199, which established a strategic partnership. They are natural partners linked by strong historical, cultural and economic ties. Guyana’s National Coordinator to CELAC is Ambassador Audrey Jardine-Waddell, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Great!! Now the sugar workers can get substantial increases and we can reopen Wales and other closed Estates.  GAWU must keep all eyes on the money, THE PNC THIEVES will look to pocket as much as possible.

Nehru posted:

Great!! Now the sugar workers can get substantial increases and we can reopen Wales and other closed Estates.  GAWU must keep all eyes on the money, THE PNC THIEVES will look to pocket as much as possible.

Wine down time again for the boys. Sport up and dance all over the place. Don't worry about tomorrow. Plenty dry coconut around.


I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

This govt will not heed your suggestions.  In fact the money will be shifted to pay pnc operatives in public service sector.  Don't hold your breath. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

This govt will not heed your suggestions.  In fact the money will be shifted to pay pnc operatives in public service sector.  Don't hold your breath. 

Well the PPP did nothing for the bauxite workers so why your screams.  This will be merely APNU behaving like the PPP.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

This govt will not heed your suggestions.  In fact the money will be shifted to pay pnc operatives in public service sector.  Don't hold your breath. 

Well the PPP did nothing for the bauxite workers so why your screams.  This will be merely APNU behaving like the PPP.

No screams from me.  We are in agreement that the sugar industry is a failed industry and govt should divest. You folks were on your high horses pre election, when you claimed that the PNC would bring all sorts of development to the nation. Now you all quiet. 

Nehru posted:

Great!! Now the sugar workers can get substantial increases and we can reopen Wales and other closed Estates.  GAWU must keep all eyes on the money, THE PNC THIEVES will look to pocket as much as possible.

You do not seem to follow the news. That is 1 billion short just to keep the factory running. We are running 6 billion deficit annually.

caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

It is a subsidy for sugar and should go to sugar. We need to reverse the trend that is heading us to losing this industry. It was not given to dock workers or miners or civil servants. It should go to the sugar industry as intended.


Yall trying to bring the dead  back to life?  Sugar dead, Guyana can't compete on the world market. Any govt run industry is sure to be inefficient and fail in the long run.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

This govt will not heed your suggestions.  In fact the money will be shifted to pay pnc operatives in public service sector.  Don't hold your breath. 

Well the PPP did nothing for the bauxite workers so why your screams.  This will be merely APNU behaving like the PPP.

It'll be worse. Millions will be missing, just like the $5 mil Joe hid. Wine down time at the expense of terminated sugar workers and their families.
When and where is the next wine down sport?

Danyael posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that these funds be allocated to sugar workers who are displaced from sugar.  This should be to assist them to transition to other activities.

I also suggest that the sugar workers should ask themselves why their jobs should be protected. Every other Guyanese worker is exposed to the vagaries of the market. Well the market is now saying that Guysuco should be SHUT DOWN as it is not a viable enterprise.

It is a subsidy for sugar and should go to sugar. We need to reverse the trend that is heading us to losing this industry. It was not given to dock workers or miners or civil servants. It should go to the sugar industry as intended.

It is NOT a subsidy for sugar.  Its assistance to help Guyana transition AWAY from sugar, and to help those who will be adversely impacted as the sugar industry is forced to lay them off.  The sugar workers need to just take the money and stop behaving like prima donnas whose jobs ought to be protected.

FACT.  Guyana cannot compete in global markets.  The whole being of the industry was based on selling at subsidized prices to the EU. With the UK is now out of the EU and with that the EU's obligations to one of its former colonies will CEASE!  The Poles, Hungarians and others don't care one whit for Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member

It's amazing how a political party that can't even understand the details of any contract they ever signed ever managed to seize power. In opposition they continue to make fools of themselves with their comments on the EU grant.


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