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Former Member
With the coalition extended government and extravagant spending on a donkey cart economy, the country is heading for bankruptcy in five years.

The coalition government campaigned on saving taxpayers money, yet after 100 days in office no public records show how much of taxpayers $$ saved.

Berbice bridge toll decreased by $300, subsidise by the government (where as) taxpayers will foot the bill, and commuters cannot get the direct benefit since taxi and mini bus drivers refuse to lower the fare.

Pensioners get an increase of $300 per month that couldn't buy one loaf of bread for an elderly to eat, but Nagamootoo can drive around in a $22 million SUV.

This is the new accountability government that will save taxpayers money and bankrupt the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very nice post Cobra. Guyanese will be reduced to stale bread and trench water for breakfast under the PNC. It will happen in just two years.


Businesses are scared to invest under the PNC.

You guys are quite a couple. Do you also hold hands ?

Listen Tola,


Guyana is headed to disaster and Fat Pigs like Moses are living the high life. Do you expect me to stay quiet ? I have a conscience.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very nice post Cobra. Guyanese will be reduced to stale bread and trench water for breakfast under the PNC. It will happen in just two years.


Businesses are scared to invest under the PNC.

You guys are quite a couple. Do you also hold hands ?

Listen Tola,


Guyana is headed to disaster and Fat Pigs like Moses are living the high life. Do you expect me to stay quiet ? I have a conscience.

So you and councie goin out too...rass yugi,councie an' Cobra...the threesome, yesssss.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very nice post Cobra. Guyanese will be reduced to stale bread and trench water for breakfast under the PNC. It will happen in just two years.


Businesses are scared to invest under the PNC.

You guys are quite a couple. Do you also hold hands ?

Listen Tola,


Guyana is headed to disaster and Fat Pigs like Moses are living the high life. Do you expect me to stay quiet ? I have a conscience.

Listen Yuji.. The PNC screwed up with Guyana, The PPP followed with dem own screw up...


Give the new government a change to prove dem self, or come up with ah working solution...

Moses issue if correct, is a small matter for now, PPP ministers did worse.  


Karma is a bytch...if the new government also screw up, the next election will tell.

Do you knock down your kids when they screw up de first time ?    


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