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Former Member

Guyana shines – again


THE naysayers and doomsayers will soon begin their litany of fault-finding and negative pronouncements once again; but as Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and The Grenadines described us, “Guyana is the only shining star of the Caribbean.”In every sector, even though external dynamics and opposition inhibitory manoeuvres constrain at times, Guyana has been progressing by leaps and bounds; and despite the flawed and subjective development reports emanating out of the US and UN oftentimes damn us, our exemplary macro-economic fundamentals and social development in actuality belie those international reports that are mainly based on biased and prejudicial data and analyses provided by forces strongly opposed to Guyana’s PPP/C regime.
And nowhere is this fact more evident than in the annual exceptional examination results at every level of academia in the nation.
Development of national socio-economic synergies is always a work in progress; and while the Opposition has been fault-finding, nit-picking, naysaying, and even strategising and implementing plans, in conjunction with their historical external, similarly destructive partners, to retard and even regress Guyana’s growth patterns and downscale its development indices, this nation’s trajectory is pointing ever-upwards on charts that are the actual indicators of a country’s realities as opposed to reports that have their genesis in flawed statistics, based on conjectures, erroneous perceptions, erratic presumptions, and even outright lies.
The constancy of Guyana’s academic performances of excellence – year after year; and especially the geographic expansion of superlative scholastic achievements in schools countrywide, bespeaks the success of the PPP/C’s unrelenting commitment and laborious endeavours to take this nation forward, despite the gloomy, de-motivating prognostications of the doomsayers and naysayers, and the destructive and obstructive tactics employed by the glory-hunting, power-crazy egotists and opportunists opposed to national development under a PPP/C administration.
The directors, management and staff of the Guyana Chronicle pay tribute to the dedicated educators of this nation’s youths, and extend congratulations to the young people who are using the opportunities provided to them for enhanced lives and lifestyles through Guyana’s education sector.



extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ralph Gonsalves is a Commie Klown who's just as corrupt as his PPP comrades. Birds of a feather flock together.


He's been accused of sexual misconduct many times and according to Wikileaks, offered to pay off one of his many accusers.


The constancy of Guyana’s academic performances of excellence – year after year; and especially the geographic expansion of superlative scholastic achievements in schools countrywide, bespeaks the success of the PPP/C’s unrelenting commitment and laborious endeavours to take this nation forward, despite the gloomy, de-motivating prognostications of the doomsayers and naysayers, and the destructive and obstructive tactics employed by the glory-hunting, power-crazy egotists and opportunists opposed to national development under a PPP/C administration.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constancy of Guyana’s academic performances of excellence – year after year; and especially the geographic expansion of superlative scholastic achievements in schools countrywide, bespeaks the success of the PPP/C’s unrelenting commitment and laborious endeavours to take this nation forward, despite the gloomy, de-motivating prognostications of the doomsayers and naysayers, and the destructive and obstructive tactics employed by the glory-hunting, power-crazy egotists and opportunists opposed to national development under a PPP/C administration.

performance as the pillage of our forests?

Originally Posted by Mars:

Ralph Gonsalves is a Commie Klown who's just as corrupt as his PPP comrades. Birds of a feather flock together.


He's been accused of sexual misconduct many times and according to Wikileaks, offered to pay off one of his many accusers.

he is an accused serial rapist


THE naysayers and doomsayers will soon begin their litany of fault-finding and negative pronouncements once again; but as Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and The Grenadines described us, “Guyana is the only shining star of the Caribbean.”In every sector, even though external dynamics and opposition inhibitory manoeuvres constrain at times, Guyana has been progressing by leaps and bounds; and despite the flawed and subjective development reports emanating out of the US and UN oftentimes damn us, our exemplary macro-economic fundamentals and social development in actuality belie those international reports that are mainly based on biased and prejudicial data and analyses provided by forces strongly opposed to Guyana’s PPP/C regime.





Not that it really matters, but when did senor Butthead saY this?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constancy of Guyana’s academic performances of excellence –

Yes we get 38% passes in CXC math and are proud.  Jamaica gets 56% passes and think that they have a major crisis.


Jamaica by the way isn't noted for having a high quality educational system.

Last edited by Former Member

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