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Former Member

By Indos and Afros to come together and fight for a common cause. In so doing, they must demand that the government change its racial policy and act in the interest of all the people equally.

It doesn't matter how long you were in politics, who you know or who know you. Guyana will not change from racial politics until the people find a common ground to build on and force government to comply. 

The British leave us (race) to fight over. Government use it to their advantage. But the Guyanese people should not have to live with the British disease forever.

It takes one good man or woman to bring about change. From that one person, it will spread to villages, and eventually, it becomes a major front to reckon with. 

If I tell you that your every day bickering over Blackman, Coolieman and Buckman is entertainment on GNI, would you believe me?

Yes, its entertainment at its best. 

The change that Guyana needs is serious business. This is people, cooperation, and greater sacrifice that produces results.

Guyana doesn't belong to Black only or Collie only. It belongs to all Guyanese.

When you can finally see Guyana for what it is, you will then agree that you have been prostituted by the Black and Coolie leaders that you trusted all your life.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

By Indos and Afros to come together and fight for a common cause. In so doing, they must demand that the government change its racial policy and act in the interest of all the people equally.

It doesn't matter how long you were in politics, who you know or who know you. Guyana will not change from racial politics until the people find a common ground to build on and force government to comply. 

The British leave us (race) to fight over. Government use it to their advantage. But the Guyanese people should not have to live with the British disease forever.

It takes one good man or woman to bring about change. From that one person, it will spread to villages, and eventually, it becomes a major front to reckon with. 

If I tell you that your every day bickering over Blackman, Coolieman and Buckman is entertainment on GNI, would you believe me?

Yes, its entertainment at its best. 

The change that Guyana needs is serious business. This is people, cooperation, and greater sacrifice that produces results.

Guyana doesn't belong to Black only or Collie only. It belongs to all Guyanese.

When you can finally see Guyana for what it is, you will then agree that you have been prostitutes by the Black and Coolie leaders you trusted all your life.





On point.....


The people of a Country decides the way they want to live and the Form of Govt they want by going to the Ballot Boxes. Civic Organizations and Society at large( Social, Religious, Clubs, Village Councils) all are important in carving a path to moral, civilized, progressive and united societies.

Unfortunately, the majority of Guyanese dance to the tunes of socalled Leaders and Namakaram Crabdaags. People need to think for themselves, it is not difficult to know right from wrong and good from EVIL!!!1

Nehru posted:

The people of a Country decides the way they want to live and the Form of Govt they want by going to the Ballot Boxes. Civic Organizations and Society at large( Social, Religious, Clubs, Village Councils) all are important in carving a path to moral, civilized, progressive and united societies.

Unfortunately, the majority of Guyanese dance to the tunes of socalled Leaders and Namakaram Crabdaags. People need to think for themselves, it is not difficult to know right from wrong and good from EVIL!!!1

Thanks for the afternoon chuckle............

Last edited by GTAngler

This is the call that Indo fear the most. They would rather cry racial bias and find faults to say that the PNC is responsible for their woes. While the PPP did the same to Blacks, Indos chose to be blind. Sorry to say, but there no good Indo left to save their sorry asses.                      

The one that are in Granger circle must tow the PNC line. The Blacks that are within the PPP, must have to think like Coolie. 

All the show buzz that Granger chose Nagamootoo as his PM, and the PPP had Sam Hinds for the longest while, is nothing more than to show a balance in the parties of the two major races that they depend on to put them in power every five years. 

Cobra posted:

This is the call that Indo fear the most. They would rather cry racial bias and find faults to say that the PNC is responsible for their woes. While the PPP did the same to Blacks, Indos chose to be blind. Sorry to say, but there no good Indo left to save their sorry asses.                      

The one that are in Granger circle must tow the PNC line. The Blacks that are within the PPP, must have to think like Coolie. 

All the show buzz that Granger chose Nagamootoo as his PM, and the PPP had Sam Hinds for the longest while, is nothing more than to show a balance in the parties of the two major races that they depend on to put them in power every five years. 

Bai abie want wan third party. If de cobra is de leader me going to vote foh he. 


