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June 9 2019


Dear Editor,

British High Commissioner Mr. Gregory Quinn should be given credit for drawing attention to our unrealized potential as a country. And even though the genesis of our under-development ran deep into our colonial past, our current divisive and adversarial politics cannot escape responsibility for our current woes.
As a child growing up, I have been indoctrinated into a belief that we are potentially a rich country. I still harbour that belief and optimism.
However, after over 150 years of British colonial rule and 53 years of post-colonial rule we are not any closer in terms of realizing that potential. Our riches still remain elusive and underdeveloped. Despite some limited progress, we are still ranked among the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
There is no point in trying to cast blame as to who or which political party is responsible for the current state of our under-development. I doubt we will ever agree. There is that tendency to view reality through the prism of our own political and ethnic lens.

I do believe, however, that there is some merit in following the example of South Africa when the abominable system of apartheid came to an end and democratic rule was finally granted a few decades ago. One of the first action taken by the victorious African National Congress (ANC) under the leadership of the iconic Nelson Mandela was the setting up of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission with a view to healing the nation from the wounds of a dreaded past.
Guyana is crying out for a new governance model based genuine inclusivity and participatory democracy.

The current system of β€˜winner takes it all’ has become dysfunctional from the standpoint of realising our full potential. As the British High Commissioner correctly observed, the country cannot advance in an environment of adversarial politics. Both the Government and the political opposition have to find ways of agreeing on fundamental issues that will positively impact on our development.The solution to our political and economic crisis lies in our own hands. We have to take collective responsibility to change the course of our politics in order to achieve the good life that we all look forward to and deserve. The emergence of oil and gas offers a glimmer of hope that the El Dorado that we are famous for will sooner rather than later become a reality.
I sincerely believe that if only we can rise above the narrow confines of race and prejudice, we can change the tide of poverty that has characterized our existence over the decades.

Hydar Ally

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

No system from one country will ever be a β€œplug and play” in another. 

As you don’t believe it has anything to offer, could you please elaborate on the critical points of the South African model and why it worked there and why it cannot be applied to the Guyana situation!



Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

Where is the hate ? speaking the facts of the mindsets of some. Did you read the ACT of South Africa ? by the way since when generations of East Indians of Guyana are      'Indians" ? some of you feel belittled to be born in South America.

Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Stop with your schupitness!!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

Where is the hate ? speaking the facts of the mindsets of some. Did you read the ACT of South Africa ? by the way since when generations of East Indians of Guyana are      'Indians" ? some of you feel belittled to be born in South America.

It is suspicious that a person supposedly of Indian ancestry seem more concerned about Blacks than of his own race. Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent? Or is this just self hate. Maybe this is the person you aspire to be:

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Hey Django, is that your pic.  Banna, you prapa photogenic.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

They love Obama.  Their average income in 2012 was $88,000. Ask them how much they love you since they see you as "black".

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

29% of Guyana's population suppressing 71% of the population. What is this called again?

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

They love Obama.  Their average income in 2012 was $88,000. Ask them how much they love you since they see you as "black".

Unlike Guyana, there are a lot of good blacks I have met in America. I appreciate a black American more than I would than one from some parts of Africa or Guyana.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

Presumptuous to ask an "Indian"  from India such question. East Indians came to Guyana [ formerly British Guiana ] and met other ethnicities, those who chose to stay after their contract was up,realized they have to exist among the other races. History tells what cause the division, "hint " it started when politicians were seeking self government, from then on it continues.

For your information in Guyana their are African villages sandwiched by East Indian villages spread across the coast land of Guyana.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

Presumptuous to ask an "Indian"  from India such question. East Indians came to Guyana [ formerly British Guiana ] and met other ethnicities, those who chose to stay after their contract was up,realized they have to exist among the other races. History tells what cause the division, "hint " it started when politicians were seeking self government, from then on it continues.

For your information in Guyana their are African villages sandwiched by East Indian villages spread across the coast land of Guyana.

These Indians will spit on you and walk away. They will have no idea what you are asking. I would not tell an India Indian the time of the day. My response would be "Watch rass deh pan me haan, why you want fuh know de time"?

