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US-based couple robbed on arrival home


Two men are now in Police custody after they were nabbed by Police ranks in D Division (West Bank Demerara/East Bank Essequibo) moments after robbing an overseas-based Guyanese and his family at Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara (WBD) in the wee hours of Sunday morning.


All you PPP gospel singers needs to understand one thing. This is nothing new. During the twenty three years of PPP governance  this was the norm, and it is going to take some serious undoing to make matters right. 
As I've said before, Ramjattan needs to get off his ass and start putting plans in place to combat these criminal activities which has and still is spiraling out of control.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately and shamelessly, our good fellas on the other side consider robberies and murders an amusement. This is indeed a sad turn of event when people victimize the victims and praise the perpetrator.

What kind of a jackass post is this?  Where have you read that other fellas on the other side as u put it, see robberies and murders as amusement?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

All you PPP gospel singers needs to understand one thing. This is nothing new. During the twenty three years of PPP governance  this was the norm, and it is going to take some serious undoing to make matters right. 
As I've said before, Ramjattan needs to get off his ass and start putting plans in place to combat these criminal activities which has and still is spiraling out of control.

By now we should have a broad outline of a national plan to combat crime.  Why is this situation still deteriorating?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately and shamelessly, our good fellas on the other side consider robberies and murders an amusement. This is indeed a sad turn of event when people victimize the victims and praise the perpetrator.

The only shameless person here is you Mr Gay Pooran. Find one post you made addressing what has been a 2 decade abysmal crime management strategy by the PPP. You sick racist behind has no motivation to address the progress or lack of it here. It is merely to massage that biliousness in your sick soul

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I am now compelled to ask this question. Did Grainger made a mistake appointing Ramjattan for the position of Home Affairs Minister?
Was he the right choice for the job? I wouldn't like to see him go down the path Rohee did, but at this rate, that just might be the case.
He needs to get off his ass!

My friend, we talking Guyana here! ALL of these guys, PPP, PNC, KKK or whatever is all a bunch of big shit talkers! Most, if not many, of these guys can't cut it anywhere. That said, I have some confidence in Granger and some of his crew that they CAN bring improved leadership.


Policing needs to be vastly improved. We have so many poor quality of life issues in such a small population. I am mystified why it takes so long to fix seemingly small things.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

All you PPP gospel singers needs to understand one thing. This is nothing new. During the twenty three years of PPP governance  this was the norm, and it is going to take some serious undoing to make matters right. 
As I've said before, Ramjattan needs to get off his ass and start putting plans in place to combat these criminal activities which has and still is spiraling out of control.

"This is nothing new"   CHANGE: NOTHING NEW  SAME OLD, SAME OLD

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately and shamelessly, our good fellas on the other side consider robberies and murders an amusement. This is indeed a sad turn of event when people victimize the victims and praise the perpetrator.

The only shameless person here is you Mr Gay Pooran. Find one post you made addressing what has been a 2 decade abysmal crime management strategy by the PPP. You sick racist behind has no motivation to address the progress or lack of it here. It is merely to massage that biliousness in your sick soul

Thanks for your input and stick to the issues at hand. I am NOT the topic of discussion.


Look, we still have the crime situation to deal with, inspite of the name calling. The fact is that the pnc/apnu/AFC promised to deal with this issue and have consistently criticized the previous government over the issue. i do not expect change over night, but the minister should articulate a plan to deal with this issue, set out an implementation schedule that starts in the near future, and then proceed to effectively implement it. For those of you who write that crime was rampant during the PPP reign, that will not console those who have been robbed or have their loved ones killed. Those of us living in Guyana are in constant danger and expect something from the minister.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately and shamelessly, our good fellas on the other side consider robberies and murders an amusement. This is indeed a sad turn of event when people victimize the victims and praise the perpetrator.

You have morphed into a jackass now. Like bizness slow; Shaitan finds work for the idle hands... but snakes don't have hands nor vagina.

Originally Posted by Zed:

Look, we still have the crime situation to deal with, inspite of the name calling. The fact is that the pnc/apnu/AFC promised to deal with this issue and have consistently criticized the previous government over the issue. i do not expect change over night, but the minister should articulate a plan to deal with this issue, set out an implementation schedule that starts in the near future, and then proceed to effectively implement it. For those of you who write that crime was rampant during the PPP reign, that will not console those who have been robbed or have their loved ones killed. Those of us living in Guyana are in constant danger and expect something from the minister.

We can't hear anything from the Minister of Home Affairs, Khemraj Ramjattan. He is not saying anything, while crime in on the rise.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately and shamelessly, our good fellas on the other side consider robberies and murders an amusement. This is indeed a sad turn of event when people victimize the victims and praise the perpetrator.

You have morphed into a jackass now. Like bizness slow; Shaitan finds work for the idle hands... but snakes don't have hands nor vagina.

Sir, on public, debatable forum, we must agree to disagree. You was once on the complaining side only a month ago. Did I mistreat you is this manner? If you don't like the heat, stay away from the kitchen. If you don't want me to disrespect you, you must not do that to other. Thank you!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

They are going to do what Burnham attempted to do.  Scare the Indians into leaving by the thousands so that in 2020, they don't  have to rig the election. They will also get rid of the AFC at the same time.

While a great number in the AFC group will be curtailed, a few who were former PNC members will maintain their place and allegiance with the PNC.

The Grainger administration had two major issues when they were in opposition. Crime and corruption. They don't have evidence of corruption. If they can clean up the city on day one, they same way they could have tackle crimes. Now we are made to believe that they are cake shop government to clean up after they messed up. Cleaning is good, but crime is a national concern. If this government don't understand priority, they should stepped down.
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


While a great number in the AFC group will be curtailed, a few who were former PNC members will maintain their place and allegiance with the PNC.

This is not farfetched but I hope it does not happen.


Too much crime and I agree the Coalition should be putting out releases that indicate they are concerned and explain what they are doing. Too much silence right now.  Ram is a good man.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bloody gang war spreads to Nandy Parkâ€ĶSleeping dad riddled with bullets

June 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– baby son clings to life with five gunshot wounds

Where are all the PPP critics who were calling for Rohee's resignation? Whose resignation should they be calling for now?


Ramjattan appears to be more impotent than Rohee in dealing with crime.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


While a great number in the AFC group will be curtailed, a few who were former PNC members will maintain their place and allegiance with the PNC.

This is not farfetched but I hope it does not happen.


Too much crime and I agree the Coalition should be putting out releases that indicate they are concerned and explain what they are doing. Too much silence right now.  Ram is a good man.



You have to be more vocal in condemning this new crime wave in Guyana under APNU.


It is quite disgraceful to see how silent Ramjattan is while crime escalates worse than it was under the Goat Rohee.


40 Days later and Ramjattan appears to be hiding in his toilet as crime escalates.


Granger needs to sit him down and have a talk with him.


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