Cobra finally started a thread where members can have a very open but friendly discussion.

Race has been the nucleus of Guyana's politics from the inception. Five additional races ended up in Guyana as a result of slavery and the white man's quest to retain a labour force and maintenance of their sugar estates and financial interest.

Africans bore the brunt of the brutality of slavery and the most inhumane conditions know to mankind. Indos and other races suffered but nothing compared to what Africans suffered. Then came Jagan and Burnham who exploited the issue of race to maintain their political influence.

My grandfather told me that Afros and Indos lived relatively peacefully until politics was introduced.

The 60's saw the darkest period of our history's race relations and Guyana never recovered from that dark era. Afros and Indos mistrusted each other even further as Burnham and Hoyte governed, rigged elections and suppressed freedom for 28 long years of which many Guyanese fled Guyana.

1992 was a very exciting time as Guyanese experienced a free and fair election which ended a long period of dictatorship rule. Indos progressed tremendously and Afros were felt left behind and as if they were not part of the economic success during that period.

PPP maintained free and fair elections, freedom of expression and the media flourished. Success led to other problems of Narcos and Money Laundering of which the PPP seem uninterested to address. Their MP's became arrogant and a few were accused to theft, none of which had been proven to date.

The AFC entered the scene with a promise to bring balance, fairness, ending corruption, ending racial difference and saving the sugar and rice industries. None of which have been achieved as those very politicians became worse than PPP MP's. A small percentage of a segment the population believed the AFC and as a result the PNC came to power in what some are still claiming was a rigged elections.

We are back to square one since the AFC died a slow death to point where they are hiding under the PNC umbrella from political heat and backlash. The AFC literally killed the opportunity for any third force to appear and have any impact for a very long time. They will now appear and disappear as quick as the sun rises and dusk. There is currently no appetite in Guyana for a third force as Indos who left ran back the PPP and Afros today feel safe with the PNC.

Granger has show a lack of leadership and destroyed an opportunity to rebuild race relations by Invoking Burnham and violating the constitution by unilaterally appointing a GECOM head in what many are calling the buildup to a dictatorship era.

AFC/PNC has the oldest dinosaurs for politicians. The PPP also has a few. These dinosaurs have to go before young politicians are given room to grow and mature. Until then, Guyanese can talk and talk is cheap.

The biggest push for now should be for both PPP and PNC supporters to open up the bellies of these giant Political Parties and remove their rotting gut. 


GNI's fearless.



Last edited by Former Member

It is very diificult for any politician from the PPP or PNC to lead a Third Force. Their political cultural has been an undemocratic one, quite evident with the AFC under the PPP Ramjattan and the PNC Raphael Trotman.

Both men were upset about giving up the power of the position.

I am hoping rational voices in the letter columns promote a platform for Alternative Leadership in Guyana.     

yuji22 posted:

The douglas are in a very powerful position but so far they have not realized or are prepared to step up and form a political organization in there interest. Depending on the PNC to uplift them will sink them further in a worse off position than Afros.

Hope that they wake up.


Nonsense,your condescending attitude towards African Guyanese and Africans are noted.

Guyanese don't need advice from bigots and racist who thinks aligning with the PPP an Indo Guyanese Party,made up of self serving individuals,will do better for their well being.

Last edited by Django

The Douglas is mainly between Blacks and Indians. They are brought up between the two cultures. The new generation are not very much into politics. Any future changes would depend on education and who will able to achieve their goals. At present, the military is much in focus. 

Government is about what vision they hold for Guyana. 


Cobra posted:

The Douglas is mainly between Blacks and Indians. They are brought up between the two cultures. The new generation are not very much into politics. Any future changes would depend on education and who will able to achieve their goals. At present, the military is much in focus. 

Government is about what vision they hold for Guyana. 


Mixed 2012 Census

























Do you think so,here a breakdown from 2012 Census.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The douglas are in a very powerful position but so far they have not realized or are prepared to step up and form a political organization in there interest. Depending on the PNC to uplift them will sink them further in a worse off position than Afros.

Hope that they wake up.


Nonsense,your condescending attitude towards African Guyanese and Africans are noted.

