When punishment ketch you all bet you running back here with your tale of woes.We waiting to welcome you all.
You don't live in Guyana.
You are free to your opinion. So when you coming back to live?
You are obviously not smart and without skills or talent. The main reason for the brain-drain is obvious enough: highly skilled workers in the developing world earn a fraction of the salaries available elsewhere. Furthermore, the demand for their skills is always growing since countries that actively recruit skilled foreigners get talent...
Banna migration to industrial countries is predicated largely on economics which is better wages and a higher standard of living. Jagdesh Bhagwati and Sen and others have written extensively about this. A small country like Guyana cannot afford to export much-needed skills. It must increase wages and offer better conditions of work. But the cards are not stacked in its favor. Unfortunately, Guyana will continue to be a place where its talent will be exported.
At the same time, how can Guyana afford lazy people like you who sit all day in the hammock and drink water coconut? I now see why you are not part of the brains that were exported.
Enjoy your barrels and remittances, the fringe benefits from the export of skills and talents.
You forget. I don't need barrels or remittances. I gat enough money so I am giving it away to good causes. I can sit in the hammock with coconut water while you slave over there in all that stress. You sound envious of my lifestyle but that's ok.