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Mandatory Article 106 90-day due elections


As Government persists in its reluctance to respect Article 106 of the Constitution and call elections, many are of the view that if a date is not set for elections soon, the nation could descend into chaos.
One such person who holds this view is outspoken political commentator and economist Ramon Gaskin, who said that the time has come for the Government to obey the rule of law.
He told Guyana Times on Sunday that “Guyana could be heading into dangerous waters.”
The former advisor to late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan said it was clear based on acting Chief Justice Roxane George’s ruling that after March 19, the Government would be illegal. He believes if President David Granger does not set a date for elections before that time, it will lead to pandemonium.
“After March 19, the Government will be illegal. So, we are heading in real serious waters. If they don’t resign and call elections, it will not help quell this rising situation in Guyana. But it doesn’t appear to me that Government is in any mood to call elections,” Gaskin stated.
He thinks that Guyanese are already tense about the situation, and businesses are confused by what is taking place. Gaskin, therefore, believes that if there is no clear path to an election, it could lead to a possible unstable political and economic situation in Guyana.
According to him, this could also lead to Guyana being blacklisted by international agencies, Governments and other major groupings. He pointed to the case in neighbouring Venezuela, where President Nicolás Maduro has been accused of violating the Constitution of that country.
Gaskin said this was no different from the situation taking place here, except that the violations were blatant and being played out for every major country in the world to bear witness to. “But for the good of our country, Guyana, the President and the Opposition Leader must meet and work this out,” he added.

The political commentator told this newspaper that from all indications elections were possible this year, but the various delaying tactics being applied to the situation were just meant to frustrate the people. Gaskin concluded, therefore, that this boiled down to blatant disrespect towards the Chief Justice’s ruling.
“They (Government) are dragging it out to campaign longer and make plans if they win or lose… They carrying on as if nothing has happened, and as if there was no no-confidence motion, no ruling by the Speaker of the National Assembly (Dr Barton Scotland), and the CJ didn’t rule.”
Gaskin said while Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has stated that he was not interested in extending the date, they may need to extend the date, because since the passage of the no-confidence motion, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has not started any preparation.
He said, “I think they need six to eight weeks to get their acts together, but 148 days is absolutely ridiculous. They should work round the clock to get it done. That is what they are being paid to do…But this Government is now dragging out this issue by appealing the matter, which will carry you until year end and GECOM is waiting on the decision of the court…”
Jagdeo has indicated that should GECOM continue to delay its election preparations, seeking legal remedies to compel such preparations are a possibility.
“We believe GECOM could be ready in the timeframe by March 19. Because if they have to have 50 days for Nomination Day and two weeks to notify the parties, they still have 50 days remaining.
“And simultaneously, they can proceed with the procurement of material and all the other logistics, including training on an accelerated basis. We see this whole issue of house-to-house registration, which will take six months to a year, as a red herring.”
GECOM successfully ran the Local Government Elections in November 2018, less than three months ago. The President of Guyana, according to the Constitution, has to dissolve Parliament and issue a date for elections..

Replies sorted oldest to newest

From what currently exists as leaders, holding elections at this time would certainly cause chaos. Granger's reasons for dragging his feet is nothing more than being a racist. I hope he prevails. The citizens needs the time to analyze the dilemma they are in. Jagdeo with his puppet deemed as thieves. Granger and his group are knows bigots. Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, what could they possibly say to the citizens of Guyana.

All these political parties and men are reminescent of the 1953 elections. Everybody vying for a spot. In a way, politically,the country is exactly like the way it started out in 1953 - no one has the majority votes, and moderates are elusive. 

Chaos for sure is in the making.


No matter what nonsense the PPP and its mild drinkers put out, it doesn't fool the intelligent ones among us. Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues. That's why he wants to be finance minister. The Granger government has no choice but to protect the country from these drug dealers hiding under the PPP flag. Look how Bouterse, the friend of Jagdeo, has wrecked the Suriname oil business. Jagdeo wants to do the same.

Mr.T posted:

No matter what nonsense the PPP and its mild drinkers put out, it doesn't fool the intelligent ones among us. Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues. That's why he wants to be finance minister. The Granger government has no choice but to protect the country from these drug dealers hiding under the PPP flag. Look how Bouterse, the friend of Jagdeo, has wrecked the Suriname oil business. Jagdeo wants to do the same.

Total BS ! Granger and his PNC goons are hell-bent on defying the court to remain in office despite the fact that the court ruled against them and their ultra-dunce attorney general !


