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Woman remanded for trafficking cocaine in hammocks


The woman who recently surrendered to the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU), after reportedly attempting to ship hammocks that were laced with cocaine was on Tuesday remanded when she appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.
Tiffini Tricia Collison, 26, of Guyhoc Park, Georgetown, appeared at the

Remanded, Tiffini Tricia Collison

Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and denied the charge brought against her.
That charge stated that on September 20, 2017, she attempted to traffic 6.742 kilograms of cocaine.
CANU’s Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford detailed that under her mother’s identity, the defendant attempted to post four hammocks via DHL Shipping.
However, the hammocks, which were destined for the United States, were discovered by a CANU rank at the Eugene F Correia International Airport, at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
As such, a wanted bulletin was issued for Collison, who days later surrendered to CANU with an attorney.
She was remanded to prison, and was expected to make her next court appearance on October 19, 2017.

AFC/PNC = Cocaine Haven

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Reported cases relate to individuals caught with small amounts of this material who are minuscule to the major "king-pin" for these activities.

Aggressively render the "king-pin" incapable of repeating these activities and things will improve.  


True dat DG. In a country as small as Guyana where mouths run I am surprised no big wig has been caught. I saw they got that Viera guy and a couple others in the racing scene but no word on if they are making any progress.


Cain from my perspective, Viera and the others are in the "small group".

We may not hear anything further, and it would be like the case for the "missing drugs" recently reported in the news.


How come this lady is the poster child for the drug culture and Brama, dataram, Mool persaud, RK  or the other drug lords in US jails the last being the Pilot who used his plane as a transport for money and cocaine? The US seized millions in cash together with multiple properties from the Pilot . He was washing as much as 100K a month and all of this was under the PPP nose. Then there was this craft captured off the coast of Scotland with tons of cocaine...yes tons...and another off the coast of Africa with similar cargo....


Yes, there is cocaine being transshipped through Guyana but the government is not facilitating it as the PPP was. They would not let the DEA on the ground or cooperate with them on extradition but resisted both. This government is cooperating and the reason we the large cargo ships transporting tons of the drug is a rarity. Yes they have to do better and yes the police are involved heavily with facilitating the trade because the PPP left an entrenched drug culture. The APNU may be terrible for us but the PPP was worse and they have no regrets to date.


BTW the cocaine pilot had his special terminal afforded him by the PPP. He was also Ramotar transport on a few occasions...think when you try to link this random petty hustler moving a few kilos of coke via hammocks with these fellows.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!!!  Or as some will say the same daily BULLSHIT!!!

Excuse? where? It is correcting the record of attributing rampant drug trafficking on the back of one petty coke trafficker when we had a real flourishing of the trade under the PPP! Which part of what I said was a falsehood?

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!!!  Or as some will say the same daily BULLSHIT!!!

Excuse? where? It is correcting the record of attributing rampant drug trafficking on the back of one petty coke trafficker when we had a real flourishing of the trade under the PPP! Which part of what I said was a falsehood?

Two years in and the pnc is yet to jail one ppp for facilitating drug trade as you claim. But yet we see the drug trade flourishing under the pnc.  In fact it is suspected that the PNC have consolidated all drug traffickers under the psalm tree and jail those looking to go into business for themselves like this woman.  When they were in opposition people were saying that the pnc was the drug cartel, could you imagine now what they are now that they are in power? 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!!!  Or as some will say the same daily BULLSHIT!!!

Excuse? where? It is correcting the record of attributing rampant drug trafficking on the back of one petty coke trafficker when we had a real flourishing of the trade under the PPP! Which part of what I said was a falsehood?

Two years in and the pnc is yet to jail one ppp for facilitating drug trade as you claim. But yet we see the drug trade flourishing under the pnc.  In fact it is suspected that the PNC have consolidated all drug traffickers under the psalm tree and jail those looking to go into business for themselves like this woman.  When they were in opposition people were saying that the pnc was the drug cartel, could you imagine now what they are now that they are in power? 

All across the world...even in the worst corrupt places...Philippines,  malaysia, nigeria,....incoming government seldom if ever jail the previous regime.

The PNC cannot consolidate anything with the DEA on the ground and with foreign folks in advisory positions in law enforcement.


Stormborn posted:

All across the world...even in the worst corrupt places...Philippines,  malaysia, nigeria,....incoming government seldom if ever jail the previous regime.

The PNC cannot consolidate anything with the DEA on the ground and with foreign folks in advisory positions in law enforcement.


You are so adamant that the PPP facilitated the drug trade. Surely there must be evidence to jail them. Even the US emphatically stated that the PPP did not facilitate the drug trade, but you seem to know more than them.

As a matter of policy, the Government of Guyana does not encourage or facilitate the illicit production or distribution of narcotics or psychotropic drugs or other controlled substances, or the laundering of proceeds from illegal drug transactions.


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