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Guyana is a shi.thole country

Jan 12, 2018 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-a-shithole-country/

Some people does think a lot about demself. De Guyanese people is one set who does think a lot about demself and dem right. De only thing that dem boys don’t like about dem is when dem try to talk like anybody else.

Donald Trump don’t like dem at all, but dem boys didn’t know till yesterday. In fact, dem boys want to know if he like black people at all.

This is de leader of de free world; at least all dem odda president before him was considered the leader of de free world.

Dem does appear like if dem love everybody, even if dem got to pretend, but Donald Trump ain’t even pretending. Dem boys see a video showing him visiting some navy people and ignoring a black man who keep pushing himself to meet Trump. In de end de video show how Trump push him aside.

When dem boys see that video dem believe that it was de same stupidness that people like to do to embarrass Donald Trump. But is when he sit down in de meeting and de people around him start to talk about immigrants from Haiti and Africa, that is when he unleash.

Dem boys really upset. De man seh that black people live in shi.thole countries. He didn’t mince he words when he seh Haiti and Africa are shi.thole countries. Normally, dem newspaper wouldn’t use that word.

Dem gun use all kind of thing to depict de word, but when a president use de word dem got to use it, because Trump is a man quick to seh he never seh suh.

One man seh soon Trump gun got all dem newspaper cussing.

Dem boys want to know if he bun de mattress wha Obama sleep on.

Dem feel that he does spend so much time away from de White House because he don’t want to walk in Obama footsteps.

Yesterday when he show clear that he don’t like black people, dem boys seh dem waiting fuh he funeral. Dem gun kick down ee coffin because he disrespect dem.

Talk half and remember Trump only talking fuh heself.

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Guyana is a shi.thole country

Jan 12, 2018 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-a-shithole-country/

Yesterday when he show clear that he don’t like black people, dem boys seh dem waiting fuh he funeral. Dem gun kick down ee coffin because he disrespect dem.

He will get more than that.    


Guyana became a ”shithole” place under the PNC when Guyanese were running heater-shelter anywhere, marrying their daughters to the first old-man bidder for a green card.   Then the PPP brought it out where the US granted holiday visas to the masses.  Today, the PNC is taking Guyana back to shithole status!!

Anti-Americanism under the current PPP cabal caused Indians to be thrown under the bus.......once again!!

Long live the Indians of Guyana.   Traitors be damned!!  Shithole or no shithole!!


Dem does appear like if dem love everybody, even if dem got to pretend, but Donald Trump ain’t even pretending.  He just doesn't remember what he said the next day.  

One man seh soon Trump gun got all dem newspaper cussing. 

Mitwahji, Trump is my hero.  


Mitwah posted:

Baseman isn't Trump your hero? Don't you think likewise about black people?

Actually, I don’t agree with the broad brush comment.  My Dentist are two Nigerian brothers.  I like them.  But I like the fact he did not include India and Guyana!


CNN Don Lemon called Trump a racist on the news today, and other follow suit without confirming the story whether or not Trump did say what is rumored. The story changes that he didn't say those words about Africans and Haitians. Therefore, somebody is in hot water for false breaking news.

Trump is not acting his role as president like his predecessors. What you see is what you get. He is the most decent president Americans has come to know. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but I like his style.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Guyana became a ”shithole” place under the PNC when Guyanese were running heater-shelter anywhere, marrying their daughters to the first old-man bidder for a green card.   Then the PPP brought it out where the US granted holiday visas to the masses.  Today, the PNC is taking Guyana back to shithole status!!

Anti-Americanism under the current PPP cabal caused Indians to be thrown under the bus.......once again!!

Long live the Indians of Guyana.   Traitors be damned!!  Shithole or no shithole!!

you sound like a little child 

Cobra posted:

CNN Don Lemon called Trump a racist on the news today, and other follow suit without confirming the story whether or not Trump did say what is rumored. The story changes that he didn't say those words about Africans and Haitians. Therefore, somebody is in hot water for false breaking news.

Trump is not acting his role as president like his predecessors. What you see is what you get. He is the most decent president Americans has come to know. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but I like his style.

The sore loser still at it. It’s so obvious the tone on CNN.  They shout down anyone who don’t agree with their views.  If he made such a comment, its not helpful, but the Democrats bastardizing the DACA bill with all sorts of carve out to bring it to what they want.   He is willing to compromise on the dreamers, but they are not doing the same.  He even compromised on the wall and they instead chose to ridicule him for softening.  

I understand his frustration but he needs to be careful on responding.  It gives them more oxygen!!

Trump has done a lot in a year and more to come.  Come 2019, he will do a major Black initiative and let the Democrats oppose him. He will be re-elected in 2020!

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyana became a ”shithole” place under the PNC when Guyanese were running heater-shelter anywhere, marrying their daughters to the first old-man bidder for a green card.   Then the PPP brought it out where the US granted holiday visas to the masses.  Today, the PNC is taking Guyana back to shithole status!!

Anti-Americanism under the current PPP cabal caused Indians to be thrown under the bus.......once again!!

Long live the Indians of Guyana.   Traitors be damned!!  Shithole or no shithole!!

you sound like a little child 

Guyana was a shithole under the PNC.  Guyanese were encouraged to apply for holiday visas under the PPP.


Cobra posted:

CNN Don Lemon called Trump a racist on the news today, and other follow suit without confirming the story whether or not Trump did say what is rumored. The story changes that he didn't say those words about Africans and Haitians. Therefore, somebody is in hot water for false breaking news.

