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Economic slowdown contributing to increase in crime – iNews Poll

July 21, 2015 6:16 am Category: Business, Local News A+ / A-

regent-street[] – An online poll conducted by iNews Guyana shows that people are of the view that the economic slowdown has contributed to the current spate of crimes that has grappled Guyana.

The poll asked persons whether they “think that the slowdown in the economy is contributing to the increase in criminal activities?”

More than half – 60.1% – of the respondents replied in the affirmative while a meagre 35.6% of them responded in the negative. Another 4.2% of persons stated that they were undecided as to whether the two factors are linked.

At the end of June 2015, the Guyana Police Force recorded a 9% increase in serious crimes in comparison to the same period in 2014, according to statistics released by the Force on July 11.

Among the serious crimes policed by the Force are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, robbery with aggravation, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape, and kidnapping.

According to the statistics, a total of 79 murders were recorded at the end of June 2015 in comparison to 69 murders at the end of June 2014, which is an increase of 14%.

Meanwhile, some members of the private sector and politicians have complained that Guyana is headed for a recession; these statements were however dismissed by Business Minister Dominic Gaskin.

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Commonwealth Observer reacts to Kwame McCoy’s injury claims

May 13, 2015 11:28 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul


Injured Kwame McCoy.


[] – Head of the Commonwealth Observer Team Kate Wilkinson has reacted to the recent reports of assault to People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Candidate Kwame McCoy.


The scene outside St. Sidwell’s Primary school. [iNews’ Photo]

The scene outside the St. Sidwell’s school. [iNews’ Photo]


Kwame Mc Coy upstairs of the polling station at St. Sidwell’s Primary yesterday.

Kwame Mc Coy upstairs of the polling station at St. Sidwell’s Primary.


The police and security manning the locked gates at St Sidwell’s yesterday.

The police and security manning the locked gates at St Sidwell’s .



Negotiating Kwame McCoy’s safe passage with Police Superintendent Parsram

Negotiating Kwame McCoy’s safe passage with Police Superintendent Parsram





Indian Police Officers Assisting Kwame

after others Refuse to help the Thug

Kwame Mc Coy as he is escorted out of the St Sidwell’s Primary School, away from the angry crowd

Kwame Mc Coy as he is escorted out of the St Sidwell’s Primary School, away from the angry crowd

PPP condemns physical attack on Kwame McCoy  –

after Granger rescues trapped McCoy from hostile coalition mob


According to reports in local and social media, McCoy was brutally assaulted by supporters of a major political Party and had to be taken to local hospital to undergo surgery.


Then on May 12, photos surfaced of McCoy in a hospital bed with several bruises and what appeared to be stitches on his lip.


“I saw the coverage on television and I saw the other media reports but I did not see personally any personal or other physical injury,” Wilkinson told a news conference on May 13.


The reports surrounding the incident with McCoy seem disturbing after he was “rescued” by the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC David Granger.

The Members of the Commonwealth Observer Team at Cara Lodge. [iNews' Photo]

The Members of the Commonwealth Observer Team at Cara Lodge. [iNews’ Photo]

Reports indicate Granger was forced to run to the aid of McCoy who was blocked from exiting the polling station at St Sidewell Primary School at Hadfield &Vlissengen Road Georgetown.


This is after hundreds of the coalition’s supporters got word that McCoy was allegedly trying to steal a ballot box from that polling station.

It was only after Brigadier Granger arrived on the scene and appealed to his supporters to allow McCoy to leave safely that some amount of calm started to prevail since the police were unable to disperse of the large crowd.

Granger stood behind a police vehicle and spoke to his supporters after which a human chain was made to safely allow McCoy to exit the polling station into the police vehicle, which drove him to safety without any injuries.


Opposition Leader Brigadier [ret’d) David Granger arrives at the St Sidwell’s Primary School, a polling station, to appease the angry crowd [Delano Williams photos)

Opposition Leader Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger arrives at the St Sidwell’s Primary School, a polling station, to appease the angry crowd (Delano Williams photos)


Nehru can u tell us who hiding Kwame Now...

Granger or Jagdeo

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Hey Netaji, let's form our own party. 

That is a very good idea. Let us ask Donald Trump to finance us.

  That yellow-haired tycoon will fire us.    Buddy, lots of hurtful talk coming from Caribny, reasons why most fled Guyana. The British took people from all parts of the globe and dumped us there to enrich themselves and the British monarchy. Now there is chaos as to who should rule. 

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Hey Netaji, let's form our own party. 

That is a very good idea. Let us ask Donald Trump to finance us.

  That yellow-haired tycoon will fire us.    Buddy, lots of hurtful talk coming from Caribny, reasons why most fled Guyana. The British took people from all parts of the globe and dumped us there to enrich themselves and the British monarchy. Now there is chaos as to who should rule. 

For over a decade he made it clear that he will NOT be HAPPY as long as an INDIAN is ruling GUyana. He is not alone, many(Majority) supported Burnham while starving!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Many Indos are now expressing regret at the choice that they recently made. They will now have to live with the choice of incompetence.

Maybe this is good for Guyana seeing that most of the voters didn't know about the PNC reign of terror between 1973 to 1992.


