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Former Member

Govt to spend double $B to boost GDF’s strength and capabilities

 – “People’s Militia”; Cadet Corps to be relaunched

Pointing to the threats posed by Venezuela and Suriname to the security of Guyana, major changes are expected to be

Members of the Guyana Defence Force during a drill exercise

Members of the Guyana Defence Force during a drill exercise

implemented in the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government, one of which will be the reintroduction of the Reserve Force which was formerly known as the “Guyana People’s Militia.”
This is according to President David Granger who made this declaration during a recent address to ranks of the GDF. According to the Head of State, the Guyana People’s Militia used to be deployed throughout the country to render assistance to regional administrations in times of flood, threats to public order and other emergencies.
He stated that it is his Administration’s intention to re-establish this department of the GDF as a ‘credible reserve’ in all 10 administrative regions.
Implementing such a decision would necessitate a huge infusion of funds into the defence budget, in order to ensure that those who are stationed in the Militia are properly trained and equipped to handle the situations which they will and/or may encounter.
As it is, the GDF will have to receive large sums of monies from the Government if it will indeed be expected to make such changes as promised by the President. Additionally, the President also announced that the GDF must be brought up to the authorised established strength to meet current and unforeseen challenges and that a study will be done to examine how the ‘regular force’ could be augmented. Since the GDF is said to be only at half of its full complement of manpower, there will have to be a massive recruitment drive to fill the gaps.
In 2014, a sum of $1.1 billion was allocated to support land, air and sea operations of the joint services while another $1.1 billion went towards effectively equipping the joint forces, which is inclusive of the GDF and Guyana Police Force (GPF). These were exclusive of salaries. Then in this years’ budget, the APNU/AFC Government injected a total of $9.1 billion into the GDF.
This was a significant boost from what previously given to the military. With the new plans detailed by the Commander-in-Chief, the David Granger Administration, come next year, will have to double the budget allocations to facilitate the additions to the country’s military. This could see budget allocation to the GDF exceeding $20 billion or so to finance these “changes” and others described below as the “five pillars” of the reorganisation of the armed forces.
But analysts say that the coalition Government may be hard pressed to justify the massive injections of scarce funds as questions will surface as to why other sectors in the country, such as the public servants, continues to be side-lined as the Government persists in awarding massive increases to the salaries of its Ministers’ and now the pumping in of billions of dollars into the GDF.
Additionally, in its aim to reorganise the GDF, greater emphasis was promised by the President on the re-establishment of the National Cadet Corps and the introduction of a Civil Defence Corps.
With regards to the National Cadet Corps, both males and females between the ages of 12 and 18 years in secondary schools will be allowed to pursue part-time training to prepare them for “adult life,” President Granger explained. This would mean “adult life” to serve in either in the People’s Militia reserve or in the regular GDF forces.
Guyana Times understands that the purpose of the Civil Defence Corps is to support the work of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) in responding to, and managing disasters.
President Granger declared that Guyana needs a “well-commanded, well-trained, well-equipped” defence force with the core capabilities to keep citizens safe and secure.
And in light of this, the GDF, in order to fulfil its mission must be “multi-role, flexible and fully-integrated” with sufficient support weapons, he said. According to the Guyanese Head of State, it must be based on five pillars –personnel, readiness, infrastructure, morale and equipment.
With regards to personnel, “The ‘reserve force’ must be re-constituted and maintained at a minimum of 50 per cent of the strength of the ‘regular force.’ The force must be prepared to deploy to any part of Guyana at short notice in response to Government direction. Readiness refers, also, to the resources needed to conduct training and to prepare units for operations,” President Granger posited.
Guyana Times further understands that the condition of airstrips, barracks, hangars, wharves and other infrastructure must be maintained in a serviceable condition to conduct operations and that the GDF must maintain its “esprit de corps” in order to enable troops to support its mission and to function as a unit in order to achieve its objectives.
“The force must have the capacity to maintain adequate combat-ready units with the correct mix of personnel and equipment. Aircraft, road vehicles and maritime vessels, inevitably, will be degraded over time but must be repaired or replaced if efficiency is to be ensured…The GDF must change in order to strengthen these five pillars and changes must start at the top, at the level of the general staff, in order to improve specialisation and the quality of service,” the Head of State said.
It was also noted that other changes are necessary to enable the GDF to fulfil its constitutional mandate and to perform its functions.
President Granger boasted that these changes must be designed to develop the force’s capability to provide continuous surveillance over Guyana’s air, territorial and maritime borders and approaches to provide search-and-rescue services to persons in distress as well as to provide assistance to the civil authority in response to any threat or disaster.
This publication was also told that greater emphasis will now be placed on the technical corps with the Air Corps being upgraded to provide continuous surveillance over Guyana’s air, territorial and maritime borders and approaches and support search-and-rescue services to persons in distress.
“The Coast Guard Corps should be upgraded to permit it to provide continuous surveillance over Guyana’s maritime borders and approaches and provide search-and-rescue services to persons in distress. Maritime security is a serious matter… The Engineer Corps is essential to the restoration of defence and public infrastructure and it once had the capability to contribute to the celebrated Mahdia-Annai and Itaballi-Sand Landing road projects,” the President added.  (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC: Treasury is empty, to hell with sugar workers and rice farmers. PNC has money to spend BILLIONS on the Military in preparation for a return to PNC dictatorship.


