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Written by Demerara Waves   
Sunday, 31 March 2013 07:44

Caribbean Airlines (CAL) is reportedly facing what amounts to a more than $500 million debt, and the airline has already refused to renew the contracts of several persons in Jamaica to save money.

The Trinidad Express newspaper on Saturday quoted the airline’s spokesman, Clint Williams as saying that he could not address reports of bankruptcy and the carrier was trying to borrow $100 million from the Trinidad and Tobago government to pay its staff and suppliers.

“We prefer not to discuss any specific aspect of the report that we have seen in the media at this time.

CAL is currently in a stabilisation and transformation initiative and our short- and medium-term goals will see us rationalising cost and driving revenues towards more self-sustaining and profitable operation...the initiative has been developed with full partnership from the board and personnel from the Ministry of Finance,” Williams added.

“And at this time we prefer not to comment on specifics of the internal activities, simply to say that the industry demands greater operational productivity and we are moving in that direction.”

CAL has already eliminated 15 flight attendant positions and three pilots at its Jamaica operations now that their contracts have come to an end.

The newspaper also reported that CAL was also now weighing its options about the future of its Jamaica operations including a Call Centre which employs 90 people.

Clive Forbes, general manager of Caribbean Airlines in Jamaica, told RJR News that the expiration of the contracts also coincided with cost cutting measures at the entity.

“Unfortunately those contracts not being renewed are driven by some cost-saving initiatives to manage our cost out of the Financial Year 2012. So that was the context; and we continue to have dialogue with the union to manage how we go forward to mitigate any impact upon staff as we try to remain viable,” said Mr. Forbes.

In 2011 when CAL merged with Air JamaicaCAL took over what were deemed the profitable routes held by Air Jamaica and those operations are now said to be running at a loss, according to the weekly news publication.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Vish M:

How did you figure that out?


Try to have an opinion on the article.

no one felt it necessary to opine on a factual report . . . learn to live with that


begging for attention is pitiful

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

How did you figure that out?


Try to have an opinion on the article.

no one felt it necessary to opine on a factual report . . . learn to live with that


begging for attention is pitiful


Their service sucks!  I booked once with them to Jamaica and they cancelled my flight without telling me because they did not have enough people on the flight. Thankfully I checked the flight online a few days before I left and found out the status.  Bad service!


Sometimes when I read comments about the cost of an airline ticket to Guyana I feel sick. Some of you guys are worse than Jews. Is not like U$700 is gonna break your bank balance. Most of us on GNI earn that kind of money within a week if not two at the most. Some even earn it in one day.

So stop the bitching about the cost. either you wanna go home and chill out, or you want to stay in the US or Canada and chill out. That's all there is to it.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

The summer season is almost here and cost to Guyana is more than $700 and climbing.


Will visiting Guyana still be an option in the next year?


actually 700.00 to Gy is very cheap..and you can get Business Class as low as 1150.00 on Caribbean Airlines ..try and find that cheaper anywhere else...

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Sometimes when I read comments about the cost of an airline ticket to Guyana I feel sick. Some of you guys are worse than Jews. Is not like U$700 is gonna break your bank balance. Most of us on GNI earn that kind of money within a week if not two at the most. Some even earn it in one day.

So stop the bitching about the cost. either you wanna go home and chill out, or you want to stay in the US or Canada and chill out. That's all there is to it.

You the pity the fool, should give this advice to yourself as you have not taken a visit to Guyana in decades. You ignorance of the development in the country is indicative of how you speak like a dummy on this forum. You only visit stinking Suriname which you adopted due to your relationship with its drug running leader. ahahahh

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Sometimes when I read comments about the cost of an airline ticket to Guyana I feel sick. Some of you guys are worse than Jews. Is not like U$700 is gonna break your bank balance. Most of us on GNI earn that kind of money within a week if not two at the most. Some even earn it in one day.