Trump is not acting his role as president like his predecessors. What you see is what you get. He is the most decent president Americans has come to know. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but I like his style.

Decent indeed. Without a doubt. So decent that he questioned why the US should accept people from countries like Haiti instead of nice countries like Norway. So decent that him and his father were sued twice in the 70's by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black people. But that's not all, he defended a group of neo nazis marchers by describing them as ' very fine people'. Suh yes bai paul, me like e styling to.

Cobra posted:

CNN Don Lemon called Trump a racist on the news today, and other follow suit without confirming the story whether or not Trump did say what is rumored. The story changes that he didn't say those words about Africans and Haitians. Therefore, somebody is in hot water for false breaking news.

Trump is not acting his role as president like his predecessors. What you see is what you get. He is the most decent president Americans has come to know. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but I like his style.

What hole have you been hiding your head in? Maybe your comprehension of the English language is limited? Did you not hear Lindsey Graham(R SC) and Dick Durbin(D IL) confirmed what 45 said?

What you see is what you get.
Yeah, we see 5-year-old trhowing tantrums. He is a disgrace to us Americans. He is not going to England because I believe the Queen of England uninvited him for his disgraceful behavior. Kudos to England. I hope they throw "ganda" eggs on him in Davos.

Sheik101 posted:
Cobra posted:

CNN Don Lemon called Trump a racist on the news today, and other follow suit without confirming the story whether or not Trump did say what is rumored. The story changes that he didn't say those words about Africans and Haitians. Therefore, somebody is in hot water for false breaking news.

Trump is not acting his role as president like his predecessors. What you see is what you get. He is the most decent president Americans has come to know. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but I like his style.

Decent indeed. Without a doubt. So decent that he questioned why the US should accept people from countries like Haiti instead of nice countries like Norway. So decent that him and his father were sued twice in the 70's by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black people. But that's not all, he defended a group of neo nazis marchers by describing them as ' very fine people'. Suh yes bai paul, me like e styling to.

This too much for your "bai Paul" to comprehend.


Cobra and Baseman that came from Shithole country are defending the fake president. Let me tell you if you haven't looked in the mirror, if you are not White, then you are BLACK in America.According to Trump, you brought crime, you brought aids, you are rapist,you have nothing to offer America, so ICE will be looking for YOU. Don't be fooled, many Guyanese came to America with nothing but worked hard and made something for themselves, but your God Trump don't care, because you came from a poor Third World country and you are BLACK. Don't be an OREO.

kp posted:

Cobra and Baseman that came from Shithole country are defending the fake president. Let me tell you if you haven't looked in the mirror, if you are not White, then you are BLACK in America.According to Trump, you brought crime, you brought aids, you are rapist,you have nothing to offer America, so ICE will be looking for YOU. Don't be fooled, many Guyanese came to America with nothing but worked hard and made something for themselves, but your God Trump don't care, because you came from a poor Third World country and you are BLACK. Don't be an OREO.

Nah, you got a grudge!!   Baseman is a coolie boi who ran from the PNC shithole.  But the Base was not.   Trump welcomes the progressive Indian race of people!

Trumps no fake, the fake was soundly defeated and sent packing!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Cobra and Baseman that came from Shithole country are defending the fake president. Let me tell you if you haven't looked in the mirror, if you are not White, then you are BLACK in America.According to Trump, you brought crime, you brought aids, you are rapist,you have nothing to offer America, so ICE will be looking for YOU. Don't be fooled, many Guyanese came to America with nothing but worked hard and made something for themselves, but your God Trump don't care, because you came from a poor Third World country and you are BLACK. Don't be an OREO.

Nah, you got a grudge!!   Baseman is a coolie boi who ran from the PNC shithole.  But the Base was not.   Trump welcomes the progressive Indian race of people!

Trumps no fake, the fake was soundly defeated and sent packing!

Trump says that you are a shithole.

kp posted:

I give Trump one year before Bob Mueller  have him impeached. Trump is a sexual pervert, a liar, a thief and a racist . All his followers are just the same,no moral standard. 

Look who talking, the person who only recently said man drink so wife should go tek man, and vise versa. 

Banna, don’t talk about moral standards. 

Whatever he is, as long as he implements good policy that benefits the USA, that’s what matters.  If Mueller finds things on him, let the process follow.  Until then, all the talk matters not!

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Cobra and Baseman that came from Shithole country are defending the fake president. Let me tell you if you haven't looked in the mirror, if you are not White, then you are BLACK in America.According to Trump, you brought crime, you brought aids, you are rapist,you have nothing to offer America, so ICE will be looking for YOU. Don't be fooled, many Guyanese came to America with nothing but worked hard and made something for themselves, but your God Trump don't care, because you came from a poor Third World country and you are BLACK. Don't be an OREO.

Nah, you got a grudge!!   Baseman is a coolie boi who ran from the PNC shithole.  But the Base was not.   Trump welcomes the progressive Indian race of people!

Trumps no fake, the fake was soundly defeated and sent packing!

Trump says that you are a shithole.

Nah!  Relax bai!!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

I give Trump one year before Bob Mueller  have him impeached. Trump is a sexual pervert, a liar, a thief and a racist . All his followers are just the same,no moral standard. 

Look who talking, the person who only recently said man drink so wife should go tek man, and vise versa. 

Banna, don’t talk about moral standards. 

Whatever he is, as long as he implements good policy that benefits the USA, that’s what matters.  If Mueller finds things on him, let the process follow.  Until then, all the talk matters not!

It seems you are speaking from personal experience. I pity the loner.


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