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Guyana now ranked below Haiti

– Mc Intyre Report


GUYANA has slipped below Haiti and is now ranked as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

This is the startling conclusion in the just-re­leased McIntyre report which also says the coun­try needs a political system which ‘encourages the participation of all Guyanese in the recovery programme.

The report suggests that what is also needed is ‘a restoration of confidence in the ability of the government to manage the economy and share its benefits widely.’

The document is the work of a Commonwealth team headed by former Caricom Secre­tary General. Mr. Alister McIntyre. The mission spent over a year analysing the state of affairs here and its recommendations, circulated in Parliament this week by govern­ment, attempt to point the way forward. ‘Guyana is now rank­ed below Haiti as the poorest country in the Western Hemis­phere,’ the team says.

The mission also found that the steady economic and financial deterioration of the country has led to people leaving the country at the rate of about 1,000 a month. This rate works out to about three per cent of people of working age leaving the country each year.

It puts inflation at 50 per cent per annum and unemployment at 40 per cent of the work force. Govern­ment’s excessive control of the economy, which limited the role of private initiative and investment, also contributed to massive migration of ‘Guyana’s best and brightest,’ the team says.

The advisory group says government’s cor­rective measures over the past decade lacked political support and the institutional capacity to undertake ‘ strong adjustment measures.

The grim financial and economic data apart, the report says the greater loss has been the deterioration in the physical quality of life of the population. Average incomes have fallen since 1980 by 50 per cent and hunger and malnutrition have grown. Homelessness and vagrancy have be­come major problems and the poor spend most of their time looking for food, the mission found.

It also feels Guyana is among the most heavi­ly indebted developing countries in the world and the team says it is likely that the in­debtedness works out to about $2,500 (US) for every man, woman and child.

The McIntyre mission however says the gov­ernment has no alter­native at present but to work within the IMF-approved recovery framework. The team members are in broad agreement with the overall ob­jectives and the requir­ed policy measures of the Economic Recovery Programme.

They however, con­tend that the IMF and World Bank and other financial institutions have given insufficient attention to relief mea­sures for the poor, to vital imports and to the unmanageability of the debt burden.

The report adds, ‘donors must also re­cognise that the social impact of adjustment goes beyond the bur­den on particular groups. It encompasses the wider issue of sus­taining social cohesion and democratic pro­cesses.

Experience elsewhere indicates that popular protests against price increases and other austerity mea­sures could degenerate into more generalised social unrest and the possibility of a break­down in civilian gov­ernment.

‘This is a risk which many governments face in implementing struc­tural adjustment pro­grammes, and it is a risk which should be more fully taken into account in designing the scope and timing of adjustment mea­sures.’

The team says the es­sence of the real ad­justment programme will require shifts of lo­cal labour, land and capital from one set of uses to another.

‘We encourage the government to strength­en its efforts to ex­plain the real, as op­posed to the purely financial, nature of the required adjustments. The public must un­derstand that major shifts in the use of domestic resources are envisaged. Im­mediate consumption must be reduced and real incomes will be redistributed among alternative current in­come-generating activi­ties.’

The mission also ad­vises that if people are to take up ‘the vision of greater pros­pects for all in the economy,’ govern­ment’s message ‘must carry convic­tion and persuasion.’

‘This argues for an extremely well conceived and implemented pro­gramme of public rela­tions, and for strenuous efforts to open up pub­lic discussion of devel­opment issues.’

 The last curtain falls

Dignum laude virum Musa vetat mori’ (The hero who is worthy of her praise the Muse will not let die) Horace: THE ODES.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Look at the Indo KKK.  Some one dumped an outdated article and here they are still screaming as if it reflects today's Guyana.

So glad to scream "black man cyant run maaby shap".



Guyanese seem to be healthy and never missed a meal in the toughest of time. I saw them chaps that were apprehended for murder at 70 village. They all dressed nicely in matching clothe and have big bellies. They are definitely on top of the food chain. The comparison between Guyana and Haiti is a big difference even though the report says otherwise. I was in Haiti once and the situation is terrible comparing to Guyana. 

