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Former Member

Guyana is falling apart

December 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,


The murder rate in Guyana continues to rise, and even more so among women embroiled in domestic violence whereas of November 2013, seventeen of them have been murdered by their spouses and the Minister of Home Affairs seems to be in a quandary.
For the last two years, the homicide statistics have seen peaks, and the underlying trend continues unabated as the PPP regime and the police high command have been reactive rather than proactive.
The harsh truth about why the crime rate has risen over the years is because there are too many young men who are unemployed, in many instances uneducated, and are therefore unemployable and many have had a long history of criminal violence. And since no one will hire them, then they are bound to commit robberies and in the process will kill anyone one who resists them. Like all of us, these armed bandits need money to survive, but they do not have access to employment.
Piecemeal interventions have been mere band aids that hide a festering sore. Pleas by the citizens for meaningful intervention to end this scourge have so far fallen on deaf ears. We have, therefore, come to the conclusion that no serious intervention to end crime will take place unless the friends and relatives of the PPP cabal are directly affected.
For too long there have been two systems under this regime, one for the rich and one for the poor whose plight is ignored. This is what has influenced the poor planning and lack of a human development strategy in our beloved country. In Guyana, abject poverty is juxtaposed with opulence; a recipe for anarchy and ultimately social upheavals which the powers that be continue to take for granted.
The bottom line is that Guyana needs a major social intervention with an economic underpinning, and the sooner the better. Large scale decay is everywhere, Georgetown is stink with piles of rotten garbage, no jobs for the youths, crime is widespread, and amidst the decay there reigns much decadence and hopelessness.
We are well aware, like so many other well-thinking citizens that resources are not scarce but they are recklessly spent on projects that benefit the rich. We believe that a strategic economic plan if carefully implemented in an equitable and above-board manner can make a difference.
No doubt there will be calls for seminars, conferences, summits and the like. The PPP administration is famous for staging talk shops and providing various platforms for persons to rant and rave, but when the dust settles it is business as usual. Persons are being gunned down in broad daylight in front of many witnesses, yet very rarely are these killers caught and punished because of the system of justice which protects the rich and powerful thus leaving the poor and powerless to fend for themselves. The time for action is now. Guyana is falling apart, it needs help.
Of course, Government alone cannot solve the crime, so it is also the duty of the business community to get involved. At present, very few corporate giants and successful enterprises are making any meaningful and lasting inputs to solve crime. We bemoaned the fact that very little support is coming from the leaders of the Private Sector Commission and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry by way of support. Both organizations have criticized the opposition for voting down the Amaila Falls Project and the Anti-Money Laundering Bills in Parliament but they have remained silent on the crime issue, Mr. Ramotar’s refusal to assent to the Bills passed by Parliament to establish the Procurement Commission and The Integrity Commission, and to set a date for Local Government elections.
We say to those two bodies that the people expect them to be objective and fair to both the PPP and the opposition. However, this is not the case since their unwavering support for the PPP is plain for all to see.
History has proven that when unemployment is low across the country, the crime rate goes down. Need we say more? And this is but one example of what can be done to change the country’s socio-economic landscape and reduce crime. There is too must selfishness among persons in the Private Sector in terms of investment in the communities and helping the poor, but they had better wake up and smell the coffee because the country is definitely falling apart.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

For too long there have been two systems under this regime, one for the rich and one for the poor whose plight is ignored. This is what has influenced the poor planning and lack of a human development strategy in our beloved country. In Guyana, abject poverty is juxtaposed with opulence; a recipe for anarchy and ultimately social upheavals which the powers that be continue to take for granted.
The bottom line is that Guyana needs a major social intervention with an economic underpinning, and the sooner the better. Large scale decay is everywhere, Georgetown is stink with piles of rotten garbage, no jobs for the youths, crime is widespread, and amidst the decay there reigns much decadence and hopelessness.


The harsh truth about why the crime rate has risen over the years is because there are too many young men who are unemployed, in many instances uneducated, and are therefore unemployable and many have had a long history of criminal violence. And since no one will hire them, then they are bound to commit robberies and in the process will kill anyone one who resists them. Like all of us, these armed bandits need money to survive, but they do not have access to employment.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Govt should go house to house and see if People washing Dem Buckta and Panties!!! BLOODY IDIOTS ON GNI!!!

