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Guyana moves closer to fresh general elections

Friday, December 05, 2014, Source - Jamaica Observer


GEORGETOWN, Guyana (CMC) — President Donald Ramotar will tomorrow announce what position he intends to follow after the Opposition rejected his invitation for dialogue on the deteriorating political environment in the country, a senior government official has said.


"There can be little doubt that general elections are gaining currency as a reasonable and acceptable alternative to talks among parliamentary political parties," head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon has said.


He said the head of state would inform the nation "on the way forward" following a "disappointing" response by the Opposition Leader David Granger to a November 18 letter inviting him to engage in dialogue.


Luncheon said that President Ramotar has two options to choose from, following his decision to prorogue Parliament.


These options are either to dissolve the parliament and call general and regional elections within a 90-day period or end the prorogation of Parliament. The other option has been discounted since the president indicated that he will not be extending the period of prorogation a second time.


Luncheon acknowledged that the government has not been able to achieve the objectives of the almost one-month old prorogation.


The government had sought dialogue with the opposition parties on several pieces of legislation including the Education Reform Bill, the Amended Anti-Money laundering Bill and the Telecommunications Bill.


Last month when he prorogued Parliament, President Ramotar said it would provide him with an opportunity for dialogue between the executive and the parliamentary opposition, which controlled a one-seat majority in the 65-member Parliament.


The opposition -- A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change -- had already filed a motion of no confidence in the government and wanted the matter debated when President Ramotar took his decision to prorogue the legislative body.


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Ramotar going a full 5 and half months before he announces the date for elections. In the mean time, he is going to prance around pretending he is governing while in secrecy, he is going to rig the elections, threaten the indian people, line up his goons to braek up the opposition elction meetings and allow his cronies to steal from the treasury.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Ramotar going a full 5 and half months before he announces the date for elections. In the mean time, he is going to prance around pretending he is governing while in secrecy, he is going to rig the elections, threaten the indian people, line up his goons to braek up the opposition elction meetings and allow his cronies to steal from the treasury.



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