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Team Director, Donna Hollingsworth-Callender [left) receives the donation from Sophia White, councillor for the constituency in which the Ruimveldt inter-area youth community football group is based

Ruimveldt Community Youth group gets assistance from Social Protection Ministry

Georgetown, GINA, May 14, 2016

Sports gear and trophies donated by the Ministry of Social Protection were given to the Ruimveldt inter-area youth community football group in celebration of their 5th Anniversary. The items were handed over to the group by Sophia White on behalf of the Ministry in the presence of the members of the group.
The group which was initially named ‘Church yard football’ was renamed, ‘The boys’ after they experienced challenges in terms of finding a place for practice sessions. The team’s Director, Donna Hollingsworth-Callender has paid a lot of attention to the group with the hope of improving their performance. “There are many times that I wanted to give up, but somebody always comes to encourage me or just say something, and I will come back,” Hollingsworth-Callender.
The group meets regularly at the St. Pius football field. The group accommodates boys within the age range of eight to 25 years, but is open to anyone with the passion for playing football. Boys from all areas within the environs of Ruimveldt/La Penitence make up the membership of this youth community group hence the name ‘inter-area’.
Sophia White, the councillor for the constituency in which this group is based, applauded Hollingsworth-Callender for her efforts. “I always see Ms. Hollingsworth out here trying with them, not only is she a team director in terms of her football, but she is also a councillor and a mother and I admire her…”
Some of the gear donated by the Ministry of Social Protection

White, who is also a teacher, continues to encourage the boys who attend the school at which she teaches and the literacy group she spearheads, to stay with the group since it would eventually keep them out of trouble.
The boys themselves find joy in what they do and they thanked Hollingsworth-Callender for the continuous sacrifices she has made for them.
Members of the Ruimveldt inter-area youth community football group

Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence who could not be at the handing over ceremony has played an active and vital role in the group’s early development even before she ascended to ministerial office. She continues to pledge her support to this youth community programme.
As part of the fifth anniversary celebrations, a series of games will be held at the St. Pius football ground. The trophies and prizes will be given to the participants of these matches relative to its end results. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana is a country of six races, plus the Douglas that makes seven. Where are the other races? What happened to social cohesion that's supposed to unified the nation under the coalition? This is not even a coolie thing anymore.


Why should we East Indians want to rule Africans whose ancestors were slaves in the land of Guyana. We East Indians should strive instead to rule ourselves and let  others rule themselves.


I am making a point to show that a government ministry is focus its attention on one group of people when Guyana has six races of people with the same needs. This doesn't look good for a government that campaigned to unified the nation under the theme of social cohesion. We had a national prayer day for this event. Unfortunately, I didn't see the unity at this specific event either, but the government continues to take credit for this failure. If I can see racial disharmony here, then other will also sees it.

Cobra posted:

Guyana is a country of six races, plus the Douglas that makes seven. Where are the other races? What happened to social cohesion that's supposed to unified the nation under the coalition? This is not even a coolie thing anymore.

I see.  Every time blacks get some gov't aid you jump, and scream and wail about Indian Eradication. 

Pity you screamed that African Eradication under the PPP didn't exist.

Now you know how exclusion feels.

Cobra posted:

, I didn't see the unity at this specific event either,

You all want to boycott events that the gov't holds.

How then are Indians going to be present.  Whether Indians chose to attend, or not, the events are going to be held.

YOUR choice.

Most assuredly when various events commemorating Guyana's Independence, or Republic state, blacks attended.  They did so because they see themselves as GUYANESE, and didn't see why their hatred for the PPP should deprive them of the right to attend these events.

Pity PPP supporters don't seem to see themselves as Guyanese, but as Indians living in Guyana.   They then wonder why some folks also see them exactly this way.

Prashad posted:

Why should we East Indians want to rule Africans whose ancestors were slaves in the land of Guyana. We East Indians should strive instead to rule ourselves and let  others rule themselves.

Prashad, even your brown bai KKK aren't listening to you.

Theywould rather scream "ahbe pan tap" and seek to dominate the remaining 60% of the population.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Why should we East Indians want to rule Africans whose ancestors were slaves in the land of Guyana. We East Indians should strive instead to rule ourselves and let  others rule themselves.

Prashad, even your brown bai KKK aren't listening to you.

