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Dear Editor,

When there are Guyanese who have integrity and do right by the position they hold, there is hope for our beautiful country. Once devastated by dictatorship which was supported by persons who lacked humanism, our country is rising to the greatness it always deserved to be.

For us to be the leader of South America and of the Caribbean sea of nations, we need persons like the chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission Reverend John Smith, who fearlessly expressed concern about GECOM.

We need more persons like the CEO of the Central Housing and Planning Authority Mr Lelon Saul, who pointed out to a Minister that a conflict of interest was not best practice.

We need more Godfrey Statias to ensure accountability in the financial sector. The Integrity Commission is another critical entity for shaping the behaviour of those entrusted to public office and the chair needs to keep the pressure up on those entrusted to the care for our people.

I feel that there is hope. With persons who have integrity as their guide, we will prosper as a nation. I would hope that Government ensures that the goal would be to have β€œNo square pegs in round holes” and that persons who hold senior managerial positions, do their jobs with neutrality using good judgment and not fall prey to the temptation of corruption. Non-performers and persons who lack integrity should be removed from public office.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Davendra Sharma


Davendra M Sharma, [third left) celebrates the achievement in England with his old QC pals (from left) Demarus Farinha, Kwesi Nero, Owen Fraser, Andy Ninvalle and Neville Munroe

Davendra M Sharma, (third left) celebrates the achievement in England with his old QC pals (from left) Demarus Farinha, Kwesi Nero, Owen Fraser, Andy Ninvalle and Neville Munroe

Guyana born Dr. Davendra Sharma makes Queen’s 2015 birthday honours list

Django posted:

Dear Editor,

When there are Guyanese who have integrity and do right by the position they hold, there is hope for our beautiful country. Once devastated by dictatorship which was supported by persons who lacked humanism, our country is rising to the greatness it always deserved to be.

For us to be the leader of South America and of the Caribbean sea of nations, we need persons like the chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission Reverend John Smith, who fearlessly expressed concern about GECOM.

We need more persons like the CEO of the Central Housing and Planning Authority Mr Lelon Saul, who pointed out to a Minister that a conflict of interest was not best practice.

We need more Godfrey Statias to ensure accountability in the financial sector. The Integrity Commission is another critical entity for shaping the behaviour of those entrusted to public office and the chair needs to keep the pressure up on those entrusted to the care for our people.

I feel that there is hope. With persons who have integrity as their guide, we will prosper as a nation. I would hope that Government ensures that the goal would be to have β€œNo square pegs in round holes” and that persons who hold senior managerial positions, do their jobs with neutrality using good judgment and not fall prey to the temptation of corruption. Non-performers and persons who lack integrity should be removed from public office.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Davendra Sharma


Davendra M Sharma, [third left) celebrates the achievement in England with his old QC pals [from left) Demarus Farinha, Kwesi Nero, Owen Fraser, Andy Ninvalle and Neville Munroe

Davendra M Sharma, (third left) celebrates the achievement in England with his old QC pals (from left) Demarus Farinha, Kwesi Nero, Owen Fraser, Andy Ninvalle and Neville Munroe

Guyana born Dr. Davendra Sharma makes Queen’s 2015 birthday honours list

And these dudes are still alive and well or gone into hiding?


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