BREAKING: Former Cop Shawn Hinds confesses he was member of death squad

Shawn Hinds [from HGPTV video)

Shawn Hinds (from HGPTV video)

A former policeman has admitted that he was a member of a death squad that was responsible for bringing down several heavily armed criminals who had escaped from the Georgetown Prison in February 2002. “I was in a death squad,” said Shawn Hinds who is a former bodyguard for now sacked Town Clerk, Carol Sooba. His confession comes at time when police are intensifying their probe into the shooting death of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing in March, 2015 while he had been urging residents of Diamond, East Bank Demerara to go out and vote for the coalition. Hinds, who was up to recently seen frequently near the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) headquarters, told the privately-owned HGPTV Nightly News that he worked with under the late Axel Williams who was subsequently shot and killed several years ago in helping to bring crime under control. He differentiated between the death squad and a phantom squad.  “Years ago, they said I was in some killing squad. I would not sit here and deny that. If I wasn’t a part of a killing squad, this country wouldn’t have had law and or come to some… because there was Shawn Brown and Dale Moore and Chip Teeth,” he in the exclusive interview with Travis Chase.

He did not specifically say whether he had killed anyone.  Hinds, along with Mark Thomas and Ashton King, had been charged with the murder of George Bacchus in February 2004, days after he had publicly confessed to being a death squad informant. He was subsequently freed by the High Court.

Phone records had shown that Williams had been in constant contact with then Home Affairs Minister  Ronald Gajraj at certain times including when several suspected criminals were gunned down outside Nigel's Supermarket on Robb and Light Streets. Gajraj was subsequently cleared by a Commission of Inquiry and went on to become Guyana’s High Commissioner to India. Hinds claimed that he was supplied with a machine gun and instructed how to carry out his operations. “I used to go and uplift a gun from CID (Criminal Investigations Department) headquarters- a machine gun- so this thing is not no one sided affair…We were guided and we were in communication with senior people from CID headquarters,” he said. Hinds said “all my orders came from CID headquarters” and that he has in his possession communication containing instructions and how the killing should be done. Despite his claimed involvement, Hinds said he had paid for his own lawyer and other requirements when he was once locked up.

Police have so far held one person based on hard evidence and was looking for a second person in connection with Crum-Ewing's death, but already Hinds is denying his involvement. "I can't take that. I can't live with that. I could only take what is my own. Me ain't responsibe for nothing there. Me ain't got anything to do with that," he said.

Hinds insisted that he was at home at the time of the shooting. He said he has surveillance video cameras at his home to show where he was when Crum-Ewing was gunned down. "Me aint feeling i Turning in. I cant take a murder charge for what me aint know... I got a mortage I got a family," he said.


He recalled that after seeing a tinted vehicle two days ago outside his home, he later went down to Freedom House- the PPP Headquarters- where he related his experience and then observed a former government official becoming jittery.

"This man jittery. If you see how this man operating jittery," he said.

They are now trying to kill Shawn Hinds

to Coverup for the Real Killer

who is now hiding in Freedom House.


Where is Kwame & Nandalall?


Why are they Hiding in Freedom House?

Hinds, who had been often seen at high-profile PPP and government events-at the swearing in of Donald Ramotar as President at State House and at PPP public meetings in certain potential hot-spots-suggested that media owner and the government official might have conspired to hire Crum-Ewing's killer.

Insisting that he was innocent of that crime, Hinds said he does not know the suspect in police custody. "I don't even know this guy they got in custody... never told him anything, never met him or do anything with him," he said.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Many Indos are now expressing regret at the choice that they recently made. They will now have to live with the choice of incompetence.

A lot more Indos are expressing their relieve that finally somebody is tackling crime and clearing up dem blocked canals etc. People look far more happy in the streets now than they have been for years.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Many Indos are now expressing regret at the choice that they recently made. They will now have to live with the choice of incompetence.

A lot more Indos are expressing their relieve that finally somebody is tackling crime and clearing up dem blocked canals etc. People look far more happy in the streets now than they have been for years.

You damn fool, crime is on the rise and the canals are still blocked.  All they can do is talk,  Ramjattan is hiding under his bed every time someone gets murdered.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Many Indos are now expressing regret at the choice that they recently made. They will now have to live with the choice of incompetence.

A lot more Indos are expressing their relieve that finally somebody is tackling crime and clearing up dem blocked canals etc. People look far more happy in the streets now than they have been for years.

You damn fool, crime is on the rise and the canals are still blocked.  All they can do is talk, 

Ramjattan is hiding under his bed every time someone gets murdered.


Rama where Ramjattan Hiding Bhai?

Who Jittery & Hiding In Freedom House?


Shawn Hinds [from HGPTV video)


Shawn Hinds (from HGPTV video)




He recalled that after seeing a tinted vehicle two days ago outside his home, he later went down to Freedom House- the PPP Headquarters- where he related his experience and then observed a former government official becoming jittery.


"This man jittery. If you see how this man operating jittery," he said.


They are now trying to kill Shawn Hinds


to Coverup for the Real Killer


who is now hiding in Freedom House.




Where is Kwame & Nandalall?




 Kwame McCoy.

Why are they Hiding in Freedom House?


 Rama is Freedom House A Hospital

or De New Dharam Sala?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Observer:

  That yellow-haired tycoon will fire us.    Buddy, lots of hurtful talk coming from Caribny, reasons why most fled Guyana. The British took people from all parts of the globe and dumped us there to enrich themselves and the British monarchy. Now there is chaos as to who should rule. 

...pure shyte from another inbred moron who like to peep, lurk, talk shyte and then run. Is your callous disregard for the truth responsible for your ignorance of the rabid racism ("hurtful talk") in Cobra's, Ramaskont's, Yugi's, skeldon ape's and other tribalists' posts? The indian hatred of all blackman is embodied in those posts as is your refusal to acknowledge their hatred. I love when you all post. Worth laying off and letting you all exhibit your pure anti black racist shit for the world to see.

Last edited by Former Member

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