Theywould rather scream "ahbe pan tap" and seek to dominate the remaining 60% of the population.

Nah, alyuh dazz now!!

antabanta posted:
Cobra posted:

Guyana is now an Africanized State?

You should cut all ties with Guyana.

You should pay more attention to the reason behind the question I am asking. Put the social cohesion thread together with this and make some sense for the coalition disunity campaign pledge to the nation of six people, including the Douglas. 

Cobra posted:
antabanta posted:
Cobra posted:

Guyana is now an Africanized State?

You should cut all ties with Guyana.

You should pay more attention to the reason behind the question I am asking. Put the social cohesion thread together with this and make some sense for the coalition disunity campaign pledge to the nation of six people, including the Douglas. 

You don't give a damn about douglas. Let a family member of yours marry a black person, and you are angered, and embarrassed.

When the PPP have their annual hatefest at Babu John, where Jagdeo screams that the GDF and the GPF (code for blackman) will rob and rape, if they don't vote PPP, and the crowds look as if the event is in Uttar Pradesh, do you scream that it isn't social cohesion?  NO.  You wail that blacks are racist for not showing up to be insulted by Jagdeo.

Try to be less stupid. I know that you eat toxic food fed to you by the PPP, so your brains are destroyed, but try!


You guys should be ashamed to bring forth children in this world without a cultural identity. Dougla is a street name for these poor kids. Look at the two kids that committed so many crimes in Rose Hall. They were Douglas. Their sticky fingers and gun totting trend comes from negro genes. Y'all must take responsibility to gave these children an academic future, before pushing your unholy pole in holy holes.

Cobra posted:

You guys should be ashamed to bring forth children in this world without a cultural identity. Dougla is a street name for these poor kids. Look at the two kids that committed so many crimes in Rose Hall. They were Douglas. Their sticky fingers and gun totting trend comes from negro genes. Y'all must take responsibility to gave these children an academic future, before pushing your unholy pole in holy holes.

You truly are a dumb rass, first you show a photo of a community center in Ruimveldt a predominantly black neighbourhood and questioning how come no other kids in the picture, then you make a post like the one above.

You are a stupid racist fk

cain posted:
Cobra posted:

You guys should be ashamed to bring forth children in this world without a cultural identity. Dougla is a street name for these poor kids. Look at the two kids that committed so many crimes in Rose Hall. They were Douglas. Their sticky fingers and gun totting trend comes from negro genes. Y'all must take responsibility to gave these children an academic future, before pushing your unholy pole in holy holes.

You truly are a dumb rass, first you show a photo of a community center in Ruimveldt a predominantly black neighbourhood and questioning how come no other kids in the picture, then you make a post like the one above.

You are a stupid racist fk

Ditto! Particularly the final sentence (phrase)!

Cobra posted:

Jungle Girl, I expect your shared sentiments to encourage bastardization.  

You know its interesting that this blatant racism is displayed, yet so called moderate Indians like Kari, VishMahanbir, and Zed will attack me and not them.

Any way its all good, because the Indian population is in decline, and so the PPP will die, unless it changes this attitude.

Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

But you are a bastard yourself.

Explain it to me.

#2 suits you just perfect.


  1. archaic
    a person born of parents not married to each other.
    synonyms: illegitimate child · child born out of wedlock · love child ·
  2. informal
    an unpleasant or despicable person:
    "he lied to me, the bastard!"
    synonyms: scoundrel · villain · rogue · rascal · weasel · snake ·
Cobra posted:

Team Director, Donna Hollingsworth-Callender [left) receives the donation from Sophia White, councillor for the constituency in which the Ruimveldt inter-area youth community football group is based

Ruimveldt Community Youth group gets assistance from Social Protection Ministry

Georgetown, GINA, May 14, 2016

What's the mandate of the social cohesion ministry?

BTW, those two ladies would do good with a diet and start running after that ball themselves!!

Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

But you are a bastard yourself.

Explain it to me.

You use big words and then you want me to explain to you what you are typing? If you don't know what a bastard is, then why are you suggesting that Guyana is turning into a country of bastards? How did you manage to notice a normal Guyanese from a Guyanese that is a bastard if you need it explained to you? Or are you just throwing words about without any indication of what it is that it you are typing? That's a bitch...

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