Laughable reading the comments of some of these fools here. T-bagger criticizes Jagdeo’ perceive Lordshipness at the same time he is encouraging Granger to behave like the lord of Guyana.

ksazma posted:

Laughable reading the comments of some of these fools here. T-bagger criticizes Jagdeo’ perceive Lordshipness at the same time he is encouraging Granger to behave like the lord of Guyana.

T should not comment on Drugs and Bouterse. He boasted on this site about his mafia family connections with drugs and Bouterse .. his family was untouchable


ksazma posted:

Laughable reading the comments of some of these fools here. T-bagger criticizes Jagdeo’ perceive Lordshipness at the same time he is encouraging Granger to behave like the lord of Guyana.

What a moron!


Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.

Mr.T posted:

Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.

Total BS !! Guyana and Guyanese were never ever stressed and fatigued as they were during the infamous Burnham/PNC years. Idiots like you continue to do as much as you can to 'blank out' the memories of just about every imaginable commodity being either in desperate short supply or completely unavailable ! During the Jagdeo years, did you ever see people standing in lines as long as half of a mile to be able to purchase even nominal amounts of basic food items ? PPP never rigged elections; can you say that for the PNC ? Following the recent no-confidence vote in the parliament, the dunces are presently making all sorts of excuses to set aside an election which is presently required under the constitution. So why don't you tell us who are presently rubbing their hands in glee ! Guyana and Guyanese have never, ever had to endure hardships like those that prevailed during the PNC years under the despotic election rigger jackass Burnham; do you know of anything or anytime that was ever worse ? 

Keffer posted:
Mr.T posted:

Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.

Total BS !! Guyana and Guyanese were never ever stressed and fatigued as they were during the infamous Burnham/PNC years. Idiots like you continue to do as much as you can to 'blank out' the memories of just about every imaginable commodity being either in desperate short supply or completely unavailable ! During the Jagdeo years, did you ever see people standing in lines as long as half of a mile to be able to purchase even nominal amounts of basic food items ? PPP never rigged elections; can you say that for the PNC ? Following the recent no-confidence vote in the parliament, the dunces are presently making all sorts of excuses to set aside an election which is presently required under the constitution. So why don't you tell us who are presently rubbing their hands in glee ! Guyana and Guyanese have never, ever had to endure hardships like those that prevailed during the PNC years under the despotic election rigger jackass Burnham; do you know of anything or anytime that was ever worse ? 


Mr.T posted:

Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.

Jackass, Guyana has a written constitution that spells out in detail what has to ensue when an incumbent government is outvoted in the parliament. Granger and his election-rigging PNC are presently doing their utmost best to circumvent that process by coming up with all imaginable excuses. If the PPP ever did anything that is remotely close to that, you can bet that Georgetown would have been smoldering and smoking at this time !!

Keffer posted:
Mr.T posted:

Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.


If it wasn't for a jackass like me, mules like you won't be roaming around on GNI. And mules can't have offsprings. Time for a DNA check at your end, don't you think so?

seignet posted:

Is it pure black hatred that is responsible for the dulling of the senses?

You all know that the PPP will rob the country, they behaved badly the last time around. 

You and your ilk have been hollering as loudly as you can about this for many years now; long before Granger and his goons took office. Why don't you tell the world how many charges were files and how many successful convictions have been registered against PPP people for robbing the country? The answer is clearly and unmistakably NONE ! Tell the world what that old ugly-ass hoodlum and old sheet-piling thief Hamilton Green did to deserve the pension that the PNC is proposing for him. Had it been the other way around, with a PPP member being the recipient, you would have bet your last dollar that Georgetown would have been in flames a long time ago. Apart from encouraging jump-up and wine-up at the drop of a hat, why don't provide us with a list of the achievements of Granger and his shithead dunces ? The entire rice industry has been well and truly frigged up by the 'know-it-all' PNC shitheads; have you ever heard of the Guyana Rice Marketing Board ? Go dig up that ugly-ass 'kakaroach' Burnham and ask him to share his wisdom on that ! Look at what has become of this large and profitable sector of the Guyana economy ! Apart from 'jump-up' and 'wine-up' at every possible opportunity, tell us what Granger and his ultra-dunce kakaholes have achieved since they took office. Have you ever heard any PPP member saying anything that was even remotely close to what was said by that vile, incompetent bitch 'Vulgar Lawrence' ? Not so long ago a huge crowd of PNC hoodlums was hollering and screaming 'we waan lan, we waan lan; Granger gaffu gie we lan so we can mine we chirrun' ! All other people toiled and sweat for years to improve their and their families' lives. Everything for these lazy, good-for-nothing must be handed to the mon a platter .... for free ! I am certain that more than a half of these women are unable to tell exactly who fathered their 'chirrun' ! Keep hollering about the PPP robbing the country but at the end of the day, come back and tell us who are working and who are and have been producing in Guyana !!