Guyanese don't need advice from bigots and racist who thinks aligning with the PPP an Indo Guyanese Party,made up of self serving individuals,will do better for their well being.

Django, you lack basic comprehension to analyze what I wrote. Please read what I wrote very carefully twice and you may understand.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The douglas are in a very powerful position but so far they have not realized or are prepared to step up and form a political organization in there interest. Depending on the PNC to uplift them will sink them further in a worse off position than Afros.

Hope that they wake up.


Nonsense,your condescending attitude towards African Guyanese and Africans are noted.

Guyanese don't need advice from bigots and racist who thinks aligning with the PPP an Indo Guyanese Party,made up of self serving individuals,will do better for their well being.

Django, you lack basic comprehension to analyze what I wrote. Please read what I wrote very carefully twice and you may understand.

I understand clearly what you wrote,what is difficult  from your writings which is lower than a fourth grader.

Baseman posted:

A third force may come out of one of the other races, or mixed. Too much distrust between the two main races.  

Whatever anyone thinks, neither of the two main parties will solve the underlying issues. Too much historical baggage!

Now that we know neither party would fix the major problem, why can't the PPP come out with something new like rallying more black supporters to represent the party, knowing the election is quickly approaching? 



You cannot change 200 years of indoctrination that the koolie is a physically, racially, culturally and socially inferior race of people. The only workable solution is the creation of an independent sovereign country for the East Indian people of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana. 

Cobra posted:
Baseman posted:

A third force may come out of one of the other races, or mixed. Too much distrust between the two main races.  

Whatever anyone thinks, neither of the two main parties will solve the underlying issues. Too much historical baggage!

Now that we know neither party would fix the major problem, why can't the PPP come out with something new like rallying more black supporters to represent the party, knowing the election is quickly approaching? 


Bai, it just don’t happen like that. The PPP is viewed as a coolie party and PNC Black.  It ain’t going to change with a rally.  The leading personalities in both parties are tainted.  

I believe something new from one of the other races under a new banner.  I don’t hold much hope though.  I believe Guyana will become predominantly black and Indians a large minority!

The PPP acted as this day will never come. Now it’s here, Blacks will not give up power easily.  They have the institutions to help them pull it off.  The errors of the PPP was not only tactical, but also strategic, as such, will not be undone with the stroke of a hat if it ever could be undone!

And nothing has really changed. I don’t even trust the cabal, why will Blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many tried to build unity between Indians and Africans and failed. Their failure has nothing to do with PPP or PNC. It has to do with mindset of mistrust that came down from generations ago prior to the emergence of the PPP. The PPP ermerged as a party to unite these two groups and others. 

The current PPP will unite Guyana?

Cobra poste

, why can't the PPP come out with something new like rallying more black supporters to represent the party, knowing the election is quickly approaching? 


Black people still shiver with fear about how they were treated under the PPP. Select a black man who has a black following and this will ensure that the PPP is serious.  But you know full well that this will never happen because all the PPP supporters will flock to a revitalized ROAR, lead by Jagdeo.

Baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
Baseman posted:

A third force may come out of one of the other races, or mixed. Too much distrust between the two main races.  

Whatever anyone thinks, neither of the two main parties will solve the underlying issues. Too much historical baggage!

Now that we know neither party would fix the major problem, why can't the PPP come out with something new like rallying more black supporters to represent the party, knowing the election is quickly approaching? 


Bai, it just don’t happen like that. The PPP is viewed as a coolie party and PNC Black.  It ain’t going to change with a rally.  The leading personalities in both parties are tainted.  

I believe something new from one of the other races under a new banner.  I don’t hold much hope though.  I believe Guyana will become predominantly black and Indians a large minority!

The PPP acted as this day will never come. Now it’s here, Blacks will not give up power easily.  They have the institutions to help them pull it off.  The errors of the PPP was not only tactical, but also strategic, as such, will not be undone with the stroke of a hat if it ever could be undone!

And nothing has really changed. I don’t even trust the cabal, why will Blacks.

You speak the words that comes out of my mouth, but only better. 

Well said, again. 


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