In Guyana you gotta to watchman you clothes when you wash dem. Peeps will steal yuh buckta and panties when yuh na watch.


  In Guyana, abject poverty is juxtaposed with opulence; a recipe for anarchy and ultimately social upheavals which the powers that be continue to take for granted.

The bottom line is that Guyana needs a major social intervention with an economic underpinning, and the sooner the better. Large scale decay is everywhere, Georgetown is stink with piles of rotten garbage, no jobs for the youths, crime is widespread, and amidst the decay there reigns much decadence and hopelessness.

We are well aware, like so many other well-thinking citizens that resources are not scarce but they are recklessly spent on projects that benefit the rich. We believe that a strategic economic plan if carefully implemented in an equitable and above-board manner can make a difference.




Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

For too long there have been two systems under this regime, one for the rich and one for the poor whose plight is ignored. This is what has influenced the poor planning and lack of a human development strategy in our beloved country. In Guyana, abject poverty is juxtaposed with opulence; a recipe for anarchy and ultimately social upheavals which the powers that be continue to take for granted.
The bottom line is that Guyana needs a major social intervention with an economic underpinning, and the sooner the better. Large scale decay is everywhere, Georgetown is stink with piles of rotten garbage, no jobs for the youths, crime is widespread, and amidst the decay there reigns much decadence and hopelessness.

Is Guyana immune from a plague? 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Only a miracle can save Guyana.


Where is the Christ?  Is he dead?

Ramakant_P is right. The PPP/C and its evil machinery has taken over.


Lord Krishna in Chapter 4 of the Bhagvad Geeta said:


yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

guyana falling apart alright and the ppp keep selling out all the parts any thing lapsing they sell 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Baghdad bob strikes again, the people are dying in the streets of Guyana and the afc/pnc is the only hope to save the nation.

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

What are these issues of neglect and more importantly what is the evidence to support these outlandish claims? How many years you naysayers with political motives have been predicting the death and destruction of Guyana and yet the country grows from strength to strength. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

Well, guess we have a choice of a despotic "majority rule" vs a despotic "minority rule".  Take your pick.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

Well, guess we have a choice of a despotic "majority rule" vs a despotic "minority rule".  Take your pick.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

What are these issues of neglect and more importantly what is the evidence to support these outlandish claims? How many years you naysayers with political motives have been predicting the death and destruction of Guyana and yet the country grows from strength to strength. 

You have been fed too much shyte; you now come on here to spew it.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

What are these issues of neglect and more importantly what is the evidence to support these outlandish claims? How many years you naysayers with political motives have been predicting the death and destruction of Guyana and yet the country grows from strength to strength. 

List the outlandish claims so one may seek to illuminate what of them is outlandish. Insinuating that you operate in god mode and those of us who see a pillaging of our nation are in contrast holding  mistaken opinions sufficiently so that it will precipitate the fall of the state is patently stupid. The pillage of the state is real and enablers like with you with your ignorance, and if not ignorance willful lies, are more inclined to see the death of us.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

Well, guess we have a choice of a despotic "majority rule" vs a despotic "minority rule".  Take your pick.

And you as the omniscient one alone knows the difference between the two. Democracy works only on one presumption, a majority consensus. One may complain the consensus of the majority is an ethnic or religious tyranny but then one seeks to mitigate those advantages in such a dysfunctional majority by modifying the means where such can arise. However, the emphasis is on a majority consensus not a minority dictatorship

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

What are these issues of neglect and more importantly what is the evidence to support these outlandish claims? How many years you naysayers with political motives have been predicting the death and destruction of Guyana and yet the country grows from strength to strength. 

List the outlandish claims so one may seek to illuminate what of them is outlandish. Insinuating that you operate in god mode and those of us who see a pillaging of our nation are in contrast holding  mistaken opinions sufficiently so that it will precipitate the fall of the state is patently stupid. The pillage of the state is real and enablers like with you with your ignorance, and if not ignorance willful lies, are more inclined to see the death of us.

