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Sept 17,2016 Source

Dear Editor,

The United Republican Party (URP) would like to ask the citizens of Guyana – especially the supporters of the Coalition – just one question. Here’s the question: How much more corruption does the Coalition have to engage in before you admit that they are just as corrupt as the PPP? The Guyanese, both locally and from the Diaspora have been hoodwinked into believing that with choosing the Coalition, they were electing the better of the parties. We were sold a manifesto of lies and suppositions. Crime is higher than when the PPP were in power. Accidents on the roads have not abated. More young people are unemployed. More businesses are being forced out of business. The country’s economy is lifeless. And our recently elected officials are steeped in corruption.

The United Republican Party offers itself as an alternative to both the current PNC administration and the previous PPP government. However, we do not offer ourselves because of any vindictive, pie-in-the-sky, reasons. Every Guyanese can take a candid look at the constant and prevailing morasses that have plagued this country over the last 50 years. There is no end to the daily claims of corruption and ineptness. As it regards the PNC, no amount of pressure seems to be getting to the Granger administration. It is as if the PNC and the AFC are locked up in a bubble and sealed tight.

From the Joseph Harmon, BK/BishanLin trip to China, which he said was primarily to collect the one billion dollars owed to the consolidated fund. (which we are yet to collect or get an honest explanation for), to the skullduggery of the George Norton bond embezzlement, the PNC has proven their parallel levels of corrupt actions and thinking, and their similar inability to listen to the Guyanese people.What is clear is that apart from some token acts – such as the road repairs, the cleaning of the city, etc – the government is making sure that like the PPP they fill their coffers with the taxpayers’ funds. It is obvious as reflected by the doubling of their salaries and now the constant unexplained financial engagements that the PNC wants to leave the government with their personal lives fully funded. And just like the PPP they are not concerned about who says what.

Recently the previous Attorney General, Nandalall, said that those PPP crooks who stole from the country cannot be penalized under the new SARU laws. He was careful to note that all stealing in the past are exempt for the new legislation and that the new laws cannot be retroactive in scope. And while he was speaking, the current Minister of Public Security, Ramjattan, agreed with him. Only that he (Ramjattan), said it a different way. Minister Ramjattan said that no one wants to testify against those who stole billions of Guyanese dollars from the country’s treasury. He said that if no witnesses come forward, those who stole all those billions of dollars will get to keep it. The URP sees clearly how the PNC and the PPP are conning the Guyanese people and taking them for a ride. The PPP said that the laws don’t apply to ‘old’ thieves, while the PNC says no one wants to testify against those old-crooks.

What this does, is that it clears the way for the current administration to also fill their coffers with the Guyanese taxpayers’ money, without any fear of incrimination. All that has to happen is that the word has to get out, that hurt and sever damage will be done to anyone who seeks to testify against the crooks. The PPP has been able to “scare” (according to Minister Khemraj) witnesses off. Therefore, all the PNC has to now do is “scare” their witnesses off. The corruption in Guyana perpetuated by these two major parties proves a vicious cycle. It is the United Republican Party’s belief that a fresh breed of political minds need to raise to the fore.

We cannot any more trust the country to the leadership of the PPP or the PNC. Guyana will remain a hell-hole of fattened political leaders and a chronic under developed populace, if we continue to award the reigns of leadership to the PPP or PNC. For the sake of our children and grand children, for the sake of the holistic development of Guyana, we have to move away from electing the PPP and PNC parties. This is the stated position of the URP and we know that most right-thinking Guyanese support this view.

Dr. Vishnu Bandhu
Leader, URP


Didn't know Bandu a wan dacta,upon checking he got wan honorary degree from an Indian University.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How much more corruption does the Coalition have to engage in before you admit that they are just as corrupt as the PPP?

Bhai Django, manin! manin!