Django posted:

June 9 2019


Dear Editor,

British High Commissioner Mr. Gregory Quinn should be given credit for drawing attention to our unrealized potential as a country. And even though the genesis of our under-development ran deep into our colonial past, our current divisive and adversarial politics cannot escape responsibility for our current woes.
I sincerely believe that if only we can rise above the narrow confines of race and prejudice, we can change the tide of poverty that has characterized our existence over the decades.

Hydar Ally

Truth and reconciliation was not a part of the system of government. It was a strategy to reconcile the sense of victimization among Africans and  former white officials who committed atrocities in the name of the state against them. 

The system of government in south africa is a form of devolution...each region is self governing. The parliament of the central government is a bicameral and its members are elected from constituency in the local regions. 

It is not a bad model for us but there has to be some shaping to match our special needs. We need some devolution, non territorial federalism, bicameralism and constituencies that encourages non ethnic voting. This can be done via layering the upper houses over two or more local districts with an electoral system that encourages locals to represent themselves as independent or via some party. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

If you have an opinion and kept it to yourself you might as well not suggest you have an opinion. Hydar Ali is as communist as a communist can be. His suggestion is clearly not his preferential model of governing.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

No system from one country will ever be a β€œplug and play” in another. 

As you don’t believe it has anything to offer, could you please elaborate on the critical points of the South African model and why it worked there and why it cannot be applied to the Guyana situation!

Indeed no system of government can be plug and play. Our problems are unique to us. We need the electoral system and constitution to fit our needs. Our needs are cooperation of the ethnic group without fear of one or the other getting political advantage to oppress the other. We need an electoral system that prevents ethnic sheep and encourage people voting their needs.

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

No system from one country will ever be a β€œplug and play” in another. 

As you don’t believe it has anything to offer, could you please elaborate on the critical points of the South African model and why it worked there and why it cannot be applied to the Guyana situation!

Indeed no system of government can be plug and play. Our problems are unique to us. We need the electoral system and constitution to fit our needs. Our needs are cooperation of the ethnic group without fear of one or the other getting political advantage to oppress the other. We need an electoral system that prevents ethnic sheep and encourage people voting their needs.

Rwanda took a big stab at it after 1994 and it seems to be working well!

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

If you have an opinion and kept it to yourself you might as well not suggest you have an opinion. Hydar Ali is as communist as a communist can be. His suggestion is clearly not his preferential model of governing.

Fullahs could never be Communists!   Them like money too much.  Just ask Chief and Pointer!

Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

East Indians and Africans squabbling with each other is not the same across the Caribbean and for different reasons. Only Trinidad share our entrenched model but even there the circumstance is not the same. Trinidad has greater national integration than us. We are completely fractured and yes, maintain the kind of racism not known elsewhere except in the era of slavery. Both Indians and Africans are culturally disposed to be presumptuous that they are of superior breeding and intellect.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

If you have an opinion and kept it to yourself you might as well not suggest you have an opinion. Hydar Ali is as communist as a communist can be. His suggestion is clearly not his preferential model of governing.

Fullahs could never be Communists!   Them like money too much.  Just ask Chief and Pointer!

They believe in a caliphate...a central authority overseeing all things, private and public. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

Where is the hate ? speaking the facts of the mindsets of some. Did you read the ACT of South Africa ? by the way since when generations of East Indians of Guyana are      'Indians" ? some of you feel belittled to be born in South America.

It is suspicious that a person supposedly of Indian ancestry seem more concerned about Blacks than of his own race. Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent? Or is this just self hate. Maybe this is the person you aspire to be:


As usual you cannot help being an ass. Contrary to what people believe culture is not "owned". The SIdis in India has adopted much of indian culture and still remain on the outside because of Indian prejudice. This white woman living black has nothing to do with Djanjo posting the above. He is making a social point not commenting on an individual preference. This woman has every right to live as her heart desires. 

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

No system from one country will ever be a β€œplug and play” in another. 

As you don’t believe it has anything to offer, could you please elaborate on the critical points of the South African model and why it worked there and why it cannot be applied to the Guyana situation!

Indeed no system of government can be plug and play. Our problems are unique to us. We need the electoral system and constitution to fit our needs. Our needs are cooperation of the ethnic group without fear of one or the other getting political advantage to oppress the other. We need an electoral system that prevents ethnic sheep and encourage people voting their needs.

Rwanda took a big stab at it after 1994 and it seems to be working well!

