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End of Year Outcome 2019

The End of Year Outcome Statement for the year 2019 is being presented as an update to the Mid-Year Report of 2019, instead of the usual update to the end of year projections that would have been included in the 2020 National Budget to Parliament, in November 2019, as part of the established annual budget cycle. As is well-known, this did not happen because of the political situation that unfolded, which necessitated the holding of General and Regional Elections before the due date. In light of those developments, Parliament was dissolved on December 30, 2019, resulting in the postponement of the preparation and presentation of the 2020 National Budget to a date to be determined in 2020. Budget 2019 was presented under the theme β€œTransforming the Economy, Empowering People, Building Sustainable Communities for the Good Life,” and was the second earliest presentation in the post-Independence history of Guyana.

Attached is report.


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Budget 2019 was presented under the theme β€œTransforming the Economy, Empowering People, Building Sustainable Communities for the Good Life,” 

The above never happened.  The economy was never transformed anywhere in the country. Empowering the people to do what? There are no sustainable communities in Guyana.  The country was bankrupt.

The coalition stole government properties and destroyed the manufacturing sector.  They became beggars.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Budget 2019 was presented under the theme β€œTransforming the Economy, Empowering People, Building Sustainable Communities for the Good Life,” 

The above never happened.  The economy was never transformed anywhere in the country. Empowering the people to do what? There are no sustainable communities in Guyana.  The country was bankrupt.

The coalition stole government properties and destroyed the manufacturing sector.  They became beggars.

Damn you read the report quickly. Have you noticed anything about population growth and migration ? also growth in the economy ?

Last edited by Django

As at the end of May 2020, this Granger de-facto GANG has borrowed some G$93 billion from the Central Bank. (see evidence below)

That is enough cash to develop and hand over 18,600 working class houses to 18,600 Guyanese families. The sad part is we who are in Guyana cannot see the evidence of what this cash was spent on.

YET the SANCTIMONIOUS GANGSTER is fighting to hold on to power after he lost the elections.

Source of this information - Central Bank Website -…/acc…/assetsliabilities.pdf

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@Former Member posted:

As at the end of May 2020, this Granger de-facto GANG has borrowed some G$93 billion from the Central Bank. (see evidence below)

That is enough cash to develop and hand over 18,600 working class houses to 18,600 Guyanese families. The sad part is we who are in Guyana cannot see the evidence of what this cash was spent on.

YET the SANCTIMONIOUS GANGSTER is fighting to hold on to power after he lost the elections.

Source of this information - Central Bank Website -…/acc…/assetsliabilities.pdf

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Can you tell us what's Public Deposits in BOG ?

@Former Member posted:

Your head is buried in a place it shouldn’t be. Your leaders has bankrupt Guyana in again in less than 4 years. They are not fit and proper to run a country. 

I asked a simple question . For your information the Country isn't bankrupt. Also since when the coalition gov't in Guyana are my leaders and why the need for the first sentence ?

Last edited by Django

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