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Internationally Acclaimed Muslim scholar Mufti Asrarul Haque joins Muslims to Mark Al Isra Wal Meraj at ACIC
The Guyana government came in for huge praise for fostering and maintaining a multi racial and multi religious that is unique to other parts of the world. The kudos came from one of the most qualified Sunni Muslim scholar presently residing in the Caribbean and internationally acclaimed Muslim scholar, Mufti Mohammad Asrarul Haque, while delivering the feature address at the17th Annual Al Isra Wal Meraj (Meraj-un-Nabi) Program held last Sunday at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex. The program, which is now a premiere activity on the calendar of events for Muslims in Guyana saw the Feature Presentation by the eminent scholar. In his dynamic address, made in the presence of Honorable Prime Minister of Guyana, Mr. Samuel Hinds, Leader of the Opposition Political Parties in Parliament, Honorable Mr. David Granger, Attorney General & Minister of Legal affairs, Honorable Mr. Anil Nandlall, along with representatives of other Religious Faiths, other Muslim Organizations locally and overseas, Religious and Civic Leaders as well as members of mosques throughout Guyana, Mufti Haque highlighted that the event of Al Isra Wal Meraj was not only beneficial to the Muslims but was a favor from God Almighty to the entire mankind. In this respect, he acknowledge and recognized the success of the Government of Guyana in maintaining a society which consists of many different religions, races and cultures, all living together in harmony and peace. He told the attentive audience that the Government is doing exactly what Islam teaches its followers and Mufti Haque also praised the Guyanese Muslim community, spearheaded by the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) for contribution to this goal of “one humanity”. He stated that the lessons of this great event have to do with forgiveness, unity and peace, all very important themes for the nation. Mufti Haque (whose qualification is equivalent to that of a Professsor) was born in India and educated at the famous Al Ahzar University in Egypt, the world’s oldest university. He is currently attached to the Anjuman Sunnatul Jamaat Association (ASJA) of Trinidad & Tobago, the twin island’s largest Islamic group as the Principal of the Hajji Ruknudeen Institute of Higher Islamic and his presence was made possible through ASJA.
Prime Minister of Guyana, Samuel Hinds lauded the Muslim community through the ACIC/SADR for consistently remembering coming together to observe these events. He stated in his political career, he has visited numerous programs of many religions and is amazed at the similarities between all of the religions. He made the challenge for religious organizations to produce a book of these great events of all the religious groups in Guyana so that our young people can find all these great events in one reading.
Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition Political Parties, Hon. Mr. Granger in his remarks, complimented the Muslim community for their great work and thanked them for their efforts to improve the welfare of the Guyanese nation. He also expressed the hope that great events like these will not be lost to future generations. He brought greetings to the Muslim community from the parties he represents.
Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs, Hon. Mr. Anil Nandlall, described as a great friend to the Guyanese Muslim community and a true son of the nation, expounded on the great similarities between the various religions in Guyana. Quoting from the Hindu Scriptures he drew similarities in its teachings to that of Islam and also expressed the government’s continued support for the work of the Muslim community. He gave references to the many measures taken and maintained by the government to ensure that the various religious communities in Guyana can live and exist with each other in harmony and peace and free to practice their teachings.
Representative of ASJA Trinidad, Imam Hajji Ahmad Hoosein lauded the relationship of the Muslims of Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago. He outlined the many areas of cooperation currently being pursued between the Muslims of Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago through his organization and ACIC/SADR. He brought greetings from President General of ASJA, Al Haj Yacoob Ali and stated that the relationship between the Muslims of his country and Guyana was initiated, nurtured and maintained by ACIC.
Also representing the Muslims of Suriname at the program, were Vice President of Hedayatul Islam Organization, Suriname, Hadji Mahmood Ghafoer and Hadji Hafiz Sarafat Ally. Hafiz Ally in his remarks, also expressed his pleasure at the cooperation of the Muslims of Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. He pointed out that each year there are dozens of visits made to and from Guyana by the Muslims of Suriname (to the ACIC). He reiterated that the Muslims of Suriname will continue to work for the development of the wider nations of both countries.
President General of ACIC, Hakeem Khan, who acted as Master of Ceremonies of the program, which included Qaseedas, Messages, Quranic Exhortations, Children’s Items etc stated that was the ACIC that first blazed the trails of the International cooperation between the Muslims of Guyana and Muslims of other countries. There are few other organizations in Guyana presently, which are also benefitting from the efforts of ACIC. He pledged the continued support of the facilities of ACIC, which stands out among the top Muslim communities of Guyana for the hub of International Muslim cooperation. He told the gathering that each year, ACIC invests millions of dollars of its own money, not of any other Muslim organization in Guyana or overseas, in the establishment and upgrading of its facilities to meet the requirements of this international recognition. He alluded that the Complex is venue of more that 80% of all national Muslim programs held in Guyana and the international cooperation being served from ACIC includes Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Canada, Guyana, Holland, England and USA.
Al Isra Wal Meraj is a very important event in the history of Islam and mankind where the and the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was invited and taken bodily from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the Heavens, in the nearest proximity to God Almighty.
 The program was organized by The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.
Public Relations Officer


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Another misinformed, disingenuous or fawning fool spreading false information. Credit the British for creating a summoning creed, if at times it was detrimental to others, ie only christian teachers allowed to teach, laws prohibiting bamboo wedding. They may have fostered adversarial ethnic roles but only so far that it aided their political aspirations. They give us a common language, formalized education under a pedagogic system that was universal, They even began the formalization of the symbols of identity of being part of a larger whole. Their greater aspiration of federation of former colonial states failed but we are still identified as a Caribbean people on account of the British colonial history.


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