Last edited by Keffer
Mr.T posted:

No matter what nonsense the PPP and its mild drinkers put out, it doesn't fool the intelligent ones among us. Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues. That's why he wants to be finance minister. The Granger government has no choice but to protect the country from these drug dealers hiding under the PPP flag. Look how Bouterse, the friend of Jagdeo, has wrecked the Suriname oil business. Jagdeo wants to do the same.

Who appointed Granger defender of the state? We are either a nation of laws or not. Mrs J did not  hold on to office after a fabricated ID ruling nor did Ramotar. However bad the PPP are they followed the constitutional imperative. And why should I trust Granger and his crew not to loot t he treasury? The first touch of money from oil  has disappeared so they are as crooked as anyone else on the scene. 

Keffer posted:
seignet posted:

Is it pure black hatred that is responsible for the dulling of the senses?

You all know that the PPP will rob the country, they behaved badly the last time around. 

You and your ilk have been hollering as loudly as you can about this for many years now; long before Granger and his goons took office. Why don't you tell the world how many charges were files and how many successful convictions have been registered against PPP people for robbing the country? The answer is clearly and unmistakably NONE ! Tell the world what that old ugly-ass hoodlum and old sheet-piling thief Hamilton Green did to deserve the pension that the PNC is proposing for him. Had it been the other way around, with a PPP member being the recipient, you would have bet your last dollar that Georgetown would have been in flames a long time ago. Apart from encouraging jump-up and wine-up at the drop of a hat, why don't provide us with a list of the achievements of Granger and his shithead dunces ? The entire rice industry has been well and truly frigged up by the 'know-it-all' PNC shitheads; have you ever heard of the Guyana Rice Marketing Board ? Go dig up that ugly-ass 'kakaroach' Burnham and ask him to share his wisdom on that ! Look at what has become of this large and profitable sector of the Guyana economy ! Apart from 'jump-up' and 'wine-up' at every possible opportunity, tell us what Granger and his ultra-dunce kakaholes have achieved since they took office. Have you ever heard any PPP member saying anything that was even remotely close to what was said by that vile, incompetent bitch 'Vulgar Lawrence' ? Not so long ago a huge crowd of PNC hoodlums was hollering and screaming 'we waan lan, we waan lan; Granger gaffu gie we lan so we can mine we chirrun' ! All other people toiled and sweat for years to improve their and their families' lives. Everything for these lazy, good-for-nothing must be handed to the mon a platter .... for free ! I am certain that more than a half of these women are unable to tell exactly who fathered their 'chirrun' ! Keep hollering about the PPP robbing the country but at the end of the day, come back and tell us who are working and who are and have been producing in Guyana !!

You are acting the reverse of him. It mattered not what charges were filed or what convictions resulted; the PPP are obscene crooks. 

And every day I hear of Ms Lawrence idiotic rant. Why not speak of Dharamlal who spoke to Amerindians as if his grandfather give him the land and the government was a province of the PPP.

Since independence we have been plagued by two racist groups whose sole idea of government was it was a prize to be won on the backs of ethnic sheep and to be looted for kith and kin. Yes, the PPP are disgusting crooks no less than the PPP.

D2 posted:
Keffer posted:
seignet posted:

Is it pure black hatred that is responsible for the dulling of the senses?

You all know that the PPP will rob the country, they behaved badly the last time around. 

You and your ilk have been hollering as loudly as you can about this for many years now; long before Granger and his goons took office. Why don't you tell the world how many charges were files and how many successful convictions have been registered against PPP people for robbing the country? The answer is clearly and unmistakably NONE ! Tell the world what that old ugly-ass hoodlum and old sheet-piling thief Hamilton Green did to deserve the pension that the PNC is proposing for him. Had it been the other way around, with a PPP member being the recipient, you would have bet your last dollar that Georgetown would have been in flames a long time ago. Apart from encouraging jump-up and wine-up at the drop of a hat, why don't provide us with a list of the achievements of Granger and his shithead dunces ? The entire rice industry has been well and truly frigged up by the 'know-it-all' PNC shitheads; have you ever heard of the Guyana Rice Marketing Board ? Go dig up that ugly-ass 'kakaroach' Burnham and ask him to share his wisdom on that ! Look at what has become of this large and profitable sector of the Guyana economy ! Apart from 'jump-up' and 'wine-up' at every possible opportunity, tell us what Granger and his ultra-dunce kakaholes have achieved since they took office. Have you ever heard any PPP member saying anything that was even remotely close to what was said by that vile, incompetent bitch 'Vulgar Lawrence' ? Not so long ago a huge crowd of PNC hoodlums was hollering and screaming 'we waan lan, we waan lan; Granger gaffu gie we lan so we can mine we chirrun' ! All other people toiled and sweat for years to improve their and their families' lives. Everything for these lazy, good-for-nothing must be handed to the mon a platter .... for free ! I am certain that more than a half of these women are unable to tell exactly who fathered their 'chirrun' ! Keep hollering about the PPP robbing the country but at the end of the day, come back and tell us who are working and who are and have been producing in Guyana !!

