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Teenage mother allegedly watches twins die at WDRH

– accuses doctors, nurses of negligence

A young mother has blamed doctors and nurses at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) for the death of her twin babies on Saturday last.

The teenage mother, Preya Eshwar of Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), explained that at about 04:00h on Saturday, she was at home and began to feel contractions. As such, she was taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where she was examined and told she had developed an infection.

Doctors there referred her to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where her tribulations began. According to the aggrieved mother, whilst there, she was further examined and told that the infection could cause her to lose her babies. She was already in the seventh month of her pregnancy.
Nevertheless, she revealed that she was given a drip to induce labour and then left alone for close to two hours. After she began to cry out for unbearable pain, she was wheeled to a delivery room in the upper flat of the hospital and left unattended for another hour.
The young woman related that she felt her babies kicking and as such called out to doctors. She subsequently delivered her first baby. “When the first one came out, he was crying loudly so they put him on my stomach even though I still hadn’t given birth to the second one,” the teenager stressed.

She gave birth to her second child but the doctors and nurses at the hospital were too busy recording her to notice that the baby had fallen into the bedpan.

“They deh laughing as I am in pain trying to push out my second baby. And a Cuban doctor had her phone and she was videoing me, I don’t know why. The baby came out and fall into the bedpan,” Eshwar cried.

The baby was reportedly picked up and also placed on her stomach crying. A nurse reportedly clothed the babies and placed them under a light in the delivery room before leaving.
“They leave my babies crying and shivering under a light because the room was very cold… they didn’t even try to help them, they just left them to die right in front of my eyes… I watched my babies die”.

Later, the babies were removed by nurses and Eshwar was told that she had given birth to stillborn babies. “They tell me that my babies couldn’t live because their lungs weren’t developed enough but how could they decide that and just leave them to die?” Eshwar questioned.

The young woman and her family are calling on the Public Health Ministry to look into the issue and are warning pregnant women against going to the medical facility to give birth.

“Them nurses that they have looked after you, all of them look young just like me and they deh on their phones while I was in pain… this was the worst thing I ever experienced… the Ministry needs to look into this and nobody should go there, pay ya’ll money and go private… one of the nurses said that my babies make 20 for the month that they lost,” the frustrated and aggrieved mother stated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sixteen-year-old’s twins die after delivery at West Demerara hospital


November 13 2018

A 16-year-old mother is still in grief after her twins died shortly after delivery at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) on Saturday and she blames it on negligence.

The baby boys were born prematurely to Preya Eshwar of Parika, East Bank Essequibo around 11.30 am and they both died shortly after.

Her mother, Sharmela Beni told Stabroek News that her daughter started having abdominal pain around 5:30 am on Saturday and they took her to the Leonora Diagnostic Centre.

A doctor there told her that Eshwar had an infection and referred her to the WDRH. They were advised to take her to the maternity ward.

But the nurses from the ward sent them down to the emergency room where they were again told that she had an infection and she had to have an “abortion.”

They then administered “saline and a blue tablet” and the pain increased. Around 10:30 am they sent her back to the maternity ward and her father pushed her in the wheelchair, as there was no porter available.

They waited in the “hallway” for about half an hour before the nurses took her to the ward. According to the mother, they also took another half hour asking her daughter questions before finally attending to her.

Beni said too that the first baby arrived by foot and that from the hallway they could hear her daughter screaming in pain. They also heard the baby crying.

Eshwar told this newspaper that the nurses were chatting and laughing nearby when she told them that they second baby was “coming out.” But before they could assist, the baby fell into the bedpan.

She said the nurses then placed both babies on the bed on “thin cloth napkins” without wrapping them although the room was extra cold from the air-conditioning unit.

Eshwar said both babies were still moving and she had begged the nurses to place them in the incubator. But they refused saying that the babies were already dead and left the room.

 “I watch them dying but I couldn’t do anything,” the young mother said.

One hour later the nurses came back to the room to check them and told her that the babies were dead, that they were underweight and had “lung problem.”

She accepted that the babies were small but said they were fully developed. She lamented that the nurses made no effort to save the babies. “They didn’t even try,” she said sadly. Stabroek News was unable to get a comment from the hospital regarding the alleged neglect.


The Guyana Times, always with their half bake stories.

I don't condone the negligence by the nurses.The pregnancy by the 16 yr old mother need special attention.There can be complications due to the age of the mother and the babies are twins.

You doan have be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Also the parents should be held responsible, the teenager should be in school instead of making babies.

Last edited by Django

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

Prince posted:

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

From the inception of pregnancy, prenatal care was needed. The questions to be asked did the 16 yr old seek such care.

Django posted:
Prince posted:

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

From the inception of pregnancy, prenatal care was needed. The questions to be asked did the 16 yr old seek such care.

Django, the 16 years old is not your pickney to make that call. This is Guyana, not CT, USA. 

Prince posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

From the inception of pregnancy, prenatal care was needed. The questions to be asked did the 16 yr old seek such care.

Django, the 16 years old is not your pickney to make that call. This is Guyana, not CT, USA. 

There are prenatal care in Guyana, the people call it Clinic for pregnant mothers.My ex wife was going there when pregnant.

Prince posted:

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

Guyana is a barbaric place. Not the country which I grew up in. I am left speechless after reading this. Two children just "thrown away". These people are beasts! 

alena06 posted:

This is sheer negligence, 7 months premature babies have a high survival rate. The hospital should be sued.  