Haiti always fell victim of natural disaster. Family are displaced and the environment is not human friendly. Voodoo practice is still top priority there. 

How accurate is the report and what method is used to tell how poor a country is? Somebody help me. Meh nah been a school too far.


caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

.. They are definitely on top of the food chain. .


I guess you still don't get it.  This is an OLD article!

I saw Mars prompted that it was an old article. I am asking the question for argument safe. 

Mars posted:

This article is from 1989 fools.

Editor’s Note: The following articles, from December 2, 1989, are being reprinted as part of Stabroek News’ ongoing observances to mark its 30th anniversary.


Why did Stabroek News choose to reprint this particular article?  Either way, it is a good reminder of where we came from and where we are going.  The young people who were conned by the Coalition should read it and digest it and know what to expect under Granger.  Guyana is going back to 1989 like an Express Train.


Bibi Haniffa

Look at the bright side, from 1992 to 2015 the PPP brought the country to prosperity. Today the jackass Granger administration repeating the mistakes of the Burnham administration with a race to the bottom of the index. 

Drugb posted:

Look at the bright side, from 1992 to 2015 the PPP brought the country to prosperity. Today the jackass Granger administration repeating the mistakes of the Burnham administration with a race to the bottom of the index. 

Yeah right 23 yrs of Indian Gov't rule and Guyana is currently just above Haiti,and the poor r@ss Indo ministers who was riding bicycles became multi millionaires.

Burnham follwed the commie Jagan nationalize all the foreign industries paying the owners G$1 which brought the country down to it knees.

28 yrs of PNC and 23 yrs of PPP and it's the same old same old,a pack of vision less politicians fighting to enriching themselves while creating conflicts between the two major races.

When will the Guyanese people realize that the two pea of the same pod is no good for their future,I do hope it happens in my life time.

Django posted:


Look how Bibi fooled the doom and gloom crew,any article without a source have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Django Bai, you sure we will not be saying the same for you.. recently you posted you went back home for 4 days after 20 years... and previously you posted you went back for one day due to business. I stand to be corrected, but fellow GNI members might pull it up. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Look at the bright side, from 1992 to 2015 the PPP brought the country to prosperity. Today the jackass Granger administration repeating the mistakes of the Burnham administration with a race to the bottom of the index. 

Yeah right 23 yrs of Indian Gov't rule and Guyana is currently just above Haiti,and the poor r@ss Indo ministers who was riding bicycles became multi millionaires.

Burnham follwed the commie Jagan nationalize all the foreign industries paying the owners G$1 which brought the country down to it knees.

28 yrs of PNC and 23 yrs of PPP and it's the same old same old,a pack of vision less politicians fighting to enriching themselves while creating conflicts between the two major races.

When will the Guyanese people realize that the two pea of the same pod is no good for their future,I do hope it happens in my life time.

Naga and Rumjat was part of the 23 years.. these are the two pea of the same pod that is not good for Guyana future. 

Imran posted:
Django posted:


Look how Bibi fooled the doom and gloom crew,any article without a source have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Django Bai, you sure we will not be saying the same for you.. recently you posted you went back home for 4 days after 20 years... and previously you posted you went back for one day due to business. I stand to be corrected, but fellow GNI members might pull it up. 


You are correct,one day [arrived Sat,Left Sun ]after 19 yrs away for a funeral [lost a great person who bring me in to this world] and four days in the 20th year for the year ceremony.

Got lots of cousins back home,plan to visit more often I man taking it easy from next year.

Got caught up in a small business i purchase in the 9 th year after migrating to the ole USA.


Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Imran posted:
Django posted:


Look how Bibi fooled the doom and gloom crew,any article without a source have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Django Bai, you sure we will not be saying the same for you.. recently you posted you went back home for 4 days after 20 years... and previously you posted you went back for one day due to business. I stand to be corrected, but fellow GNI members might pull it up. 


You are correct,one day [arrived Sat,Left Sun ]after 19 yrs away for a funeral [lost a great person who bring me in to this world] and four days in the 20th year for the year ceremony.