So stop the bitching about the cost. either you wanna go home and chill out, or you want to stay in the US or Canada and chill out. That's all there is to it.

You the pity the fool, should give this advice to yourself as you have not taken a visit to Guyana in decades. You ignorance of the development in the country is indicative of how you speak like a dummy on this forum. You only visit stinking Suriname which you adopted due to your relationship with its drug running leader. ahahahh

Oh rass Gurd, just because you're in cahoots with the drug running leader(s) of Guyana you really believe everyone else does?

Originally Posted by Vish M:

How did you figure that out?


Try to have an opinion on the article.

Tell you what Vish T&T will bailout CAL and GEo will continue to get service.  This without the Guyana govt having to invest one cent.


Totally unlike Ezjet and the other fly by nights which you endorsed which collapsed at major inconvenience and loss to passengers.


thank god the ppp government have no say in how CAL is run they might thief it into bankrupt you guyanese in US will have to start using balloons to get to the land of sinbad

This is a Malicious and unfounded allegation.
I have reported this to the ADMIN for the necessary corrective.
I am requesting more info on this Mr T.
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

So? You got to spend some of that money you embezzled at some stage. Now is as good as any.

Vish M

Bail out $$ for Caribbean Airlines if it needs

The management of Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) has denied recent reports that the airline is need of $100 million immediately to stay afloat. However, it is agreed that a further subsidy of $30 million may be necessary.

A media report this week said Caribbean Airlines, fresh off a US$100,000 fine, was in need of a cash injection from the Government.

But CAL’s Vice Chairman, Mr. Mohan Jaikaran, said the airline is in no financial danger and the amount needed is much smaller.

Speaking to reporters in Couva on Wednesday, Transport Minister Chandresh Sharma said if CAL needs money, then money will be made available.

“Every industry in this country can use more money. We are growing, we are expanding and once money is required for good economic returns, directly and indirectly, money has to be found.”

Like other companies in the transportation and manufacturing industries, another challenge Caribbean Airlines is facing is controlling its emissions as Government seeks to tighten regulations.

MP for Couva North and Minister of State in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Ms. Ramona Ramdial, said the Environment Management Authority (EMA) is already getting resistance from the industry.

“The air pollution rules is already before the LRC (Legislative Review Committee) to be reviewed. It has been accepted and therefore it is going to be laid in Parliament very soon. So the industrial emissions, we have raised the standards. Some of the industries are not happy with us because they are claiming it’s going to be an additional cost to upgrade their plants.”

The Minister said sacrifices have to be made for the sake of the environment.

“But we have to take stringent measures in protecting the environment and therefore the air pollution rules will seek to do just that.”

The new emissions regulations will be laid in Parliament soon.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
This is a Malicious and unfounded allegation.
I have reported this to the ADMIN for the necessary corrective.
I am requesting more info on this Mr T.
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

So? You got to spend some of that money you embezzled at some stage. Now is as good as any.

Could you stop reporting posters and please  fight your battles. In your heart of heart you knowthat you did not embezzle anyone so why worry.


I agree with Chief, Vish. 


And T, you're dead wrong about Vish on this. You should apologize for slandering Vish's good character. You want to aft eater Vish? Then do so with facts. Until then you're just irrelevant and would be in the same league as Rev

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

How did you figure that out?


Try to have an opinion on the article.

Tell you what Vish T&T will bailout CAL and GEo will continue to get service.  This without the Guyana govt having to invest one cent.


Totally unlike Ezjet and the other fly by nights which you endorsed which collapsed at major inconvenience and loss to passengers.

Now you ketch sense, see how smart the PPP was in giving CAL national carrier status!

Originally Posted by Amral:

watch the personal attacks guys, you are once again acting like your underwear is too tight.

tellin someone they underwear too tight is a personal attack...lespecially big belly people

Originally Posted by Kari:

I agree with Chief, Vish. 