Don't put the horse before the cart. List these phantom neglects and thieving that you claim. These are the outlandish claims, your mantra of stealing, friends and family cronyism and the rest of daily diatribe you utter without any evidence. Yet Guyana continues to receive accolades from its peers and international organizations. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What is it among the issues of neglect listed that you take issues with? Instead of writing a few lines about the presumed falsehoods you just jawboned on crap as usual. If there is a necessity to rescue of our nation  from the ravages of wanton neglect or corruption; the PPP is not that nacient source of hope. It is a reservoir of the plague that has  taken hold in the society and only a disinfection of their corruption can spare us further decay.

What are these issues of neglect and more importantly what is the evidence to support these outlandish claims? How many years you naysayers with political motives have been predicting the death and destruction of Guyana and yet the country grows from strength to strength. 

List the outlandish claims so one may seek to illuminate what of them is outlandish. Insinuating that you operate in god mode and those of us who see a pillaging of our nation are in contrast holding  mistaken opinions sufficiently so that it will precipitate the fall of the state is patently stupid. The pillage of the state is real and enablers like with you with your ignorance, and if not ignorance willful lies, are more inclined to see the death of us.

Don't put the horse before the cart. List these phantom neglects and thieving that you claim. These are the outlandish claims, your mantra of stealing, friends and family cronyism and the rest of daily diatribe you utter without any evidence. Yet Guyana continues to receive accolades from its peers and international organizations. 

What horse and what cart if you are not referring to our mental orientation?


I was not on the committee that created the camel that is the Berbice river bridge nor was I instrumental in the rise of the new sybarites with their pomposity and obscene wealth in Pradoville.


Guyana remains a place of extreme poverty. The rise of the new wealthy class via borrowing on the backs of the children of these poor people and spending it in grift laden ways may be progress to you but if it continues the fate Haiti and the  Philippines is waiting for us.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


Who are these morons, losers and dipshits claiming that Guyana is falling apart ?





The reality is who are those...( substitute  your adjectives) who believe the fairytale of prosperity when the reality is the state never balanced its books on its income in its entire history and which depends on a good third of what is its begging bowl income on its siblings abroad.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I hear Guyana falling apart under the PPP since my first visit in 1993 just after the re-establishment of democracy. 

The PPP, at the national level, wrecked the work and hopes of former US President Jimmy Carter – the man who helped it to leap back into office. Carter visited Guyana for the last time nine years ago in 2004. He saw how his democratic dreams had degenerated into a nightmare of despotism during Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency.  Carter complained then that, instead of attaining the goal of inclusive and shared governance, β€œthe Guyanese government remains divided with a β€˜winner-takes-all’ concept that continues to polarise many aspects of the nation’s life.”


baseman, on his knees as usual, 'confusing' "democracy" with despotic "majority rule"

Well, guess we have a choice of a despotic "majority rule" vs a despotic "minority rule".  Take your pick.

my bad base[anti]man. . . tanks for pointing out that what we have now in Guyana is despotic PPP "minority rule"


so there's no need to "pick" waan, rite?


amusing watching alyuh wannabe PPP smartmen tripping all ova alyuh low IQ

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Who are these morons, losers and dipshits claiming that Guyana is falling apart ?





The reality is who are those...( substitute  your adjectives) who believe the fairytale of prosperity when the reality is the state never balanced its books on its income in its entire history and which depends on a good third of what is its begging bowl income on its siblings abroad.



Where else in the Caribbean do nurses run out of money to buy food, because of Guyana's escalating cost of living and its low wages?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

What horse and what cart if you are not referring to our mental orientation?


I was not on the committee that created the camel that is the Berbice river bridge nor was I instrumental in the rise of the new sybarites with their pomposity and obscene wealth in Pradoville.


Guyana remains a place of extreme poverty. The rise of the new wealthy class via borrowing on the backs of the children of these poor people and spending it in grift laden ways may be progress to you but if it continues the fate Haiti and the  Philippines is waiting for us.


Nothing wrong with the Bbice river arrangement. It was built predicated on profit for the investors. Now you and other are trying your best to nationalize it and break the agreements with the investors. This is the price of capitalism. Based on the low traffic flow compared to the cost of the bridge, the toll price is actually low.  Daily traffic on the GW bridge is 276K daily. Tolls for NY bridges range from 9 to 13 dollars. Why aren't you screaming that they are robbing the people?


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