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Banna doan make me laugh, me painting a good image of PNC? I think they are horrible. How on earth did you ever come up with that? On the contrary, what I do is show the PPP were no better with assisting the poor people who more than likely voted for them. Now if that somehow seem to you that I adore the PNC well if that turns your crank, who am I to stop you?


Even if the intention to show the poor, it's the neglect of the former government to raise the level of the people from poverty. The same leader and party you are supporting. The leader and his minions was fattening themselves neglecting the poor ,wasted millions of US dollars on projects that never came to fruition. That political party ruled for 23 yrs ,their tenure ended in 2015 .

This Trumpism. Blame Obama. PNC had their 5 years to change what they promised. Why blame the PPP now. Still, it's the PPP's fault when you have thieves, robbers, and fraudsters fleecing the people. This is like suffering from NON24.


Desmond Hoyte's economic recovery was based on housing which there was no need for more because there were  hundreds of empty houses abandoned by the people who left for greener pastures.  If they had a plan for economic recovery, they couldn't execute it because there was no money left in the treasury. The PNC empty the treasury into their own bank accounts.  Burnham told them that there is no demarcation between the Government and the PNC.  


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