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THE PPP has embarked on a frantic and desperate campaign to create an impression that it has acted MORALLY LEGAL but this is furthest from the truth.


Well nothing could be more bizarre than such a blatant distortion of reality which seems to be the trademark of the PPP as the march with their HITLER tactics.  It was Hitler who did everything by the books until he set up the system to exterminate the Jews.


Should we allow the PPP to set up the system to exterminate the Guyanese people?


So stop hoodwinking the Guyanese people - Ramutar.

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The PPP lost the majority because the PPP catch them red handed and thus the PPP will lose more seats in any new elections.

Like the Opposition took pains to point out, that prorogation is immoral and is not the right thing to do in this situation.


But more importantly the Opposition said clearly they are NOT INTERESTED in talks with anyone from the PPP until the Parliament is re-established.


Perhaps Ramutar is suffering from selective amnesia since his azz does not get the fact that he is a minority President.


Any decent Minority Government would put country first would have certainly seized the opening since 2011 to foster tripartite talks.  But these jokers in the PPP only interested in Power.




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