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Imagine if President Bush attended the opening ceremony of an institution launched under his administration and hung Republican symbols and no American flag. Or that Obama launched something and had only the Dem donkey symbols and no American flag. Imagine the well justified outrage!

This photo shows what a backward, classless, ignorant, arrogant, petulant, sniveling bunch of creatures run the PPP. No Guyanese flag. Just their own.

We get the message Mr Ratman and Mr Fatman. It seems that the PPP, not Guyana's resources built this. So it will most likely be for YOUR people, who worship your flag. There is nothing NATIONAL about you. When you govern a NATION fools, it is for ALL the people. The COUNTRY'S flag is what is displayed, not your own you tactless, backwater clowns!

Yet you mutter your inane dribble in your speeches that you are "for all the people".

Oh, as for the hospital? In 5 years or less it will turn to shit, that is, if it ever finished. Quality is not in your vocabulary.

@Bigan Choka posted:

How is the Ocean View Hotel ... opps I mean Hospital doing these days.

Granger did a fine job with that project

As I've said here many times, 55+ years of sheer incompetence by THREE parties - PPP, PNC, Coalition. Sheer shit from all of these interlecktuals. Write and talk nuff shit but they have accomplished NOTHING since independence and the country lays in ruins in so many ways.

The PPP sycophants are impressed with words. Promises count as progress. Anyone who thinks this "hospital" has a chance in hell of survival has to be a duncified goat. The only people who will benefit here will be the contractors and the bribe takers.

That's how the story goes in Guyana.


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