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Originally Posted by Kari:

mud, mud, mud and mo mud(heads)

This is why small islanders disrespect Guyanese.  I am sure that there is a market for Guyanese clay in CARICOM, given that most of their soils or limestone, coral, sandy or volcanic.  Indeed there is even a market for our white sands as climate change has led to increased beach erosion.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Yes it’s true! Guyana now imports clay blocks!

Not because one man puts an ad in KN means that Guyana is importing clay bricks. It's called free enterprise. The man maybe trying to open a new business. Who knows if his business will succeed. I am sure thr TT bricks will be more expensive than the Guyana manufactured bricks. Let's wait and see how he does.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Importation of Clay Bricks into Guyana caught the attention of Kari and made him very angry. Kari, a former state planner during the PNC era, received his political indoctrination in a gov't. -owned Clay Brick Factory.

HEHEHE So he is one of the reason Guyana is so Messed up???  I remember the 25 years Plan Burnham did.  It Rass expired, thank God cause we might have to EAT CLAY instead of exporting Clay. Kharee plan is no more. THank GOd.


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