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Guyana is a non-spoiled gem that has to be discovered- National Geographic team

GINA, GUYANA, Friday, November 11, 2016

A team from the National Geographic Magazine has described Guyana as one of the nicest, unspoilt countries in the world, and a gem that has to be discovered.

Journalist Marco Barneveld, and photographer, Rene Kaster, are in Guyana on a Familiarisation Tour (Fam Tour) hosted by the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in observance of Tourism Awareness Month. The team departs Guyana tomorrow, having arrived on November 7.

Barneveld said that he has been enjoying Guyana tremendously. “It’s one of the nicest unspoiled countries we have been to, one thing that must be said here that we were seduced by your rum to come here.”

Marco Barneveld, Journalist from National Geographic

Marco Barneveld, Journalist from National Geographic

The journalist said that they were in Alaska and, they were having a conversation about rum and were trying to decide which rum is better. He said a Guyanese was present during that conversation and asked “if we have ever tried this rum and we tried it and were left speechless,” he stated. He noted that the rum was not the main reason why they should visit, but “it was definitely the push.”

Barneveld explained that they have seen Georgetown and the Interior and they have also been to Costa Rica, which has many American tourists and, “frankly I don’t understand why they are not coming here.  It’s a non-spoiled gem that has to be discovered!”

Kaster noted that he was surprised by the beauty of this country and pointed out that he has seen many places but none “so beautiful as Guyana”. Kaster also noted the hospitality of the people of the communities that they visited. “The people are great as well, how they talk to you, how they behave, how they look at you, the humor they use and they are very friendly.”

Tourism Awareness Month is being observed under the theme-“Tourism for All- Building Partnerships for Tourism Development”.

GTA’s Logistics Manager, Carla Chandra expressed joy with the partnership with Wilderness Explorers to host the journalist and photographer from National Geographic. Chandra said that GTA continues to recognise Fam tours as a very cost effective means of marketing the destination (Guyana); many of which, she noted have delivered results.

“Fam tours have gotten us listed in catalogs, expanded our sales distribution, (and) features being done in international publications including the National Geographic Magazine,” Chandra said.

Chandra explained that Fam tour participants are offered first hand opportunity to experience Guyana’s products and services. “It’s only

Rene Kaster, Photographer from National Geographic

Rene Kaster, Photographer from National Geographic

when someone is armed with the actual experience that they can positively and actively sell the destination, in this case Guyana, so with this, the GTA will continue to partner with the private sector to host many more Fam trips.”

President of the Tourism and Hospitality Association Guyana (THAG), and Product Development Specialist at Wilderness Explorers, Andrea de Caires said that in September she had the pleasure of attending the Adventure Travel World Summit in Alaska, where she met the journalist and photographer.

The THAG President said that they told her that they were going to be in Suriname and she urged them to visit Guyana.

“Marco and Rene and I were in conversation; they mentioned that they were going to Suriname and I was like you are right next door, you have to come discover Guyana South America,” De Caires said.

De Caires said they took on the challenge and they spoke to their Editor-in-Chief, and through partnership with their tourism partners “they were able to bring and host them and to give them all the magic of Guyana in a short period of time.”

“They were able to go to Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) and spend four hours and learn about our rum, went on a 206 (plane) without the doors on to Kaieteur to take great pictures, they also stayed at Surama Eco Lodge and overnighted,” THAG’s President said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Remaining unspoiled does not benefit the nation as this requires natural resources to remain unexploited. Its a double edge sword.  The more tourists the greater the ecological damage, but thankfully the tourism for this type of adventure is not widespread as it is hardcore and not for the beach loving majority. 

Drugb posted:

 The more tourists the greater the ecological damage, but thankfully the tourism for this type of adventure is not widespread as it is hardcore and not for the beach loving majority. 

Belize is doing perfectly fine with their 350k plus tourists.

If managed properly 50k eco adventure tourists will bring benefits, both to G/T and to the various interior locations.