You are acting the reverse of him. It mattered not what charges were filed or what convictions resulted; the PPP are obscene crooks. 

And every day I hear of Ms Lawrence idiotic rant. Why not speak of Dharamlal who spoke to Amerindians as if his grandfather give him the land and the government was a province of the PPP.

Since independence we have been plagued by two racist groups whose sole idea of government was it was a prize to be won on the backs of ethnic sheep and to be looted for kith and kin. Yes, the PPP are disgusting crooks no less than the PPP.

 I have no reservations whatsoever about improprieties within the public sector, however, action must be taken against offenders; all offenders. Furthermore, the government has to behave in ways that foster truth, dedication and commitment. Do you see people like Vulgar Lawrence reflecting propriety ?? With respect to PPP members, why have they not been prosecuted ? Is it appropriate for some to be hollering "PPP tief' despite the fact that those very people remain silent about widespread  improprieties, ignorance and incompetence of the PNC ?

Mr.T posted:

Keffer worried about his cocaine investments. Especially now El Chappo going to prison.

What cocaine investments ? If you have any information of any improprieties that I am connected to, put them up for everyone to see. If not, I suggest you cease and desist from speaking through your rectum so that others can carry on a decent discussion ! Simple enough, isn't it ?

Keffer posted:
Mr.T posted:

Keffer worried about his cocaine investments. Especially now El Chappo going to prison.

What cocaine investments ? If you have any information of any improprieties that I am connected to, put them up for everyone to see. If not, I suggest you cease and desist from speaking through your rectum so that others can carry on a decent discussion ! Simple enough, isn't it ?

He is an authority on drug running. He was one of them. He thinks everyone is like him trying to make a dishonest living. He is related to Bouterse of Suriname, a known murderer and drug trafficker.

Mr.T posted:

Granger has no choice but to hang on in government. To walk out would result in Jagdeo looting the country with the help of his hand picked cronies. The people who shout the loudest against the current government all have vested interests within the PPP, and are rubbing their hands in participation of the riches they could be gaining.

Mullah T-Bagger, you sounding like you believe that Granger is also a mullah who can just decree when he can hang on tp government and when he wouldn't. 

Mr.T posted:

No matter what nonsense the PPP and its mild drinkers put out, it doesn't fool the intelligent ones among us. Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues. That's why he wants to be finance minister. The Granger government has no choice but to protect the country from these drug dealers hiding under the PPP flag. Look how Bouterse, the friend of Jagdeo, has wrecked the Suriname oil business. Jagdeo wants to do the same.

Mr. T, I always wanted to ask what the T means. Does it mean “Thug”. If it is, then you are seeking self pity. Historically, you are a racist who only crawls out on GNI when it is Guyana election time. Then, like a snake you leave to go hibernate under British skirts until another election is called. 

D2 posted:

Since independence we have been plagued by two racist groups whose sole idea of government was it was a prize to be won on the backs of ethnic sheep and to be looted for kith and kin. Yes, the PPP are disgusting crooks no less than the PPP.

With one very notable difference. When it was declared that the PPP lost the 2015 elections, they did not lock the gates and fortify the compounds. They instead packed their stuff and left before making their way to the courts. Some of them even packed stuff that wasn't theirs. 

The PNC are behaving like street thugs.

Mr.T posted:

No matter what nonsense the PPP and its mild drinkers put out, it doesn't fool the intelligent ones among us. Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues. That's why he wants to be finance minister. The Granger government has no choice but to protect the country from these drug dealers hiding under the PPP flag. Look how Bouterse, the friend of Jagdeo, has wrecked the Suriname oil business. Jagdeo wants to do the same.

Jagdeo fabricated this situation in order to seize control of our oil revenues.