Gal, SHITHOLE GUyana since 2015, that is the end of the story. Painful but true when you have Animals running a Country!!

alena06 posted:

This is sheer negligence, 7 months premature babies have a high survival rate. The hospital should be sued.  

The Manickchands should waste no time to file a multi million $$$$ lawsuit.

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Back in PPP days Mitwah and company would assign all blame on PPP incompetence even if it was negligence of doctors.

And my friend Leslie too.

 I don't recall d2 joining in the tea party. Lilmohan might have been there.

Iguana posted:
Prince posted:

Medical professionals need to show genuine concern for the mother and babies health throughout the delivery period. Why she wasn't in school and making babies is a different chapter. Guyana has hospitals where sick people go to get better or delivers their babies. It's not supposed to be a horrific experience. 

Guyana is a barbaric place. Not the country which I grew up in. I am left speechless after reading this. Two children just "thrown away". These people are beasts! 

In Guyana, when you poor, no one gives a shit!  I can tell you, even to rural poor of India are treated with more humanity.  You just saw the other day with the Kissoon guy, and this was in GT.  

Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

This is sheer negligence, 7 months premature babies have a high survival rate. The hospital should be sued.  

The Manickchands should waste no time to file a multi million $$$$ lawsuit.

Who are the Manickchands?

Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Back in PPP days Mitwah and company would assign all blame on PPP incompetence even if it was negligence of doctors.

And my friend Leslie too.

 I don't recall d2 joining in the tea party. Lilmohan might have been there.

Amazon looking for some computer people. Contact chief for the placement. I see Leslie was using your handle to post.  Small world  Derrick bai. 

Django posted:

Sixteen-year-old’s twins die after delivery at West Demerara hospital


November 13 2018

A 16-year-old mother is still in grief after her twins died shortly after delivery at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) on Saturday and she blames it on negligence.

The baby boys were born prematurely to Preya Eshwar of Parika, East Bank Essequibo around 11.30 am and they both died shortly after.

Her mother, Sharmela Beni told Stabroek News that her daughter started having abdominal pain around 5:30 am on Saturday and they took her to the Leonora Diagnostic Centre.

A doctor there told her that Eshwar had an infection and referred her to the WDRH. They were advised to take her to the maternity ward.

But the nurses from the ward sent them down to the emergency room where they were again told that she had an infection and she had to have an “abortion.”

They then administered “saline and a blue tablet” and the pain increased. Around 10:30 am they sent her back to the maternity ward and her father pushed her in the wheelchair, as there was no porter available.

They waited in the “hallway” for about half an hour before the nurses took her to the ward. According to the mother, they also took another half hour asking her daughter questions before finally attending to her.

Beni said too that the first baby arrived by foot and that from the hallway they could hear her daughter screaming in pain. They also heard the baby crying.

Eshwar told this newspaper that the nurses were chatting and laughing nearby when she told them that they second baby was “coming out.” But before they could assist, the baby fell into the bedpan.

She said the nurses then placed both babies on the bed on “thin cloth napkins” without wrapping them although the room was extra cold from the air-conditioning unit.

Eshwar said both babies were still moving and she had begged the nurses to place them in the incubator. But they refused saying that the babies were already dead and left the room.

 “I watch them dying but I couldn’t do anything,” the young mother said.

One hour later the nurses came back to the room to check them and told her that the babies were dead, that they were underweight and had “lung problem.”

She accepted that the babies were small but said they were fully developed. She lamented that the nurses made no effort to save the babies. “They didn’t even try,” she said sadly. Stabroek News was unable to get a comment from the hospital regarding the alleged neglect.

This is sad and painful any which way you look at it. It seems like the hospital had already made a decision even before the babies were born.

kp posted:

Who is the father of the twins? A child having Children! Maybe, blessings in disguise.

There might be a case for statutory rape since she would have been 15 when she got pregnant.

kp posted:

Who is the father of the twins? A child having Children! Maybe, blessings in disguise.

....are you suggesting that the  cruel death of 2 children in front of their mother's eyes are "blessings in disguise"???????

Nehru posted:
alena06 posted:

This is sheer negligence, 7 months premature babies have a high survival rate. The hospital should be sued.  

Gal, SHITHOLE GUyana since 2015, that is the end of the story. Painful but true when you have Animals running a Country!!

So with the change of government came a change of all working people across the board?

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Who is the father of the twins? A child having Children! Maybe, blessings in disguise.

There might be a case for statutory rape since she would have been 15 when she got pregnant.

That's my point.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Who is the father of the twins? A child having Children! Maybe, blessings in disguise.

There might be a case for statutory rape since she would have been 15 when she got pregnant.

That's my point.

Still every life is precious. You should not be the arbitrator of who deserves to live.


"A cuban doctor was videoing on her cell phone". I always held cuban doctors in high regard, after my experience with them. They are very disciplined people. Now reading this kinda  left me feeling somewhat disappointed. On the other hand, im not surprised by the actions of the guyanese medical staff.  Negligence is their area of expertise. I hope this young mother regardless of her age or whether she should be in school or not find some justice. Im not placing any bets tho.


This is one story that the PPP arm, Guyana Times choose to bring attention. Young mothers are dying during child birth at a regular basis, healthy people are dying in these ill equip hospitals every day, here you have preemies, not fully developed babies, Guyana don't have the equipment and expertise to deal with this situation.


Last edited by kp

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