Indos must get their passports and suitcases ready.


Guyana is a racist country. What u expect? Enemies must amass at its borders.


History is full of nations that was once was. It is evolutionary. The Amerindians should be playing a more act role-not in defense, But more presence. The Europeans disposed them. The Immigrants ignored dem. It is their lands. And I hope by some miracle, dey get to rise.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Indos must get their passports and suitcases ready.

You said so two weeks ago but the lines at the passport office haven't lengthened and the demand for suitcases hasn't increased. Indos ignoring you, bhai.


Notice how d2, gilbakka, caine, jalil and other who support the afc/apnu are now quietly endorsing the excess to be spent on military. Especially when Guyana has no chance in defending itself against Venezuela. Remember how GDF duck and run when Jim Jones henchmen killed Leo Ryan? These bunch of cowards will defend against Suriname and Venezuela?

Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

Quite true, their vision is to take care of their supporters via public service positions and drain the tax dollars that the Indians bring in.  Its a redistribution of wealth the communist way,

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

Quite true, their vision is to take care of their supporters via public service positions and drain the tax dollars that the Indians bring in.  Its a redistribution of wealth the communist way,

Quit the lie...taxes come from everyone under vat.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Notice how d2, gilbakka, caine, jalil and other who support the afc/apnu are now quietly endorsing the excess to be spent on military. Especially when Guyana has no chance in defending itself against Venezuela. Remember how GDF duck and run when Jim Jones henchmen killed Leo Ryan? These bunch of cowards will defend against Suriname and Venezuela?

I will leave Mitwah to deal with you. Apparently he hasn't noticed your return yet. Last time I checked, Mits didn't destroy dem fotos.

Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Notice how d2, gilbakka, caine, jalil and other who support the afc/apnu are now quietly endorsing the excess to be spent on military. Especially when Guyana has no chance in defending itself against Venezuela. Remember how GDF duck and run when Jim Jones henchmen killed Leo Ryan? These bunch of cowards will defend against Suriname and Venezuela?

I do not endorse military spending for its own sake. I have always advocated an engineering and research arm of the military to be develped and even instituted with departments in UG to produce specialists with practical experience we need elsewhere in the society.


In any event, as soon as we get the first installment of oil cash I would go to south Africa and have them train lots of our military in flying Helios and jets and to get us some in case any idiot decide to march across our borders.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
When we get our own country our population must have on going military training for all citizens. men and women of all ages must know how to use firarms and know an Indian martial art.

How soon will this country materialize??

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

As crazy as this might sound, I think we need a bunch of people who already made it in life and is willing to sacrifice a few years for Guyana.  This lot would most likely come from overseas-based Guyanese.  

It is one of the reason why they got together in Guyana and rewrote the constitution so as to block overseas-based Guyanese from running for president.  My brother was one of the lot who supported this change because he wanted to be president.


As much as people do not like Cheddi Jagan, his kind is very difficult to find as far as honesty and integrity is concerned.  Greed is too much for the common man.


I hope that someone would rise up and be willing to sacrifice.  I had faith in Granger, but he turned out to be a goat.



Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

More people need to support them to break the PPP and

PNC,if they can attract a little above thirty percent of

the voters,oh boy that will be a game changer.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

More people need to support them to break the PPP and PNC,

if they can attract a little above thirty percent of the voters,

oh boy that will be a game changer.

Django, do not hold out hope for the AFC.  They have shown their true colors already.  They wanted power but settled for second best.  They are just a greedy bunch like the rest of politicians.  AFC was supposed to be the balancing act in the coalition, but they turned out to be a bunch of greedy bastards.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Laugh bhai laugh
One day when we get our own country some of you fools who curse me out here will drop to your feet and kiss the ground of that land.

That there is far far beyond the horizon,no ones laughing

bhai,it doesn't seem realistic.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Gil, What is your assessment of the APNU?AFC Gov't thus far? What is your viewpoint on their salary increases?


Indos must get their passports and suitcases ready.

You said so two weeks ago but the lines at the passport office haven't lengthened and the demand for suitcases hasn't increased. Indos ignoring you, bhai.


Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

More people need to support them to break the PPP and PNC,

if they can attract a little above thirty percent of the voters,

oh boy that will be a game changer.

Django, do not hold out hope for the AFC.  They have shown their true colors already.  They wanted power but settled for second best.  They are just a greedy bunch like the rest of politicians.  AFC was supposed to be the balancing act in the coalition, but they turned out to be a bunch of greedy bastards.

VVP..i agree they have to change their attitudes,it will be a

hard task for another party to garner support,the Guyanese

people are probably confused who to choose,the AFC have

made some in roads if they are gone,then they have to deal

with the two monsters PPP and PNC.


Guyana will gone fuh channa(quote from GNI Nehru)



Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Notice how d2, gilbakka, caine, jalil and other who support the afc/apnu are now quietly endorsing the excess to be spent on military. Especially when Guyana has no chance in defending itself against Venezuela. Remember how GDF duck and run when Jim Jones henchmen killed Leo Ryan? These bunch of cowards will defend against Suriname and Venezuela?

I will leave Mitwah to deal with you. Apparently he hasn't noticed your return yet. Last time I checked, Mits didn't destroy dem fotos.

Gil, What is your assessment of the APNU?AFC Gov't thus far? What is your viewpoint on their salary increases?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Gil, What is your assessment of the APNU?AFC Gov't thus far? What is your viewpoint on their salary increases?


Indos must get their passports and suitcases ready.

You said so two weeks ago but the lines at the passport office haven't lengthened and the demand for suitcases hasn't increased. Indos ignoring you, bhai.


Don, l started a special thread earlier this week saying I am against the increase at this time.

I am still supporting the coalition as only 5 months have passed since they took office. They're blundering but I hope they find their bearings soon.


"According to the Head of State, the Guyana People’s Militia used to be deployed throughout the country to render assistance to regional administrations in times of flood, threats to public order and other emergencies."


I counted about four different para-military groups in that article. If they will e used similarly to how they were used as above, what would they be doing all the other times?

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Laugh bhai laugh
One day when we get our own country some of you fools who curse me out here will drop to your feet and kiss the ground of that land.

Yuh disown Guyana and want a new land fuh yuh Indian tribe. Yuh already got one, it name INDIA. But yuh kyant drop to yuh feet and kiss the ground because shit deh all ova de ground, dropping from 600 million asses!

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Laugh bhai laugh
One day when we get our own country some of you fools who curse me out here will drop to your feet and kiss the ground of that land.

That there is far far beyond the horizon,no ones laughing

bhai,it doesn't seem realistic.

The year 2075. It has been 10 years since a mass exodus of Essequibo-Demerara Indos to Berbice and the birth of PrashadNagar state.


Corriverton Market, Bibi Fatima Butcher Stall

Haniffa: Fatima, me nah like dis buncha bone you selling me ya. Yuh just gee da lady down deh sheer meat.

Fatima: Leh me tell yuh rass someting, Haniffa. Yuh is a bodderation customa. One a dese days me go chap yuh rass if yuh continue humbugging me. You betta go back to Essequibo.


#47 Village Public Road.

Yudisthir Pandit is walking eastbound. Yog Mahadeo is cycling westbound. Yog pulls brake and addresses Yudhistir.

Yog: Pandit, me hear yuh like young gyal.

