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Former Member

Guyana gov’t sends 28-page document to U.S. Congress, diplomatic corps refuting APNU+AFC’s ‘misinformation’ at Brooklyn rally

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira has issued a 28-page document to members of the U.S. Congress, international partners, and the local diplomatic corps refuting claims being made by Guyana’s main parliamentary opposition, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APU+AFC) at a recent rally held at Brooklyn.

In the correspondence, dated August 18, 2021, the Minister included the findings of the International Election Observer Missions, which validated the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)’s victory at the March 2020 General and Regional Elections, in response to claims by the Coalition of an “installed” government.

She also outlined the work of the PPP/C government since taking office on August 2, 2020, in response to claims that the actions of the PPP/C Administration are discriminatory.

The Minister also outlined the “history” of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), which now leads the APNU+AFC Coalition, and its “proclivity to play the race-card and stoke divisions in Guyanese society”.

She said: “The PNC dominated APNU+AFC Coalition is in tatters. Race is the last desperate thing that they have in opposition to hold onto. This they have used to divide the nation and increase ethnic insecurities at each stage of Guyana’s history for the last 29 years whenever there is a chance, an opportunity for the country and the people to move forward and thrive. Their history of destruction, obstruction, anti-nationalism, and division has not changed.”

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance said that in the face of the “wild untruths” that are being peddled by the PNC-led APNU+AFC Coalition, it was the then David Granger-led government that carried out the “most blatant racist policy experienced since the Burnham era” of the 1970s and 80s.

She also told the members that the APNU+AFC, while in government, terminated 99% of Guyana’s representatives at our Foreign missions; terminated Chief Executive Officers and high-level managers in all state corporations; terminated 99% of all Permanent Secretaries and Regional Executive Officers; used the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) and the Serious Organised Crime Unit(SOCU) as “political tools to hound down PPP/C leaders”; prematurely aborted the International Commission of Inquiry into the assassination of Dr. Water Rodney; and voted on two occasions in Parliament against adopting the findings and recommendations of the report.

She added that the former regime also introduced anti-working people tax measures, thereby increasing levels of poverty; “did nothing to stem the astounding levels of corruption, which led to several Ministers and Chief Executive Officers of state corporations being charged and before the courts post-August 2020”.

In addition to the actions of the PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition during its term in office, Teixeira detailed the Coalition’s acts during the March 2020 Elections debacle, and since August 2, 2021 – actions that have largely been anti-national and divisive.

The Minister, in the 28-page document, stressed that: “The PPP/C government led by President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, is the legitimate government of the country on behalf of all the people. The international bodies of United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union, Organization of American States, the CARICOM, and individual nations have recognised the PPP/C as the legitimate government…the final declaration of results of the March 2, 2020 vote made it clear that Guyanese drew a distinct line in the sand – one that marked the difference between a path of social, economic and political development and a path of regression…the PNC-led APNU+AFC Coalition leadership lost the elections because of its actions; it has lost the moral authority to lecture anyone on the law, constitution, and customs and practices, and on race.”

Teixeira reiterated that the PPP/C Administration remains committed to realizing the goal of a ‘One Guyana’ and a modern, transformed, developed nation for the benefit of all Guyanese.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Worldwide -- about 225.0 million people unemployed.

United States -- about 2.7 million people unemployed.

Canada -- about 1.5 million people unemployed.

United Kingdom -- about 1.56 million people unemployed.


Also of note ...

Here are the 10 countries with the highest rates of unemployment:

  1. Burkina Faso (77.00%)
  2. Syria (50.00%)
  3. Senegal (48.00%)
  4. Haiti (40.60%)
  5. Kenya (40.00%)
  6. Djibouti (40.00%)
  7. Republic Of The Congo (36.00%)
  8. Marshall Islands (36.00%)
  9. Namibia (34.00%)
  10. Kiribati (30.60%)

Source - https://worldpopulationreview....mployment-by-country


Cain ... new government - whether PNCR or PPPC - makes changes when they take offices.

Individuals who are appointed specifically for political-party activities are the one whose employment ends with the change in government based on their term-contracts.

@Former Member posted:

Worldwide -- about 225.0 million people unemployed.

United States -- about 2.7 million people unemployed.

Canada -- about 1.5 million people unemployed.

United Kingdom -- about 1.56 million people unemployed.


Also of note ...

Here are the 10 countries with the highest rates of unemployment:

  1. Burkina Faso (77.00%)
  2. Syria (50.00%)
  3. Senegal (48.00%)
  4. Haiti (40.60%)
  5. Kenya (40.00%)
  6. Djibouti (40.00%)
  7. Republic Of The Congo (36.00%)
  8. Marshall Islands (36.00%)
  9. Namibia (34.00%)
  10. Kiribati (30.60%)

Source - https://worldpopulationreview....mployment-by-country

This is not of any relevance.

@Former Member posted:

Cain ... new government - whether PNCR or PPPC - makes changes when they take offices.

Individuals who are appointed specifically for political-party activities are the one whose employment ends with the change in government based on their term-contracts.

How come some of these people fired worked for BJ and he never fired them?

Ali Khan Azad

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