The point is that nations are a new phenomena and every state on the planet had to work out its racial and ethnic problems in their own way. Many of the ABC nations are still doing so.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

29% of Guyana's population suppressing 71% of the population. What is this called again?

this is not a one sided problem. the less than 40% Indian supported party dominated the rest for the entirety of their tenure making little effort to reconcile the ethnic divisions. This is a Guyanese construct...ethnic greed. There is nothing natural to it. It is completely socially constructed. Neither side has an argument that can hold water that they are better suited for governing. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

It is suspicious that a person supposedly of Indian ancestry seem more concerned about Blacks than of his own race. Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent? Or is this just self hate. Maybe this is the person you aspire to be:


As usual you cannot help being an ass. Contrary to what people believe culture is not "owned". The SIdis in India has adopted much of indian culture and still remain on the outside because of Indian prejudice. This white woman living black has nothing to do with Djanjo posting the above. He is making a social point not commenting on an individual preference. This woman has every right to live as her heart desires. 

Birds of a feather, you two share the common belief that the only good indian is a dead one, preferably robbed blind before slaughtered. You two continue to demonize the indo guyanese along with cribby and other like minded haters.  You too fall in the category of Rachel Dolezal. A non back being more black than the blackest man. 

Mitwah posted:
They love Obama.  Their average income in 2012 was $88,000. Ask them how much they love you since they see you as "black".

Oooh rass, like lilly let you out of the basement. You mean they love Trump.  Case and point, lilly choose to live in all white neighborhood, same as d2.  Yall does talk de talk but don't walk de walk.  When yall summon the courage to visit Guyana yall does frighten of the blacks lakka rass. Is only druggie got the nerve to go in ghetto neighborhoods and come out unscathed. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent?

Excellent question !!  the ones in the Caribbean have to understand how to live among the rest of the population, avoid being condescending, your rights and their are equal.

Apparently you never asked the Indos from India there opinion about blacks in general and why all other races choose to live far away from black neighborhoods.

Presumptuous to ask an "Indian"  from India such question. East Indians came to Guyana [ formerly British Guiana ] and met other ethnicities, those who chose to stay after their contract was up,realized they have to exist among the other races. History tells what cause the division, "hint " it started when politicians were seeking self government, from then on it continues.

For your information in Guyana their are African villages sandwiched by East Indian villages spread across the coast land of Guyana.

Why presumptuous?  They hold the same feelings or even worse, will not be caught dead sending their kids to schools with blacks or live in their area. Same for most other races, even hispanics. If you deny this after living in this country for donkey years  then you are a fraud just like mitwah and d2, who talk the talk but their actions proves otherwise. 

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

29% of Guyana's population suppressing 71% of the population. What is this called again?


cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


Any one read the above ? how is it applicable to Guyana ? a country with under three quarter million people, where there are ethnic lines of voting. A country where politicians creates the environment for racial divide.

Reading some comments on FB, East Indians castigating the entire Caribbean as racist, most of the posters lives abroad. These idiots don't realize East Indians are minority in the entire Caricom Countries.

Why do you hate Indians so much?  

29% of Guyana's population suppressing 71% of the population. What is this called again?


How about non-violent dummy?

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

It is suspicious that a person supposedly of Indian ancestry seem more concerned about Blacks than of his own race. Are there any redeeming qualities in people of Indian descent? Or is this just self hate. Maybe this is the person you aspire to be:


As usual you cannot help being an ass. Contrary to what people believe culture is not "owned". The SIdis in India has adopted much of indian culture and still remain on the outside because of Indian prejudice. This white woman living black has nothing to do with Djanjo posting the above. He is making a social point not commenting on an individual preference. This woman has every right to live as her heart desires. 

Birds of a feather, you two share the common belief that the only good indian is a dead one, preferably robbed blind before slaughtered. You two continue to demonize the indo guyanese along with cribby and other like minded haters.  You too fall in the category of Rachel Dolezal. A non back being more black than the blackest man. 

I share the belief with him that Indians in general are predisposed to racism both  socially and politically and this is a cultural problem. One does not demonize anyone by analyzing a social construct and diagnosing its driving agencies. It is hardly a secret that most Indians are racist and disposed to expressing it in pernicious ways that debases others. 