Tourism will never be Guyana's largest industry, but it can certainly assist in diversifying its economy beyond the sale of almost completely unprocessed commodities.

How do you think that Jamaica built its brand? Tourism.  Guyana can build a brand to boost its rum sales as well as to develop and market other products, so the benefits aren't just limited to the industry itself.

What is interesting is how even islands like Anguilla and Antigua, which are scrub surrounded by fantastic beaches, are now pushing "eco adventure" tourism. Tourists want to do more than just lie on a beach, especially with the heightened awareness of skin cancer.

So Guyana, with one of the best eco/adventure tourist product, and an interesting and diverse culture on top of it, can certainly carve a niche into this business.

The biggest drawback is that Guyana is cursed with having the worst governments within the Caribbean. So we will continue to read what visiting media says, but will never benefit.  Cathy Hughes was such a waste that they had to move her from tourism.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:


Well they didn't when the PPP shit heads ran it.

At least now Cubans are visiting and spending money in Guyana.

CARIBNY posted:
Belize is doing perfectly fine with their 350k plus tourists.

Looks like you are in lala land once again. Any casual look up of Belize will show that the tourist draw is the beach and blue water. Rainforest tour is just an aside.  Snorkeling, scuba diving, sea kayaking Mayan temple, Caves etc dominate the attractions. 




There is a Canadian corporate attorney who I use for clients of mine. As soon as I told him that I was from Guyana he launched into how it is a country that he would like to visit. He also suggested that Canadians are more adventure oriented than are Americans, so there is much potential there. Also in Europe.

You see Druggie Guyana is a quirky little weird country. In South America, but not of it.  And this transposition of cultures which people don't necessarily link.   The fact that G/T is basically a poor Port of Spain, while Lethem could well be in the heart of Brazil. This intrigues many people.  

Druggie you will note that I put Guyana's tourism potential at 50k, even as Belize gets more than 350k.  Yes Guyana being 10x the size of Belize, but the latter having a combination of traditional Caribbean attractions with the eco/adventure that Guyana offers.   This allowing it to appeal to a broader base. Plus its location in the western Caribbean makes it close to virtually every where in the USA.

My point about Belize is that it is not the spoiled over developed destination that places like Aruba, St Thomas, Nassau, and St Maarten (Dutch side) are.


As usual, in your small time world, you compare apples to oranges. Using unscientific hearsay methods to make a point. The proof is in the pudding, countries with blue water, sand beaches and coral reefs that happen to have a "rain forest" can not be compared to a country like Guyana, where it takes expensive air journey into the forest to see a few waterfalls and pretty much nothing else.  Have you even been into Guyana's jungle to understand its massive and unforgiving nature?  I have. 


.I think that you think that Guyanese should be selling bulk sugar because you get very hostile when other sectors are developed.  You didn't like call centers, until the PPP became interested, because you claimed that Guyanese were too dumb to do that work.

Now if Suriname attracts eco adventure tourists, and they are looking to attract more than why can't Guyana. What Suriname as done, that Guyana hasn't, is to develop the type of infrastructure so that the jungles are less unforgiving, and there is more to do.  They have an infrastructure of tours and eco lodges. They have reasonably priced tour packages that can be bought online.  They have developed the volume of business so that flight to these interior locations aren't prohibitively expensive

By the way lying down on a beach isn't doing anything other than (for white people) getting skin cancer.

I know that you know that there are many eco lodges scattered all over Belize, and Costa Rica.  In fact tourism to those nations started because of eco adventure tourism.  They had to expand beyond this sector as it is a niche market. Guyana will only be a niche market.

Dominica gets about 50k tourists, if returning nationals are excluded.  Please explain what Dominica has that Guyana lacks. So tell me why cannot Guyana get 50k visitors when Dominica already does.  And Dominica is even more inconvenient as they don't even have  a jet airport.