PPP stole a little and left a lot. The PNC/AFC have already surpassed the PPP 23 years amount in just over a year in office. Remember, they are good at emptying the treasury. Remember they said there was no money left when they were installed. Yet they found billions "to go sport up, tek 50% raises, furnish dem house like emeprors did and thief $5 million USD". Not to mention all the stuff we did not hear about.  

skeldon_man posted:

How much more corruption does the Coalition have to engage in before you admit that they are just as corrupt as the PPP?

Bhai Django, manin! manin!

PPP stole a little and left a lot. The PNC/AFC have already surpassed the PPP 23 years amount in just over a year in office. Remember, they are good at emptying the treasury. Remember they said there was no money left when they were installed. Yet they found billions "to go sport up, tek 50% raises, furnish dem house like emeprors did and thief $5 million USD". Not to mention all the stuff we did not hear about.  

Manin bhai Skelly,tha place "gone fuh channa" duh is what Nehru said,well looks like it's believable.


So the URP is the answer? The AFC was supposed to be the alternative choice that Guyanese looked up to until they join APNU and embraced corruption in their first term in government. Is the URP trying to confuse the people about clean government?

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

So the URP is the answer? The AFC was supposed to be the alternative choice that Guyanese looked up to until they join APNU and embraced corruption in their first term in government. Is the URP trying to confuse the people about clean government?

It is the United Republican Party’s belief that a fresh breed of political minds need to raise to the fore.

Guyana needs men/women who think outside the box. The people have allowed the con men like Moses, Kanwa, Granger, Rohee, Harmon and the rest to feed them hogwash all these years.
You don't need attorneys, murderers, and fake doctors to lead the nation. You need honest, bold and young men and women to take the reins. Get rid of all the dinosaurs.


The WPA is really the answer. But dem Black ppl running de show is only interested in black governance. Talking about Indian racism, dem Black folks people dat is wah holding back Guyana.  

Them too blasted cliquish. Anything to thwart an Indian person.


skeldon_man posted:
Cobra posted:

So the URP is the answer? The AFC was supposed to be the alternative choice that Guyanese looked up to until they join APNU and embraced corruption in their first term in government. Is the URP trying to confuse the people about clean government?

It is the United Republican Party’s belief that a fresh breed of political minds need to raise to the fore.

Guyana needs men/women who think outside the box. The people have allowed the con men like Moses, Kanwa, Granger, Rohee, Harmon and the rest to feed them hogwash all these years.
You don't need attorneys, murderers, and fake doctors to lead the nation. You need honest, bold and young men and women to take the reins. Get rid of all the dinosaurs.

Totally agreed.

Prashad posted:

The only solution that will work for Guyana is East Indians getting their own independent sovereign country.

Bhai, that is a dream that will never be possible. Guyana population is too small for division. Plus, Guyana don't have anti government rebels fighting for any such cause. 


Not necessarily doing away with the PNC and PPP.

1. It requires the PROGRESSIVE individuals from the PPP and PNC to merge to form a political movement where the focus is on the benefit of the people and not the politicians.

2. Indeed, there will be those with different views to remain in the PNC, PPP, form other movements or completely leave politics.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Not necessarily doing away with the PNC and PPP.

1. It requires the PROGRESSIVE individuals from the PPP and PNC to merge to form a political movement where the focus is on the benefit of the people and not the politicians.

2. Indeed, there will be those with different views to remain in the PNC, PPP, form other movements or completely leave politics.

Throw out all the bums from both parties now. I am including the AFC as PNC also. We don't need dick lickers, murderers, robbers and soup drinkers. Anyone who has been a member of parliament should pack his grip and leave.

seignet posted:

The WPA is really the answer. But dem Black ppl running de show is only interested in black governance. Talking about Indian racism, dem Black folks people dat is wah holding back Guyana.  

Them too blasted cliquish. Anything to thwart an Indian person.


Carib would not accept this fact.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Not necessarily doing away with the PNC and PPP.