Indian culture is historically internally stratified and subjects the majority of its citizens to awful prejudices. Guyanese Indians came out of the muck of that social ethos and no one sought to habituate them out of it. Instead they were forged by the british into a foil against former slavers and former slaves against them As Indians reconstituted culture, they abjured caste structure as existed in india ( in most ways) among themselves but recasted themselves as the smart and superior "people" in Guyana. That became a self-fulfilling motivating cultural mantra and the measure of an Indian is what they possess...completely materialistic in most instances. Naturally, that  evolved into they  alone are smart enough and  fit to rule the state.

Examine the diction from your own to that of other indians. Everyone to a man and woman with hardly any exception do not see t he PNC as poor government because of their reverse racism but because "black people cannot run a cake shop" and everywhere they live they achieve their maximum "the bottom rung of the social ladder"

Anyone of you who say in your family gathering you do not hear often enough mention of the ignorant, bestial black man is a liar to the core. I know, because I live among you and hear it with every other breath you breathe.

Saying this is not to deny that there exist black racism. In Guyana, it is in opposition to indian racism and equally pernicious and virulent. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

I share the belief with him that Indians in general are predisposed to racism both socially and politically and this is a cultural problem.

You sound like negroes are Sunday School Choir boys. A vivid display of coolie hater.

I sound like someone telling you your faults....the Indian from India would mouth similar words to you except he would be tempering it against you  and would frame it no less. I do not know that black Christian  churches in general preach segregation....that habituated racist stereotype again being put to practice. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I share the belief with him that Indians in general are predisposed to racism both socially and politically and this is a cultural problem.

You sound like negroes are Sunday School Choir boys. A vivid display of coolie hater.

I sound like someone telling you your faults....the Indian from India would mouth similar words to you except he would be tempering it against you  and would frame it no less. I do not know that black Christian  churches in general preach segregation....that habituated racist stereotype again being put to practice. 

I can tell the Indians from India(as I usually do) and same to you where to go and what to do in memorable frank and simple English. Dummy, we are discussing Guyana negroes.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I share the belief with him that Indians in general are predisposed to racism both socially and politically and this is a cultural problem.

You sound like negroes are Sunday School Choir boys. A vivid display of coolie hater.

I sound like someone telling you your faults....the Indian from India would mouth similar words to you except he would be tempering it against you  and would frame it no less. I do not know that black Christian  churches in general preach segregation....that habituated racist stereotype again being put to practice. 

I can tell the Indians from India(as I usually do) and same to you where to go and what to do in memorable frank and simple English. Dummy, we are discussing Guyana negroes.

Sorry, the topic is about kinds of  government that would solve ethnic strife. You may to speak of "Guyana's negroes" but then you always do!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Based on the contents of this article, I am going to assume that Hydar is no longer a communist.  I don't believe the South African model will work for Guyana. 

No system from one country will ever be a β€œplug and play” in another. 

As you don’t believe it has anything to offer, could you please elaborate on the critical points of the South African model and why it worked there and why it cannot be applied to the Guyana situation!

The fact is that it didn't work there.  South Africa remains as divided by ethnicity as it ever was and corruption is rife.  Its so bad that factions of ANC groups literally battle each other for their share of the spoils.  Mandela is rolling over in his grave as to the state of the ANC just as Cheddi remains restless as to what the PPP has become.

Baseman posted:

Rwanda took a big stab at it after 1994 and it seems to be working well!

Really?  Their president is a brutal dictator. Benevolent, true as his nation has enjoyed tremendous economic growth, but what happens when he dies (that is the only way that he will leave office)?  Is he laying down a foundation of proper governance?

Stormborn posted:
D Trinidad has greater national integration than us.
We are completely fractured and yes, maintain the kind of racism not known elsewhere except in the era of slavery. Both Indians and Africans are culturally disposed to be presumptuous that they are of superior breeding and intellect.

So we should examine why Trinidad has greater national integration than we do.  Aside from an almost nonexistent Amerindian population the numbers are similar to ours.  

What is most obvious is that Trinidad never lost its upper middle intellectual class the way that Guyana did.  So there is a more vigorous civic society that holds both the PNM and the UNC to account.  There is also a larger ethnic cross over vote.  Maybe also the Afro+mixed is larger than it is in Guyana.

But the Afro and Indo populations have the same roots as they do in Guyana.  

I also dont think that either group suffers from a superiority complex as both will grovel when the white man arrives.


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