Your arguments continue to be apples and oranges. Suriname is in very poor economic state compared to Guyana as recently reported.  It's so called eco tourism sector is laughable when its contribution to GDP is considered. So you believe so much in Guyana eco tourism, I suggest since you have your Black govt in charge and no more excuses, sub your money with D2 and invest in the sector rather than theorizing. 


Druggie I will invest in Guyana when you prove to me that you did when Jagdeo was in power.

You scream that Jagdeo was a hero who was great for Guyana.  I tell you that Granger is an idiot who doesn't have a clue, and I said so long before the election.

Given that I have little confidence in APNU while you had loads on  Jagdeo the reason why you didn't invest in Guyana is interesting.


So much for your rants, you have no backbone. I invested and am currently invested in Guyana,  even under the PNC which is making life hard for Indian business people daily. 


Druggie investing money in your family's business doesn't count.  They had businesses before. They live in Guyana. They can ensure that your investment interests are protected.

Get back to me when your family no longer live in Guyana.  Then you can tell the rest of us whose families have all migrated what we should do.  YOUR PPP developed a corrupt business culture which makes it foolhardy for people to invest there unless they live there. The culture is now embedded and the APNU/AFC are no better.  They want to make the money that the PPP folks made.



Guyana could b a good Country BUT GADAHA took over 18 months ago and STINK up the place. Now, not only Tourist but no sane human will not touch that Land!!!!! I told Al Yuh the PNC and Uncle Tom are clueless IDIOTS and now Al Yuh see for Al Yuh self!!!


Druggie investing money in your family's business doesn't count.  They had businesses before. They live in Guyana. They can ensure that your investment interests are protected.

Get back to me when your family no longer live in Guyana.  Then you can tell the rest of us whose families have all migrated what we should do.  YOUR PPP developed a corrupt business culture which makes it foolhardy for people to invest there unless they live there. The culture is now embedded and the APNU/AFC are no better.  They want to make the money that the PPP folks made.

Don't make excuses, put your money where you mouth is. This shows how much faith you have in jackass Granger.  


Druggie I don't think that you have been reading what I have being saying.  Did you not read where I said that the culture of corruption is now embedded in Guyana and that APNU/AFC are no better?

Now go and wash Jagdeo's foot and then kiss it.


Druggie I don't think that you have been reading what I have being saying.  Did you not read where I said that the culture of corruption is now embedded in Guyana and that APNU/AFC are no better?

Now go and wash Jagdeo's foot and then kiss it.

You publicly supported the PNC ascension to office, you don't get to pretend that they are now bad. The damage is done.  Now pack your bags and move to Guyana and set up an eco tourist resort and see how many plane loads of tourists want that product.  I keep hammering into your head that the draw for tourists is the blue water and sand beaches. Not the malaria infested jungle.  Do you realize that it is recommended that visitors take malaria shots for visits to the hinterland?  How many people will want to visit a place where they have to take shots before travelling?





All of these people see potential for Guyana. 

Druggie stop screaming as if I suggest that Guyana will be covered over with tourists like Cancun.  50,000 visitors (or 1,000 per week) scattered over 83,000 square miles is really small.

The beauty is that the development of the infrastructure will in fact benefit locals and overseas Guyanese as well. Quit your nonsense about malaria as Tanzania has way more disease issues, and it has a thriving tourist industry.

Druggie this is what I am talking about. Proper accommodations. Proper infrastructure and logistics. Proper packages.

Guyana is way more exotic than is Belize. Its very remoteness, and the fact that it will never be a large tourist destination, so will always be "natural," is in fact its appeal.

Druggie the mere fact that Antigua's tag lines is now "we're more than the beach", when it used to boast that it had 365 beaches, just shows that in an era of increased awareness of skin cancer it cannot just be the beach. 

Even Antigua, the quintessential beach island, now wants to promote other aspects of what it is, so it is total BS that all tourists want is the beach.

That might be true for the low class Trump voting clowns who you hang out with, whose idea of fun is laying on a beach with millions of others, squashed and smelling each other!  And with Pizza Hut a few yards away, or Applebee's.