Got caught up in a small business i purchase in the 9 th year after migrating to the ole USA.


bai go back nah. Your hero grainjaw is in pawa now. PPP chased you out.


Look at the big picture, people. Holistically. For decades Guyana has been competing with Haiti for the bottom spot in the Caribbean Sea. This occurred during the PNC regime, the PPP regime, and even now under the APNU+AFC regime. Will Guyana rise higher in the foreseeable future? I think not. Why? Coolie nah trust blackman and vice versa. A house divided against itself cannot stand, much less grow-expand-progress-prosper.


Gilbakka needs to look at the big picture. Real progress will only come when East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana have their own independent sovereign country.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:


bai go back nah. Your hero grainjaw is in pawa now. PPP chased you out.

Nah bhai,the paper come thru in 96.

Bai PPP tek ovah in 1992.

I assist a little fuh papa Cheddi get in powah was time to kick out the PNC they had their run, when PPP got in power Pariag [Gill know him] his house does be full every body becomes contractor,when he was riding his motorcycle canvassing for PPP he had no friends,i know him for years he was one of my customer and never ask him for any favor.

Prashad posted:

Gilbakka needs to look at the big picture. Real progress will only come when East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana have their own independent sovereign country.

Prash,you saying this mantra over and over,which part of Guyana will be the new Indesh.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Kari was working with government during those years. Let him enlighten us on this period of deep decline

Is that so?  Then did he ran away under the PNC or PPP?  That would be of interest!

Drugb posted:

Look at the bright side, from 1992 to 2015 the PPP brought the country to prosperity. .

That is why all the PPP supporters fled to Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad, Suriname, Venezuela, St Kitts, Tortola, etc.

Yes the "prosperity" under the PPP!

Prashad posted:

.douglas who embrace their Indian heritage .

When you tell your wife that your sons must only embrace their "Indian" (most Indians will not consider this to be true Indian culture, but some mix and match of residual Indian, western and Creole). 

They must reject their mother whose culture is creole.

When you told her that and she chased you out of the house how long did you have to stay away?

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Kari was working with government during those years. Let him enlighten us on this period of deep decline

Is that so?  Then did he ran away under the PNC or PPP?  That would be of interest!

I find this interesting.  So Kari, an Indian, had a government job during Burnham. Maybe one of the few Indians.

You scream that Burnham was a racist because he didn't hire Indians, and then you lambaste an Indian who had a job then?  So clearly then an Indian working in a gov't job was committing a crime, yet you scream that not enough of them worked for gov't.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Is that so?  Then did he ran away under the PNC or PPP?  That would be of interest!

I find this interesting.  So Kari, an Indian, had a government job during Burnham. Maybe one of the few Indians.

You scream that Burnham was a racist because he didn't hire Indians, and then you lambaste an Indian who had a job then?  So clearly then an Indian working in a gov't job was committing a crime, yet you scream that not enough of them worked for gov't.

Kari was (and is) a die-hard PNCite since back in the day, from what I gather.  My question was, did not flee Guyana under the PNC or under the PPP?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Look at the bright side, from 1992 to 2015 the PPP brought the country to prosperity. .

That is why all the PPP supporters fled to Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad, Suriname, Venezuela, St Kitts, Tortola, etc.

Yes the "prosperity" under the PPP!

Nonsense, the people will always go where there is opportunity and need for their skill. Unlike today where the PNC is raising passport fees in order to keep people in Guyana. 


Sad to say Indians because of wealth and education were able to utilities the global economy while blacks due to poverty had to remain and toil for the Indian business or sharpen their criminal skills.

Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Gilbakka needs to look at the big picture. Real progress will only come when East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana have their own independent sovereign country.

Prash,you saying this mantra over and over,which part of Guyana will be the new Indesh.

East Berbice.

Prashad posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Gilbakka needs to look at the big picture. Real progress will only come when East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana have their own independent sovereign country.

Prash,you saying this mantra over and over,which part of Guyana will be the new Indesh.

East Berbice.

That will be wan poor country,not much natural resources,suh alyuh go stuck with rice and sugar some bauxite and maybe some oil.


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