1. It requires the PROGRESSIVE individuals from the PPP and PNC to merge to form a political movement where the focus is on the benefit of the people and not the politicians.

2. Indeed, there will be those with different views to remain in the PNC, PPP, form otherdominance  movements or completely leave politics.

Black people do not think that East Indians should have any power. The perception they have, is that they were slaves. And should have dominance just as their brothers in the Caribbean. That could have been possible under Forbes. If only had he not seek to make us into second class citizens. So Prashad is correct in seeking a homeland for EI. 

IF Venezuela chooses to invade Essequibo, then the country would be ripped apart. 

seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Not necessarily doing away with the PNC and PPP.

1. It requires the PROGRESSIVE individuals from the PPP and PNC to merge to form a political movement where the focus is on the benefit of the people and not the politicians.

2. Indeed, there will be those with different views to remain in the PNC, PPP, form otherdominance  movements or completely leave politics.

Black people do not think that East Indians should have any power. The perception they have, is that they were slaves. And should have dominance just as their brothers in the Caribbean. That could have been possible under Forbes. If only had he not seek to make us into second class citizens. So Prashad is correct in seeking a homeland for EI. 

IF Venezuela chooses to invade Essequibo, then the country would be ripped apart. 

Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham were discussing the process for a PPP/PNC merger in the 1980"s.

However, Forbes Burnham died in August 1985 and Desmond Hoyte who became president did not pursue the Jagan/Burnham's initiatives.

And the situation, prior and after 1985, continues to date.

Django posted:

Sept 17,2016 Source

Dear Editor,

The United Republican Party (URP) would like to ask the citizens of Guyana – especially the supporters of the Coalition – just one question. Here’s the question: How much more corruption does the Coalition have to engage in before you admit that they are just as corrupt as the PPP? The Guyanese, both locally and from the Diaspora have been hoodwinked into believing that with choosing the Coalition, they were electing the better of the parties. We were sold a manifesto of lies and suppositions. Crime is higher than when the PPP were in power. Accidents on the roads have not abated. More young people are unemployed. More businesses are being forced out of business. The country’s economy is lifeless. And our recently elected officials are steeped in corruption.

The United Republican Party offers itself as an alternative to both the current PNC administration and the previous PPP government. However, we do not offer ourselves because of any vindictive, pie-in-the-sky, reasons. Every Guyanese can take a candid look at the constant and prevailing morasses that have plagued this country over the last 50 years. There is no end to the daily claims of corruption and ineptness. As it regards the PNC, no amount of pressure seems to be getting to the Granger administration. It is as if the PNC and the AFC are locked up in a bubble and sealed tight.

From the Joseph Harmon, BK/BishanLin trip to China, which he said was primarily to collect the one billion dollars owed to the consolidated fund. (which we are yet to collect or get an honest explanation for), to the skullduggery of the George Norton bond embezzlement, the PNC has proven their parallel levels of corrupt actions and thinking, and their similar inability to listen to the Guyanese people.What is clear is that apart from some token acts – such as the road repairs, the cleaning of the city, etc – the government is making sure that like the PPP they fill their coffers with the taxpayers’ funds. It is obvious as reflected by the doubling of their salaries and now the constant unexplained financial engagements that the PNC wants to leave the government with their personal lives fully funded. And just like the PPP they are not concerned about who says what.

Recently the previous Attorney General, Nandalall, said that those PPP crooks who stole from the country cannot be penalized under the new SARU laws. He was careful to note that all stealing in the past are exempt for the new legislation and that the new laws cannot be retroactive in scope. And while he was speaking, the current Minister of Public Security, Ramjattan, agreed with him. Only that he (Ramjattan), said it a different way. Minister Ramjattan said that no one wants to testify against those who stole billions of Guyanese dollars from the country’s treasury. He said that if no witnesses come forward, those who stole all those billions of dollars will get to keep it. The URP sees clearly how the PNC and the PPP are conning the Guyanese people and taking them for a ride. The PPP said that the laws don’t apply to ‘old’ thieves, while the PNC says no one wants to testify against those old-crooks.