Guyana, just over an hour from Barbados in fact allows European tourists to spend 9 days on that island and 5 in Guyana. They get the beach and they get something else to do.  Barbados wants to promote Guyana is a side tour from Barbados, so that it can boast that it isn't just beach, sea and rum punch, because 22 other Caribbean islands offer that, as do many other tropical destinations.

Last edited by Former Member

They only attract a small market,  a hundred guests per year at most.  The jungle experience is not expandable to the mass market. If this was the case you would already have packed your bags and set up shop in Guyana. 


Druggie.  Why do you expose yourself to be an idiot. At what point did I say that this is about the mass market. Is 50k visitors a year mass market?  Is Dominica, the Nature Island, mass market.  Yet they get 70k stay over, and almost 300k cruise passengers.  They aren't going to that island for beaches!

You aren't going to have a 200 bed eco lodge for obvious reasons. It isn't environmentally sustainable.

Druggie just tell Guyanese that they should follow the PPP and cut expensive cane that nobody wants.


Druggie.  Why do you expose yourself to be an idiot. At what point did I say that this is about the mass market. Is 50k visitors a year mass market?  Is Dominica, the Nature Island, mass market.  Yet they get 70k stay over, and almost 300k cruise passengers.  They aren't going to that island for beaches!

You aren't going to have a 200 bed eco lodge for obvious reasons. It isn't environmentally sustainable.

Druggie just tell Guyanese that they should follow the PPP and cut expensive cane that nobody wants.


Dream on, 50K eco tourists, when they have better places to go in the Caribbean where they can get similar experiences + the beach and blue water, minus the mosquitoes. I already schooled you on this incorrect assumption. Yet you chose not to invest in the sector.  Why don't you tell us how many visitors these so called eco tourist businesses in Guyana get per year? It will continue to be a niche market and will never be a significant contributor to the economy to take the place of sugar. 


The inn which I showed you is no where near a beach and neither are the numerous other lodges in Belize, Costa Rica, Suriname and many other places.

You know nothing of tourism, so have nothing to school me in.  Not every one wants a beach.  Given that Zika is in many of the islands clearly so are mosquitos.


Hey CARib, why don't you go to Guyana and put your money where your mouth is. So far you have not provided the tourist numbers nor the attractions for tourist draws, nor the cost.  You are welcome to band together some black investors and invest in this venture. With your banking background this should not be an issue.    


Druggie your PPP was screaming about eco/adventure tourism, so its funny that you don't embrace it.

In fact YOUR PPP wanted to build a huge airport.  They told us that 8jumbo jets would arrive SIMULTANEOUSLY, with flights from China, the moon and the sun.

It was APNU/AFC which reduced the white elephant to a scale more relevant to Guyana.

It appears as if YOUR PPP anticipated 1 million visitors to Guyana.  I anticipate a mere 50k. 

You continued to live in the USA even as Jagdeo was using his para militia thugs run by your hero Roger Khan to make life good for your return.

I have no respect for Granger, so why should I put more hard earned money there?

 Plus there is Gerry Gouveia and loads of other already involved in tourism.

Last edited by Former Member

My banking background also tells me that investing in a country where Jagdeo encouraged contract killings isn't a wise idea.

Your family already know how to deal with the contract killers, and maybe even have some in their employ. This based on your ardent support for this debacle which Roger Khan introduced into Guyana, turning it into Medellin, that being when that cartel was still all powerful.


My banking background also tells me that investing in a country where Jagdeo encouraged contract killings isn't a wise idea.

Your family already know how to deal with the contract killers, and maybe even have some in their employ. This based on your ardent support for this debacle which Roger Khan introduced into Guyana, turning it into Medellin, that being when that cartel was still all powerful.

Jackass Granger in charge now, you don't have to worry he already reduced crime supposedly. I suspect you are looking for an excuse to back down from contributing to the development of Guyana. 


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