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Caribbean News Desk radio prog: Guyana's opposition calls on Caricom to intervene in political impasse

Opposition Leader David Granger

Opposition Leader David Granger

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Guyana’s Opposition Leader, David Granger has asked the 15-nation Caricom or Caribbean Community (Caricom) to intervene in his country’s political impasse.

At the heart of the crisis is the fact that Parliament has not met since July of this year even after two-month recess ended in October.

In outlining his concerns in the letter to Caricom Secretary General, Irwin La Rocque, the Opposition Leader has called for an emergency meeting to consider a collective approach to what he terms the governance crisis in Guyana.

Mr Granger told Caribbean News Desk that his move to Caricom was not about mediation but about piling pressure on the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration which has a one-seat minority in the 65-seat National Assembly.

Caricom leaders are due to meet for the mid-term summit next February in The Bahamas.

During the recess, the smaller opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) filed a no-confidence motion that would have been passed with the support of the larger opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

To avoid the no-confidence motion from being passed and President Ramotar and his Cabinet having to resign and hold elections in 90 days, the Guyanese leader suspended Parliament on November 10- the same day that the National Assembly should have held a sitting.


In the face of calls by the Organisation of American States and Western Nations for the Parliamentary suspension to be lifted, President Donald Ramotar has repeatedly called on the opposition to hold talks, resolve some of the issues and agree to a Parliamentary agenda.

But the Opposition continues to insist that that it will not talk unless the suspension is brought to an end.

Government’s position is that if there are no talks, the President will then dissolve Parliament and call fresh general elections.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

HAHAHA Brillant President Ramotar.


However, Mr President dont wait for 6 months as allowed by THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION, call Election in January.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

HAHAHA Brillant President Ramotar.


However, Mr President dont wait for 6 months as allowed by THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION, call Election in January.

PNC dig grave fuh dem mattie and now dem fall in. Tek ah spade and bury dem now.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

HAHAHA Brillant President Ramotar.


However, Mr President dont wait for 6 months as allowed by THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION, call Election in January.

PNC dig grave fuh dem mattie and now dem fall in. Tek ah spade and bury dem now.

HEHEHE Greenidge Etal voted got THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

HAHAHA Brillant President Ramotar.


However, Mr President dont wait for 6 months as allowed by THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION, call Election in January.

Bhai Nehru look's like you voted on July 10 1978 referendum???

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Dem start late. In any case de Burnham constitution gee Ramotar de right foh do what he want and dem cyant impeach de man. Dem political genius lika Harse man seh bring de no confidence. Ramo had Lord Burnham pun de side. 

HAHAHA Brillant President Ramotar.


However, Mr President dont wait for 6 months as allowed by THE GUYANA CONSTITUTION, call Election in January.

Bhai Nehru look's like you voted on July 10 1978 referendum???

Django, not Nehru alone. You did too.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Skeldon it true PPP control 100% Berbice again????

or them low breed who practice & Support Buggery lying as usual.

Bhai Big J, you shuud no. Wen me guh back fuh visit de pres, me guh leh you no.

Wah me no is me see all dem AFC posta tear out from weh dem bin.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

APNU and the AFC are doing the right thing in internationalizing Ramotar's unwarranted parliamentary lock-out. The opposition parties should also formally request help from the Commonwealth of which Guyana is a member.

In the 1980s then opposition leader Dr Cheddi Jagan sought similar assistance from CARICOM and Commonwealth states.

Please understand this. CARICOM is a shell of an organization because the 14 sovereign states which make up this group do not want a super structure which could impact what they do as individual nation states.  The role of CARICOM is to implement the mandates of these states, if and when they so wish, which is not very often.  So CARICOM can do nothing.


As we speak St Kitts Nevis has a similar crisis where 2 MPs from the existing governing party left to join the opposition.  With the governing party now being minority the opposition MPs have tabled an MONC.  The Speaker of the House refuses to have the bill read.  When complaints were made at one of the Caribbean Heads of Govt meetings the PM of St Vincent claimed that there is no crisis as there are no riots in the streets of StK. 


CARICOM did nothing.  Given that each head of state fears that they will have a similar problem they have no interest in setting a precedent of involvement by the other 13 nation states.  While they most likely don't respect Ramotar and most would  never dare prorogued parliament (StK/N didn't) they will consider that as a symptom of Guyanese own self inflicted disease which they will think that Guyanese alone must solve.



I suggest that APNU/AFC mobilize civic society and carry the matter to the courts.  Only Guyanese can resolve the problem and internationalizing it only serves to show how weak they are.  When Trinidad, Barbados, and Jamaica have problems do they appeal to outsiders to solve their problems the way that Guyanese do?  NO!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is NO CRISIS. The ILLEGAL BURNHAM Constitution is CLEAR, THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT has 6 months to hold Election. Elections will be help in 4 months.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is NO CRISIS. The Constitution is CLEAR, THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT has 6 months to hold Election. Elections will be help in 4 months.

Actually, he does  not have to call elections. He can become President for life.

Originally Posted by Django:

Bhai Nehru look's like you voted on July 10 1978 referendum???

Nehru doesn't think that there was any illegality in how the Constitution was put in force (Burnham didn't rig according to him) and so he is perfectly happy with the constitution.


Now suppose the PPP were to lose an election.  He would be among those screaming most loudly that the constitution is ILLEGAL.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is NO CRISIS. The Constitution is CLEAR, THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT has 6 months to hold Election. Elections will be help in 4 months.

Actually, he does  not have to call elections. He can become President for life.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Django:

Bhai Nehru look's like you voted on July 10 1978 referendum???

Nehru doesn't think that there was any illegality in how the Constitution was put in force (Burnham didn't rig according to him) and so he is perfectly happy with the constitution.


Now suppose the PPP were to lose an election.  He would be among those screaming most loudly that the constitution is ILLEGAL.

aRE YOU REALLY THAT NAIVE?? hOW CAN A ratified Constitution be illegal??  I am no Attorney but I will love for you to explain. Ask Greenidge Etal, they were part of the GROUT that ratified the Constitution.


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