What this does, is that it clears the way for the current administration to also fill their coffers with the Guyanese taxpayers’ money, without any fear of incrimination. All that has to happen is that the word has to get out, that hurt and sever damage will be done to anyone who seeks to testify against the crooks. The PPP has been able to “scare” (according to Minister Khemraj) witnesses off. Therefore, all the PNC has to now do is “scare” their witnesses off. The corruption in Guyana perpetuated by these two major parties proves a vicious cycle. It is the United Republican Party’s belief that a fresh breed of political minds need to raise to the fore.

We cannot any more trust the country to the leadership of the PPP or the PNC. Guyana will remain a hell-hole of fattened political leaders and a chronic under developed populace, if we continue to award the reigns of leadership to the PPP or PNC. For the sake of our children and grand children, for the sake of the holistic development of Guyana, we have to move away from electing the PPP and PNC parties. This is the stated position of the URP and we know that most right-thinking Guyanese support this view.

Dr. Vishnu Bandhu
Leader, URP


Didn't know Bandu a wan dacta,upon checking he got wan honorary degree from an Indian University.

Is he a real doctor? He never used that title before. Is the university legitimate?

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Guyana has to do away from accepting the PPP and PNC.


Dr. Vishnu Bandhu
Leader, URP


Didn't know Bandu a wan dacta,upon checking he got wan honorary degree from an Indian University.

Is he a real doctor? He never used that title before. Is the university legitimate?


Press Release

URP Leader Conferred Honorary Doctorate

Vishnu Bandhu has been conferred an honorary doctorate (Honoris Causa) by the Yoga University on Sunday January 11, 2016 at a special convocation ceremony held at the auditorium of the campus of the DAV Centenary College in Faridabad, India.

Dr. Bandhu presented a paper on self-healing and spiritual upliftment at a special two day academic conference held at the DAV Centenary College on January 09 and 10. Dr. Bandhu is in India at the invitation of the principal (Dr. Satish Ahuja) of the DAV Centenary College, Prof. Chandra Shekhar of SIGFA Solutions, and President of the Yoga University Florida, USA Dr. BVK Sastry Ph.D.

The Vice Chancellor (President) of the Yoga University noted that Dr. Vishnu Bandhu was honored for distinguished services towards spiritual growth and promoting yoga among many followers and for his extraordinary contribution in helping to improve human welfare, as well as philanthropic activities. At the ceremony in Faridabad on Sunday afternoon, Dr. Bandhu was congratulated by Professors, other distinguished attendees at the ceremony, and the media fraternity that covered the event for Indian mass media.

Dr. Bandhu expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the university for recognizing his work with this distinguished honor. He told the gathering he accepts it on behalf of the people he has served  over the last 35 years in public life. He is most pleased that he has helped to make a difference in the lives of so many people in North America and Guyana.

Dr. Bandhu is leader of the United Republican Party that was founded in 1985. He played a significant role in the struggle for the restoration of democracy in Guyana between 1985 and 1992. He has founded or helped to found several religious and community organizations.  He was President of the United Federation of Arya Samaj Mandirs. And he is currently the President of the Central Arya Samaj of Guyana.


Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

Is he a real doctor? He never used that title before. Is the university legitimate?

From related sources, it is not an earned degree at a university.

Basic information on Vishnu Bandhu ...

- Honorary doctorate (Honoris Causa)

- Yoga University

- Awarded for promoting yoga and spiritual growth.

- etc., etc., etc..

skeldon_man posted:

PPP stole a little .  

Paupers became millionaires.  One of them now crowning himself "Lord of the Indians".

Its this hypocrisy which undermines any rights that you have to discuss what is now happening as it is clear that you have no intention to be objective and honest.


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