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Guyana Must Capitalize on Country’s Close Proximity to Brazil: Ramotar


By the Caribbean Journal staff

April 8, 2012 | 1:41 pm

Source - CaribJournal


Above: Guyana President Donald Ramotar with Secretary of State of Roraima Eduardo Oestreicher (left) and Guyana’s Consulate General in Brazil, Leila King


It is incumbent on Guyana to take advantage of the country’s close proximity to Brazil, according to President Donald Ramotar.


Part of doing that involves developing the Lethem border region, Ramotar said, with the government planning to do so under the umbrella of a new Lethem Authority.


“[Lethem Authority] will be a national authority comprising people here in Rupununi and also in Georgetown, so that we can plan together and look to the future as we develop Lethem to be one of the major centres of Guyana,” he said before the opening of the Rupununi Rodeo.


Ramotar met Saturday with Lethem Chamber of Commerce President Roger King to talk about the government’s development plan for the region and the progress of the Linden-Lethem Road, which will link the two countries with a paved highway.


In January, Guyana completed a feasibility study for the Linden to Lethem Road, once described by former Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva as “an expansion of the prospects for development between Guyana and the entire Northern Region of Brazil.”


The President also met Saturday with Eduardo Oestreicher, Secretary of State in Roraima, and Leila King, General Consul of the Guyana Consulate General in Brazil.

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President announces plans for a Lethem Authority – to realise dream of Lethem as a development hub


Georgetown, GINA, April 7, 2012

Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar interacting with members of the private sector in Lethem in the company of Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce (ag) Irfaan Ali, Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn


The private sector in Lethem has attested to the tangible benefits of the transformation plan which the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has outlined for the area and, the government gave the assurance that the patronage will continue way into the future when President Donald Ramotar met members of the private sector in the Region Nine village today.

The Head of State led a team that included Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali who is at present performing the duties of Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce, Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn and Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai.

The team was in the region for the annual Rupununi rodeo but, scheduled a number of working engagements, among which was a visit to the commercial zone and a meeting with the Rupununi chamber.

At a meeting at Kanuku Lodge, President Ramotar announced his intention to set up a Lethem Authority to fast-track realisation of the contribution which the region can make to Guyana’s development.

“(Lethem Authority) will be a national authority comprising people here in the Rupununi and also in Georgetown, so that we can plan together and look to the future as we develop Lethem to be one of the major centres of Guyana,” President Ramotar said while opening the Rupununi Rodeo.

He told the private sector representatives to be proud of the fact that transformation is occurring right before their eyes in a village that is the closest point to a bordering country, ranked the fifth largest economy in the world, Brazil.


Given this potential President Ramotar said that it is incumbent on Guyana to take advantage of its close proximity to Brazil. Today, he also met privately with the Secretary of State in Roraima Eduardo Oestreicher and the General Consul of the Guyana Consulate General in Brazil, Leila King.

With major investments in road infrastructure, education and health the PPP/C administration has and intends to continue playing a facilitating role in the transformation agenda.

President Ramotar brought the good news that allocations have been made in this year’s national budget for the upgrade of the Lethem airstrip for the benefit of air transportation to and from the village.

There are already signs of progress being shown since the upgrade to the road to Karasabai. Travel time and transportation cost have been significantly reduced, even as the road is nearing completion.


President Donald Ramotar interacting with Secretary of State of Roraima Eduardo Oestreicher (left) and Guyana’s Consulate General in Brazil, Leila King


Minister Benn spoke of plans to extend the road to Monkey Mountain, Region Eight and has assured that the benefits for the transportation of agricultural produce and commuters will be the same.

The Linden to Lethem road is a major project in the making but, according to Minister Benn, given the magnitude; it will require large sums of money and, a lengthy time period. In the interim, he urged commuters to take the necessary precautions when travelling.

Upgrades to the road to Aishalton road will continue this year.

President of the Lethem Chamber of Commerce Roger King who was part of today’s meeting with the President regarded the Government’s ongoing development plan as noble and, made reference to the growth in business and the population in Lethem, especially with the opening of the bridge across the Takutu River linking Guyana and Brazil.

Transformation is also promising at the level of village economies which are controlled by the predominant Amerindian population living in the Rupununi.


Minister Sukhai told the private sector of provisions in the 2012 budget for village development and investment in education with the construction of new schools. Already the Region has a newly completed secondary school, at Sand Creek and a dormitory.


Dem diss PPP bais reeeal funny.  Laang laang time now abie a trade big time wid Brazil.  Ah seh he tink dem contra-ban wah flood GT ah come from.  Ah weh he tink nuff guyanese ah mek dem livin from, Surinaam and Brazil.  Between barrel from america and stuff from nex door, abie livin di life man.  Dem bais reeaal funny.

Originally Posted by Wally:

These Caribbean countries that use to kick Guyanese are now going to use Guyana as a way of getting their products into Brazil.

Guyana will become a hub for illegal immigration from the Caribbean to into Brazil.


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