And T, you're dead wrong about Vish on this. You should apologize for slandering Vish's good character. You want to aft eater Vish? Then do so with facts. Until then you're just irrelevant and would be in the same league as Rev

Vish may have a few loose screws and love publicity  but  this brother is not dishonest.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Kari you is the last man who should talk. The oil drilling operation you are involved in has a lot to answer for.

T, you do not know me, my character, or anything else about me. All you know about me is what you glean from my postings and responses. So listen up..... Vishnu is not a thief. I have NOTHING to do with with ANY businesses in Guyana or in the US other than my workplace. 


You want to know more about me? Google my name - Mohamed Aftab Karimullah. Check me out on any of the social media sites - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. I am very transparent. What you see is what you get.


What do we know about you? You hide behind a keyboard and throw things at people like a wus. Man up..... Say who you are so we'll know your credibility. Show the facts about any of the people you slander and libel. 


I have no time for you man. I am comfortable in my being. Try being that way.


Brother T and I have a few things in common, one of them is our mutual love foir Suriname and HOlland.


However sometimes the man can go off on a tangent.

Kar how you doing buddy, did you had a goosd time in California?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

How did you figure that out?


Try to have an opinion on the article.

Tell you what Vish T&T will bailout CAL and GEo will continue to get service.  This without the Guyana govt having to invest one cent.


Totally unlike Ezjet and the other fly by nights which you endorsed which collapsed at major inconvenience and loss to passengers.

Now you ketch sense, see how smart the PPP was in giving CAL national carrier status!

What is so smart about the PPP FINALLY coming to its senses after encouraging the establishment of fly by night carriers?


Now what will indicate a sign of PPP intelligence is when they, the hoteliers and tour operators work with CAL to establish proper travel packages from North American and UK eco/adventure tour operators so that Guyana can attract 50k people who will travel to interior locations so that those who live there have other options aside from destroying the environment.


Did the PPP negotiate anything from CAL in exchange for it being allocated flag carrier status?  NO!!

Originally Posted by Chief:

Brother T and I have a few things in common, one of them is our mutual love foir Suriname and HOlland.


However sometimes the man can go off on a tangent.

Kar how you doing buddy, did you had a goosd time in California?

 Chiefsta I'm at LAX awaiting my flight to JFK.


Suriname and Holland eh, we'll de wifey is Surinamese,as you well know.  T is okay but incriminating statements about people here who we palpably know are NOT in to thievery or backing achieving government then you got to call out this fellah. T can sing the CGX tune for all he cares - I do not work for CGX and I own NO shares and nevhas did. Vish has no il-gotten gains from his involvement in any of the airlines he was involved with.

Originally Posted by caribny:

What is so smart about the PPP FINALLY coming to its senses after encouraging the establishment of fly by night carriers?


Now what will indicate a sign of PPP intelligence is when they, the hoteliers and tour operators work with CAL to establish proper travel packages from North American and UK eco/adventure tour operators so that Guyana can attract 50k people who will travel to interior locations so that those who live there have other options aside from destroying the environment.


Did the PPP negotiate anything from CAL in exchange for it being allocated flag carrier status?  NO!!

They are already doing this, you just are not informed enough that is why you look like a fool every time you open your mouth. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They are already doing this, you just are not informed enough that is why you look like a fool every time you open your mouth. 

Doing what.  Board any CAL flight to GEO and all you see are Guyanese and a few foreign businessmen.


If Guyana has tour packages available via CAL please furnish a link.  Dont see any evidence on their website.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They are already doing this, you just are not informed enough that is why you look like a fool every time you open your mouth. 

Doing what.  Board any CAL flight to GEO and all you see are Guyanese and a few foreign businessmen.


If Guyana has tour packages available via CAL please furnish a link.  Dont see any evidence on their website.

Now you ketch sense, the foreigners are not interested in arduous journey into the rainforest and threat of malaria. They rather kick back at a beach. hahahaah


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