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Former Member

This is the only way you can break the historical stalemate between the PNC/PPP, and finally, Guyana can be united as one. The same way AFC was encouraged to join APNU, I would be happy if supporters from both sides can bring PPP into APNU's folds as soon as possible.

I know some of you may cuss and think foolish of this idea. If you are living abroad and selfish, then the idea is foolish. If you want the best for Guyanese at home then the idea an excellent one. 

I refused to live as a slave to politics and politicians from PNC & PPP. They both hold equal responsibility for Guyanese suffering. They both playing a mind game with voters. Yet, none of them have to worry where their next meal is coming from. All Guyanese deserve the basic necessity of life, which is Job, house, and security for themselves and family. But this seems like a luxury or too much to ask for. 

Folks, think about the Guyanese people. Think about their future and safety. It's sickening when we pull against each other and butter up these hypocrites that's causing us to hate each other and hate our country.  


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Bai, why would the PNC want that.  The PPP days of an overwhelming Indian majority is over.  The PPP called for it pre-1992, then the PNC called for it with the PPP in power. Now they have their country back with a much weakened PPP, why the need.  With oil around the corner and a dying sugar industry, the PPP is in a weakened position.  That opportunity has been squandered. Did the PPP not contemplate this day?

Baseman posted:

Bai, why would the PNC want that.  The PPP days of an overwhelming Indian majority is over.  The PPP called for it pre-1992, then the PNC called for it with the PPP in power. Now they have their country back with a much weakened PPP, why the need.  With oil around the corner and a dying sugar industry, the PPP is in a weakened position.  That opportunity has been squandered. Did the PPP not contemplate this day?

the ppp destroy it self when they steal and flash they big house and fancy cars now the indian people have to look for a new leader or they will wonder in the wilderness for a long time


I am all for uniting Guyanese in a meaningful way, therefore, I suppor this call. The PNC and PPP are at a tug-of-war pulling away from each other and causing the people of Guyana to do the same.

How long this division of Afro and Indo been going on in Guyana, and how long more would you like this to go on?

For those of you who are concerned about thievery, that would not change. I guarantee you that. The

PNC/PPP has been raping the country from inception. The oil wealth is more thieving. But at least the people of Guyana will be equally represented by their respective representatives. 

I cannot foresee any idea better than this to truly benefitted Guyanese as a whole. 

If any of you have a better idea for the PPP, that will give both Afro and Indo peace of mind, please state your case. 





Cobra posted:

I am all for uniting Guyanese in a meaningful way, therefore, I suppor this call. The PNC and PPP are at a tug-of-war pulling away from each other and causing the people of Guyana to do the same.

How long this division of Afro and Indo been going on in Guyana, and how long more would you like this to go on?

For those of you who are concerned about thievery, that would not change. I guarantee you that. The

PNC/PPP has been raping the country from inception. The oil wealth is more thieving. But at least the people of Guyana will be equally represented by their respective representatives. 

I cannot foresee any idea better than this to truly benefitted Guyanese as a whole. 

If any of you have a better idea for the PPP, that will give both Afro and Indo peace of mind, please state your case. 

Guyanese will Unite, Blacks with Douglas!


If all hell breaks loose in Venezuela as predicted tens of thousands of refugees would cross over the border yo guyana and remain there. In time their numbers will make a political force. Guyana's huge size and small population makes her very vulnerable.  Blacks are not as safe as some of you would like to believe.  They are also worried about being overwhelmed by other groups just like Indians.  The political environment for the decades are ahead is very difficult for us to reasonable predict. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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