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 What the hell is the standard for selling a blackberry except the customer likes the phone, and the standard guarantee of usability is in force. Further this is a silly vendor to give more than 30 days on a refurbished product. It invites bothersome customers as this.


But the audacity of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards! Who the hell are these people that they can do as they please! What standards they are coming in to enforce! The nature of corruption in the administration of the state is now to the level of Gestapo jack boots on the ground where who one knows who can mean the difference between getting jacked up or not.


I would just sue these *******s for harassment just to see where and how it goes before the courts so some modicum of appropriate behavior is established. Unfortunately that may be overly hopeful on my part given the pervasiveness of corruption in our society.


Businessman feels harassed by GNBS

September 11, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


By Abena Rockcliffe
Disgruntled over what he deems as a “set up”, Anthony Sarjoo is claiming that his business is under attack.


Sarjoo, the owner of Isaac Computer Electronics, said that two male representatives from the Guyana National Bureau of Standards accompanied by three armed police ranks “barged” into his store on Friday; and placed “on hold” signs on his display case halting any sale of Blackberry phones.

According to Sarjoo, he inquired whether there was a court order and was met with a response from one of the representatives from the Bureau of Standards that “ we don’t need a court order, we can do what we want cause you selling a set a refurbished phones.”


The business owner said that the scene was somewhat embarrassing as two of the ranks were in possession of “dem big big guns and they just barge in like I am some criminal.”


Sarjoo give the genesis of Friday’s incident as an “ongoing” situation existing with a customer whom Sarjoo “found to be the suspect from the beginning.”


The man said that following the customer’s initial purchase of the phone, she requested that she be given a warranty; six months was granted.


He said that the phone was purchased on a Wednesday. The following Monday, the woman returned to the store with complaints that “the phone ain’t taking charge and that de power cable (charger) was crooked.”


Both her battery and charger were replaced. “We found it strange cause all these things were shown to her before she left the store so it obviously was crooked then. We figured it done there,” stated an employee.


However, the customer returned a few days later and stated that the phone wasn’t even “coming on, that “it ain’t rebooting or nothing.”
“I told her that she has to wait until the boss comes back for negotiations. After that, we were in constant communication until one day her mother said that they knew someone from the Bureau of Standards and that they will report us. Since then we weren’t contacted till today’s drama” recalled one of the store workers.

Sarjoo stated that he thinks that someone is out to get him because of his “unbeatable rate” on blackberry phones.

“I ain’t looking for a 100 per cent profit. I sell my things reasonable. Is years I in this business. I ain’t looking to rob nobody” affirmed Sarjoo.


The man said that he never purchased refurbished phones or computers because they are too problematic.


He even produced the invoice for the said phone sold. That invoice stated “condition: new.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

National Bureau of Standard does not seem to have any standard to resolve

customer complaint, a phone call or a letter are the first steps taken to resolve the issue.NBS employees shows up with police,this incident needs ivestigation

and the two employees should be fired.


Look how D2 encouraging fraud by vendors selling bogus not working Blackberry. Blame it on the vendor for giving out warranty on refurbished products. Blame it on the parliament to allow this type of law to exist.


There is nothing wrong with selling a refurbished produce. Further, nowhere in the above piece is t here a condoning of an illegality. I spoke specifically to a guarantee of usability.


My point was to the barbarians barging in and pretending they have absolute power. They do not. They do as they do because there is little official repercussion for thuggish behavior in the nations enforcement agencies.


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