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Guyana has lost a major chance to advance its economic development : – Former President JagdeoPDFPrintE-mail
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Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:39

THE debacle with the Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) Project has been described by former Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo as a significant loss to the entire nation due to ‘partisanship and ignorance’, as the opportunity for Guyana to press forward with its development has been scuppered.  


The recent pull out of major international partner Sithe Global, due to lack of political consensus, has placed the AFHP in jeopardy. Financial closure to the project with the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) was within reach, and the US$30M government funded road to the Region 8 site was expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Charlatan economics
Delivering brief remarks during the closing of the National Economic Forum at the Guyana International Conference Centre yesterday, the former head of state said that some of those who opposed the transformational project employed ‘charlatan economics’ and cited the figures given by activists such as Christopher Ram, Ramon Gaskin and Professor Clive Thomas as being completely off the mark. “They killed the hydro because of that,” he said.


Not a single cent of debt
With respect to criticisms being touted of the debt that would be incurred and which would become the taxpayers’ burden, he said, “There is not a single cent of debt, outside of the money that we are spending on the road and the equity that we are taking that will accrue to this country, and yet we heard that is too high a debt that we are worried about, that’s why we didn’t approve the project.” 


The former president said that funds for projects such as those of the magnitude of AFHP were not easily available, and as such, it was a lost opportunity for the nation. 
He used the example of proposed changes by the United States of America’s Federal Reserve in the way it may intervene in the stock market. These measures by the US government have not even been implemented, yet the financial fallout has already affected stock markets in the economies of Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan and other developed nations, he said.
This was one clear indication that despite an apparent recent upturn in the economies of many nations, their financial capacity and ability were all interlinked and could rapidly change.


The former president said a significant portion of what he described as the local ‘financial cabal’ were ‘happily oblivious’ to the implications of the possible spinoff effects from other nations’ financial challenges. He reminded stakeholders that Guyana’s economy was linked externally to a world that was changing rapidly, and this should always be taken into consideration.


Biggest defeat for competitiveness
Stressing that cheap energy is essential for the future of industrial growth, the former president said that the loss of the Amaila project would be the biggest defeat for competitiveness and advised that as a nation, “We can’t keep shooting ourselves in the foot”.


Guyana needs hydro power now more than ever, he said, as the cost of power will inevitably increase and the price per kilowatt of electricity from the AFHP would be approximately 11 cents less than the current cost. This will reduce further once it was handed over to the country in 20 years as stipulated. 


He questioned the wisdom of opposition politicians whom he reminded of the US$300M spent in the late 1970s and early 80s by the People’s National Congress government to start the initial hydro power plant in the Mazaruni area. This money, which adjusted for inflation amounts to over US$2B, is still being repaid. It was all for nought since Guyana failed to gain anything from it, he noted. 


He said that while healthy political debates and arguments were necessary for any democracy, the interests of the country must always come first, and reminded stakeholders that, “We can’t lose sight of the big picture”. 
The AFHP promises noteworthy reductions in power outages, electricity tariff, fuel utilisation savings by 90 percent and the stimulus to economic development, particularly in the processing and manufacturing sectors.


Political consensus from all Parliamentary parties, which Sithe Global said was critical to their investment, was not had as A Partnership for National Unity voted down the Hydroelectric Amendment Bill and accompanying motion. The Alliance For Change, while it supported the bill, reduced the debt ceiling from $130B to $50B.


After 20 years, AFHP would be 100 percent owned by Guyana, and was expected to last for 100 years. The additional benefits of the AFHP are tremendous as the investment can see Guyana reaching growth rates of more than 10 percent per annum. 
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) report states that the project is expected to save GPL consumers approximately US $3.5B over 20 years through tariff reduction. It will lessen the country’s fuel import bill by about 20-25 percent, resulting in savings of over US$90M on fuel imports. 


Additionally, the project will add six percentage points to real GDP growth during the construction phase alone. (GINA)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the hydro can be built now at a good price (under 100 million)then build it now. Because inflation is going to come in the future that will make the cost to build it go right up.


It wasn't the opposition that killed the project. It was Jagdeo. The fear of his unethical practices whilst the President of Guyana. Many of his bullish attitudes may have raced through the minds of politicians and private citizens.


The GOG needs have a trained worker force and managerial skills for a hydro project. They have the time now to bring GPL under control. GPL is run like a unkept whoooore house. Dirty and stink.


Guyanese people largely suffer from myopia and petty jealousy. They can't see beyond their nose, and get out of their ignorance And disgruntlement.

Jagdeo is perfectly correct.

Development of Guyana is staring people in the face and they cant realize it. 


To beat the oil crisis of the seventies the PNC told the nation to use coal pots to cook food and donkeys and horses to pull Tata buses. Well, these people are now calling the shots in parliament. You cannot expect anything better from a bunch of nation-wreckers whom we are so familiar with.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by TI:

Guyanese people largely suffer from myopia and petty jealousy. They can't see beyond their nose, and get out of their ignorance And disgruntlement.

Jagdeo is perfectly correct.

Development of Guyana is staring people in the face and they cant realize it. 

false choice shyte peddlers . . . tiefmen to boot!

Originally Posted by TI:

Guyanese people largely suffer from myopia and petty jealousy. They can't see beyond their nose, and get out of their ignorance And disgruntlement.


Jagdeo is perfectly correct.


Development of Guyana is staring people in the face and they cant realize it. 

Certain Guyanese .. but generally your statement is correct.

Originally Posted by TI:

Guyanese people largely suffer from myopia and petty jealousy. They can't see beyond their nose, and get out of their ignorance And disgruntlement.

Jagdeo is perfectly correct.

Development of Guyana is staring people in the face and they cant realize it. 

Have you got your fingers in the till as well?

If you look at all these fantasy project that require huge investments and are aimed at 3rd world country you'll find massive debts at the door of the population.

When Suriname decided to pump U$400M into a bridge across the Suriname river they had a clear idea where the money for the repayment was going to come from. And they repaid every borrowed cent within 6 years. Guyana is far too corrupt to be able to make the kind of repayment the projected loan would need.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TI:

Guyanese people largely suffer from myopia and petty jealousy. They can't see beyond their nose, and get out of their ignorance And disgruntlement.


Jagdeo is perfectly correct.


Development of Guyana is staring people in the face and they cant realize it. 

Certain Guyanese .. but generally your statement is correct.

albeit old, senile and criminal loving . . . another PPP shyte peddler checks in


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