When you stated OUR OIL REVENUE, who do you mean, PNC or Black people. Remember Jagdeo is a Guyanese living and serving Guyana ,unlike you.


The Coalition fools are so hapless they didn't even know there were dissent between them. Jagdeo was able to gauge the temperature within their midst when they were existing in a stone cold coma.


I saw an invitation sent by Nigel Hughes for a speaking engagement by Dominic Gaskin at Rice University on 26th February, re: Oil and Gas development in Guyana. Looking for PNC investors.

Keffer posted:

Jackass, Guyana has a written constitution that spells out in detail

Whats funny is that you scream all about Burnham and the PNC rigging and yet you defend a constitution which involved some of the most vulgar PNC rigging.

Why do you do this?

kp posted:

When you stated OUR OIL REVENUE, who do you mean, PNC or Black people. Remember Jagdeo is a Guyanese living and serving Guyana ,unlike you.

No he means the PPP and Indians' oil money.  Blacks are expected to hold out their hands, get handcuffed and submit to daily whipping by their PPP owners.  They are also expected to dance for their owners and hold out begging bowls, and to grovel in gratitude and thank Indians for saving them.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

When you stated OUR OIL REVENUE, who do you mean, PNC or Black people. Remember Jagdeo is a Guyanese living and serving Guyana ,unlike you.

No he means the PPP and Indians' oil money.  Blacks are expected to hold out their hands, get handcuffed and submit to daily whipping by their PPP owners.  They are also expected to dance for their owners and hold out begging bowls, and to grovel in gratitude and thank Indians for saving them.

Keep your nonsense to yourself. T is intelligent  and   can answer for need a groupie to play.

Mr.T posted:

Keffer worried about his cocaine investments. Especially now El Chappo going to prison.

Jackass, if this your attempt at comedy, you must know that it has failed most miserably; exactly like your beloved PNC goons habitually do with everything that they do!  I have never had any relationships with anyone or any group who are or have ever been associated with any illicit activity. You can take your post and shove it up your ass ! 

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Mr.T posted:

Keffer worried about his cocaine investments. Especially now El Chappo going to prison.

Jackass, if this your attempt at comedy, you must know that it has failed most miserably; exactly like your beloved PNC goons habitually do with everything that they do!  I have never had any relationships with anyone or any group who are or have ever been associated with any illicit activity. You can take your post and shove it up your ass ! 

T-Bagger did say that his family were involved in the illicit drug business. He is just being a fool. His profile used to say "I pity that fool". He came up with that while looking in the mirror. 

D2 posted:

However bad the PPP are they followed the constitutional imperative. And why should I trust Granger and his crew not to loot the treasury?

well, they haven’t

the excursions into ‘future crime’ by you (and other fellow travelers) is a matter between your conscience and your flighty prejudices

and no one is interested in that idleness

this is neither Hollywood nor a video game

and please point to where the Coalition has NOT followed the “Constitutional imperative”


ronan posted:
D2 posted:

However bad the PPP are they followed the constitutional imperative. And why should I trust Granger and his crew not to loot the treasury?

well, they haven’t

the excursions into ‘future crime’ by you (and other fellow travelers) is a matter between your conscience and your flighty prejudices

and no one is interested in that idleness

this is neither Hollywood nor a video game

and please point to where the Coalition has NOT followed the “Constitutional imperative”


Being Black blinds you to the obvious?

Yuh fellas really think differently than most other races of ppl. Everyday that is revealed. 

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

However bad the PPP are they followed the constitutional imperative. And why should I trust Granger and his crew not to loot the treasury?

well, they haven’t

the excursions into ‘future crime’ by you (and other fellow travelers) is a matter between your conscience and your flighty prejudices

and no one is interested in that idleness

this is neither Hollywood nor a video game

and please point to where the Coalition has NOT followed the “Constitutional imperative”


Being Black blinds you to the obvious?

Yuh fellas really think differently than most other races of ppl. Everyday that is revealed. 

please be specific

separately, do you know me?

ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

However bad the PPP are they followed the constitutional imperative. And why should I trust Granger and his crew not to loot the treasury?

well, they haven’t

the excursions into ‘future crime’ by you (and other fellow travelers) is a matter between your conscience and your flighty prejudices

and no one is interested in that idleness

this is neither Hollywood nor a video game

and please point to where the Coalition has NOT followed the “Constitutional imperative”


Being Black blinds you to the obvious?

Yuh fellas really think differently than most other races of ppl. Everyday that is revealed. 

please be specific

separately, do you know me?

doan have to know you. I read your comments and that is revealing.


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