Yudhistir: You are hearing false rumor. I am a first class decent pandit.

Yog: Self-praise, pandit. How yuh go feel if one old man elope wid yuh young daughta?

Yudhistir: Look at my crosses, Bhagwan! All these years I was practising panditing and nobody smeared my name. Since these Demerara coolies come to Berbice is sheer slander and eyepass and ungratefulness.

Yog gets off his bike and rips off the pandit's dhoti.

Originally Posted by cain:

Guyana is becoming a Military Dictatorship



Why is this kinda shit be allowed?



Granger being a military man, he is the best leader for the  border threats against Guyana.

Venezuela is showing their force.  It is only appropriate that Guyana do the same, with more troops.  

Bullying cannot be condoned.


But the PPP, whose rass is chicken, would spin it in their negative favour.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Indos must get their passports and suitcases ready.

You said so two weeks ago but the lines at the passport office haven't lengthened and the demand for suitcases hasn't increased. Indos ignoring you, bhai.

How come passport and visa lines for Indians were longer under the PPP ?

Did they screw dem own people ?

Please don't answer, it might be too hard for dem to take.  

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.

The only real vision the coalition  had was to get into power at any cost so that they get a chance to share in the spoils. That is what public service means to them. Jobs for the boys, drinking from the public trough. They have no sense of what public service iS. Like the PPP, they think that they own the votes of their constituents so can do what ever they want and still get their vote. We need a third force in the politics in Guyana, one that is really committed to public service, integrity, transparency and the economic and social development of Guyana, that is not there for the money. I thought that we would have gotten that with the AFC, but they quickly showed themselves to be a bunch of self serving politicians, no integrity, just wanting to benefit at the expense of the ordinary Guyanese. Intellectually, they are able to confront the realities and problems Guyana and Guyanese face or come up with solutions that can be successfully applied.

As crazy as this might sound, I think we need a bunch of people who already made it in life and is willing to sacrifice a few years for Guyana.  This lot would most likely come from overseas-based Guyanese.  

It is one of the reason why they got together in Guyana and rewrote the constitution so as to block overseas-based Guyanese from running for president.  My brother was one of the lot who supported this change because he wanted to be president.


As much as people do not like Cheddi Jagan, his kind is very difficult to find as far as honesty and integrity is concerned.  Greed is too much for the common man.


I hope that someone would rise up and be willing to sacrifice.  I had faith in Granger, but he turned out to be a goat.




Originally Posted by Prashad:
When we get our own country our population must have on going military training for all citizens. men and women of all ages must know how to use firarms and know an Indian martial art.


Excellent. We must look after our people.


PNC never has and never will protect or assist Indos.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:

I think things will get worse under this administration.  They have nothing to show yet as far as vision and it seems like the "public sector" will be a drain on the economy.


PNC has ZERO vision for Guyana. Guyana is headed to destruction under the current PNC Military dictatorship.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
When we get our own country our population must have on going military training for all citizens. men and women of all ages must know how to use firarms and know an Indian martial art.

waste person, what exactly do u know about "Indian martial art[s]"?



Originally Posted by Prashad:
Cain it is obvious that you do not know about the history of martial arts.
Southern India is the birth place of martial arts.

Cain is one of the most racist Indo Haters on GNI.

It is very obvious to see the Putagee man display his anti Indo racism on GNI.





Further information: Indian martial arts


A text called Dhanurveda contains references to martial arts.[4][5] Around the 3rd century BC, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali taught how to meditate single-mindedly on points located inside one's body, which was later used in martial arts, while various mudra finger movements were taught in Yogacara Buddhism. These elements of yoga, as well as finger movements in the nata dances, were later incorporated into various martial arts.[6][7][8]

Indian martial arts were an important influence in the development of a number of modern Asian martial arts, particularly within the Indian cultural sphere (countries outside Indiainfluenced by Indian culture and religion) of Southeast Asia. Examples include Indo-Malay silat,[9] Burmese banshaynaban and bando,[10] Filipino escrima and kali,[11] Thai krabi krabong[12] and Cambodian bokator. Indian martial arts also lightly influenced the various forms of Indochinese kickboxing, namely Muay Thai from ThailandMuay Lao from LaosTomoi from MalaysiaPradal Serey from Cambodia and Lethwei from Myanmar.[12]


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